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Real Estate News Temporary rentals - La Nación


Temporary rentals - La Nación



September 16, 2023


Legislators should focus on repealing the current rental law, so that the rental market can flow freely again

According to our civil law, properties that are rented furnished, for tourist or similar purposes, for less than three months, are exempt from the minimum rental terms, currently three years. These are generally used by foreigners and tourists and are usually priced in US dollars.

There are those today who seek to regulate these temporary rentals called Airbnb , creating registries of landlords, preventing contracting in dollars and setting sanctions for cases of non-compliance.

The alleged argument to justify this unfortunate initiative is that they compete with long-term rentals and raise rental prices. Comparing the foreign tourist who rents an apartment for a few days with the enormous number of people who make up the urban rental market is another real nonsense. It is frankly paradoxical that when various candidate projects to govern the country's destinies propose the dollar as the single currency or bimonetaryism, it is proposed to de-dollarize these tourist rentals, which precisely incorporate dollars into the country. It is also absurd that they are trying to generate a new regulation, with a new registry, to prevent short-term tourist rentals. Measures of this type violate property rights.

Similar initiatives in foreign cities, which would only admit the bread & breakfast modality (renting rooms in one's own house), makes one suspect that other interests drive this unnecessary regulation. Temporary rentals for tourist purposes are usually cheaper than hotel rates, also in dollars, and perhaps this is one of the reasons for such a strange attempt at regulation.

Lawmakers should focus on repealing the current rental law, so that the rental market can flow freely again.Temporary workers have no relationship with the rental market on which they have a minimal impact. The desirable goal is deregulation, freedom of contract and respect for property, with minimal intervention by the State.



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