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Supermarket of the Future coming to Argentina - No cashiers!


Well-known member
One of the things I hate about supermarkets is waiting in lines. This sounds like it would be amazing for Argentina!

I love the cashier-less lanes at the grocery stores. I saw this concept in the States with Amazon Fresh. Great technology. Nothing worse than dealing with unfriendly or inefficient cashiers. If technology keeps up going so fast we will probably see more of this.
I love the cashier-less lanes at the grocery stores. I saw this concept in the States with Amazon Fresh. Great technology. Nothing worse than dealing with unfriendly or inefficient cashiers. If technology keeps up going so fast we will probably see more of this.
This is great. I agree about technology and it's role across many businesses here. Here in California, they implemented a $20 USD/hour minimum wage at fast food restaurants and since then we have seen many start putting in almost all automated check out with touch screens. Even through drive-through in many places it's all voice recognition.

The country club I belong to has gone away from humans cutting the grass to all robots doing the work. It would be good to see this in Argentina. The downside is it's going to eliminate a ton of jobs but this is the direction that we are heading into the future.
This is great. I agree about technology and it's role across many businesses here. Here in California, they implemented a $20 USD/hour minimum wage at fast food restaurants and since then we have seen many start putting in almost all automated check out with touch screens. Even through drive-through in many places it's all voice recognition.

The country club I belong to has gone away from humans cutting the grass to all robots doing the work. It would be good to see this in Argentina. The downside is it's going to eliminate a ton of jobs but this is the direction that we are heading into the future.
This will be very bad if even more people lose they jobs.
I can't see Argentina going full scale on this. Even in the United States I heard they were getting rid of some of the Amazon stores because of theft. I can't imagine in Argentina! People will find a way to steal and the stores would lose out. Besides a few lanes I don't think this will be the norm here