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Politics Strong warning from the Government to Congress: “We don't have time, if we take a year to discuss the law, not one more peso will come in” - Infobae


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Strong warning from the Government to Congress: “We don't have time, if we take a year to discuss the law, not one more peso will come in” - Infobae


January 07, 2024

The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, responded to the criticism of the Omnibus Law by deputies and senators and ratified: “There is a need and there is urgency”.

The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos (Maximiliano Luna)

The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, today sent a message to the deputies and senators who raised their doubts and criticisms of the< /span>We don't have time, if we start discussing a law that will take us all year, not one more peso will enter Argentina, no one will invest, and we need investments, otherwise everything will stop.” that the Executive sent to Congress to debate in extraordinary sessions, and stated: “ Omnibus Law.
The official, in dialogue with radio Miter, also questioned the general strike ordered by the CGT in repudiation of the first measures of the libertarian government, and maintained: "There is need and urgency, we must issue the rule quickly, which allows us to influence the economy Argentina, that clear signs are given that we are changing.”
“This is the opportunity for change, let President Milei govern, who has legitimately won an election; He has not yet served a month in the government and he is already unemployed, and they want to delay a law," he said, and completed: "We are making an effort to have the law with half a sanction in the month of January."

The so-called law “Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines” includes 664 articles, plus 6 annexes, which would imply profound changes in economic, tax, financial, energy, health, and administrative matters , electoral, pension, social, educational, and security.

It ranges from an ambitious political reform and a new method of establishing retirement mobility, to modifications in tax matters and in agricultural withholdings, tax laundering and the privatization of public companies.

It also refers to different aspects of citizens' lives ranging from changes in the interpretation of self-defense and simplified divorce, to mental health law and trial by jury, among many other areas.

Brief visit to Antarctica​

Beyond the parliamentary discussion on the law, and the negotiation to obtain the votes of opponents and blocs allied to the ruling party, Francos was part of the delegation led yesterday by the president Javier Milei to Antarctica, together with the general secretary of the Presidency, Karina Milei; the Minister of Defense, Luis Petri; and the chancellor, Diana Mondino. It was a fleeting visit, less than 24 hours.

The Head of State visited the Marambio Base to start an environmental project and formally begin the First Scientific Research Expedition of the International Atomic Energy Agency on the Antarctic continent. Upon landing, he was received by the Station Chief, Vice Commodore, Damián Ariel Rizzo; the Scientific Chief of the First stage of the Antarctic Summer Campaign, Sergio Santillana; and the official of the National Meteorological Service Noemi Troche.

Milei with her sister Karina and Luis Petri

After passing through Marambio, he moved to the Esperanza Base, where he remained there for about 60 minutes. In this second leg of his trip, he was received by authorities of the scientific station and held a meeting with the Chief of the station, Gustavo Cordero Scandolo; the Scientific Head of the Multidisciplinary Antarctic Laboratory, Rocío Nigro; and the official of the National Meteorological Service, Franklin Flores Quispe.

As part of the trip, Milei held a meeting with Rafael Grossi, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Both agreed on a cooperation understanding between Argentina and the IAEA for the use of nuclear technology to control plastic pollution in Antarctica.

As explained about the program, cooperation activities include the organization of expert missions and training for sample taking and analysis, as well as logistical support to facilitate access of scientific personnel to Antarctica. The initiative is called NUTEC Plastics and is a program for the study of marine plastic pollution that covers almost all the world's seas, except the Antarctic. “Through this agreement, our country will extend this program to the White Continent,” the Government reported.
