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Newcomer Supplies for diabetes passing through customs


New member
I'm planning to travel to Ushuaia via Buenos Aires EZE at the end of February. I'm curious if anyone has successfully brought insulin pen needles through Argentine customs. If you have, could you please share any advice or tips? Thank you.
In my experience with Argentine customs, it seems their focus is on items brought in quantities for resale rather than those intended for personal use. While it might be prudent to have a printed prescription, I find it hard to believe that personal medical supplies would attract much attention. Personally, I haven't brought such items before, but having landed at EZE approximately 20 times, I've observed that few individuals are asked to open their bags. Perhaps someone else can share more specific experiences?
I can offer specific experience in this matter as one of my grandchildren has diabetes. There's really nothing to worry about, as customs and security agents are familiar with diabetic supplies and it has never posed an issue. Enjoy your trip to Argentina!