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Politics Tension in Misiones: the national government created a crisis committee after the police protest for salary improvements - Infobae

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Tension in Misiones: the national government created a crisis committee after the police protest for salary improvements - Infobae​



May 18, 2024

The measure was ordered by the Ministry of Security and aims to “reestablish internal security” after Posadas Police officers demonstrated in front of the Radioelectric Command to ask for salary increases.

Police protest in front of the Radioelectric Command in Misiones

The national government ordered the constitution of a crisis committee to deal with the situation in the province of Misiones, which is going through days of tension and conflict as a result of different salary protests , one of which is organized by the Posadas Police, with agents who They demonstrate in front of the Radioelectric Command, causing chaos and lack of control in the capital city.

The committee will be chaired by the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich , and the missionary governor, Hugo Passalacqua . It will be made up of members of the National Gendarmerie, the Federal Police, the Naval Prefecture, the Airport Security Police and the Federal Penitentiary Service. It will operate “until the situation that gave rise to it ceases and security is reestablished in the province.”

The measure was ordered following a request from the Misiones government and aims to “contribute to a better and more efficient organization of the territorial deployment of tasks aimed at the prevention and control of urban order for the ejido of the province,” as stated. in the resolution that bears the minister's signature. Along these lines, the arrival of federal agents is expected.

As Infobae learned , the provincial government spoke with Guillermo Francos, Minister of the Interior of the Nation, due to fear that the situation would escalate. From this conversation, official sources confirmed that a squad formed by approximately 200 gendarmes will be transferred to the province, as a show of support from the Nation towards the missionary governor. However, federal forces would not intervene or exercise any type of violence.

The police protest takes place at the intersection of Félix Bogado Street and Uruguay Avenue. According to local media, it all started at 4:30 in the morning this Friday with a deafening noise of sirens that alerted the neighbors. Since then, at least 100 troops gathered at the barracks and burned tires in the surrounding area.

Already at dawn, pickets joined in with banging pots and banners highlighting the wage demand. These gained strength with the participation of retired police officers and relatives of members of the interior, who mobilized to the place to emphasize the demonstration.

The movement generated a significant deployment of people who blocked the passage of pedestrians and vehicles on Uruguay Avenue, one of the busiest in the city. Throughout the day there were several attempts to free traffic in the area. This afternoon a meeting was held between Investigating Judge Ricardo Balor and the Police spokespersons who were cornered in the building.

However, despite the approaches of the local and provincial authorities, the protest did not stop and continued towards this night with police who decided to camp in front of the Radioelectric Command .

The police held a picket and decided to camp at the site.

In dialogue with Agencia Hoy and LT 4, retired Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Germán Palavecino stated that all the measures and requests in recent months “were not listened to” and that is why both the police and prisons of the province reached this extreme measure. “At a minimum, we need the basic basket to be guaranteed and that is more than 100%,” he indicated.

The protesters also stressed that the barracks was not taken - as initially reported - and that it functioned normally this Friday.

The truth is that, in this context, the portfolio led by Bullrich considered necessary an "urgent coordinated effort by the National State and the province of Misiones in order to restore internal security."

In the resolution, it was reported that the minister and the missionary governor “will order the initiation, suspension and conclusion of the application of force and will arrange the graduation of its intensity. They may summon all the officials and organizations they consider necessary for the best fulfillment of the established plan.”

Teacher salary claim in Misiones​

In the last few hours, the teaching union also held a demonstration to ask for a salary increase, in its case with a mobilization to National Route 14 . It was not the only time they did it: in the middle of the week, in Jardín América, around 100 education workers completely interrupted traffic at kilometer 1440 of the same road, according to a local source.

The teaching conflict for better salaries has been going on for several days in Misiones (Udnam Misiones)

On Route 14, near Guaraní, a group of approximately 30 teachers gathered to march towards Plaza San Martín, while in Aristóbulo del Valle, self-convened teachers from that town and from Salto Encantado marched using half a road, from the roundabout on National Route 14 and Las Américas Avenue to the Paraguay Avenue roundabout. In San Vicente, after an assembly, teachers blocked national route 14 at kilometer 1251, allowing vehicular traffic every two hours.

At the level of salary negotiations, the dialogue table between representatives of the provincial government and the teaching field will continue next Monday. The Government's position is to consider the salary claim within the entire public administration as fair, maintaining a vocation for consensus that is reflected in a third salary update in May.

Likewise, the Provincial Teacher Incentive Fund (FOPID) was launched in Misiones to cover the percentages owed by the Nation after the termination of the FONID, which will be paid in the week of May 20 to 24.