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Politics Strong Message from the Archbishop of Buenos Aires Directed at Javier Milei


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During the ceremony and in front of Milei, he said, "Something is not right when we have very wealthy leaders and a very poor working people. Many lack the social thermometer to understand what ordinary Argentinians are going through." Referring to the issue with soup kitchens. Will they ever see eye to eye? It's not good for the church to consistently reject Milei's administration with negative comments.

I listened to it live, and he’s right about a lot of what he says, but I also understand that this isn’t a new problem. The issue is that Milei doesn’t empathize with the most vulnerable, and I think that’s what the archbishop was trying to say. I believe Milei needs to reorganize his priorities and address the most urgent issues first, like this one.

In Argentina, six out of ten children are poor. Hungry children who rummage through garbage, children who have not attended school or who have only a very basic education ,” he exclaimed.
It is shocking the amount or people living in poverty in Argentina but it’s been high for a while.

The same goes on in the States with a big divide between politicians and people that are struggling.

I think the issue in Argentina is that Milei thinks things are better than they really are.
I think the issue in Argentina is that Milei thinks things are better than they really are.
Poverty is not a new issue in Argentina. The real problem is the belief that things are better than they actually are, as you mentioned. We must acknowledge that this is a long-standing issue that requires sustained efforts and realistic solutions. Hopefully, this problem will become a priority for Milei.