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Politics Strong response from Luis Caputo to Pablo Moyano: “You are a mere bully whom the entire country hates” - Infobae

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Strong response from Luis Caputo to Pablo Moyano: “You are a mere bully whom the entire country hates” - Infobae​



May 10, 2024

The Minister of Economy reacted after the union leader disqualified him at the press conference given by the CGT for the general strike

The minister and the union member exchanged insults

Luis “Toto” Caputo and Pablo Moyano starred in a strong confrontation this Thursday, in the middle of the general strike called by the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) . The Minister of Economy responded harshly to a disqualifying statement that the head of the Truck Drivers ' union had dedicated to him during the press conference in which the labor union took stock of the strike.

It all started with a tweet from the official on the social network account X. There, Caputo expressed solidarity with the workers who, in his view, were harmed by the measure of force promoted by the unions. During the conference, Moyano was consulted by a journalist about this expression. Moyano was lapidary: "For Caputo to show solidarity with workers, with the damage he did when the loan of 45 billion dollars was toiled, it is like Barreda talking about the family, the truth is that these guys have no face," the truck driver shot. .

The response from the head of the Treasury Palace came a couple of hours later. “Thank you Pablo for your continuous insults. They are welcome, since you are everything that no good Argentine wants to be. You don't represent anyone. You are a mere bully that the entire country detests ,” responded, without euphemisms, the Minister of Economy of the National Government.

In the closing of his post, Caputo was equally harsh: “And I tell you that I know how to swim, so if you want to clean me, try some other method,” he wrote.

The exchange of accusations and insults between the head of the Truckers union and the Minister of Economy was part of the dialectical battle that arose in the second half of the day of the general strike. The union leaders insisted on highlighting that the strike called had been “a success” and that the vast majority of workers decided to join it, as a sign of their rejection of the policies of President Javier Milei.

The postcard on the street, however, showed images of commercial activity in different cities of the country, although a strong impact of the strike on public transport, since the Unión Tranviarios Automotor (UTA) decided to adhere to the force measure, thus which the functioning of urban groups had been significantly reduced.

The National Government did not take long to echo this postcard and sought to discuss the arguments of the union members. Numerous officials indicated that a good portion of workers did not agree with the strike and expressed their willingness to work normally, amid difficulties.

That was the context that found Minister “Toto” Caputo seeking to reinforce that argument. “My solidarity goes out to all the workers who cannot go to work today and will earn less at the end of the month as a result of this strike. I feel that unionism is increasingly distant from reality. People have already opened their eyes and are clear that they can only get out of this disaster with effort and sacrifice, not by spending taxpayers' money or printing pesos so that they are worth less and less. Let us continue to trust, we are on the right path,” the minister had written. Those words unleashed a furious response from the Truckers' leader.

The CGT highlighted compliance with the strike (Maximiliano Luna)

“With great satisfaction, we report that the national strike on May 9 was a resounding success, with high support throughout the country. This forceful demonstration of rejection of Javier Milei's policies reflects the commitment and union and class consciousness of Argentine workers. Also that the unity in action of the three union centers is a determining factor," was the message summarized in a document distributed at the close of the day by the Argentine Workers' Central (CTA), adhering to the call of the CGT and deepening the dispute. dialectic between both sectors.