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Politics The “ghost” eaters of the left, the definition of Cristina Kirchner and other notable phrases by Javier Milei - Infobae

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The “ghost” eaters of the left, the definition of Cristina Kirchner and other notable phrases by Javier Milei - Infobae​



May 21, 2024

The president spoke in the midst of the diplomatic conflict with his Spanish counterpart, Pedro Sánchez. Furthermore, he said that the former president “is falling into inconsequentiality” and went out to the intersection of Eduardo Belliboni and Roberto Baradel

Milei blamed Kirchnerism for the diplomatic conflict with Spain

Javier Milei reappeared this Monday in the midst of the diplomatic conflict that he unleashed with the Government of Spain after his harsh statements against the wife of President Pedro Sánchez . The Argentine president described his Spanish counterpart as a “coward” and raised the tone of the discussion.

In addition, he referred to the alleged cases of corruption surrounding the picketing organizations; He spoke about the failed May Pact and announced that there will be a “surprise” at the presentation of his book next Wednesday night.

Below are the most notable phrases from Milei's interview on Todo Noticias (TN) on Jonatan Viale's program.

- “I am the greatest exponent of freedom, whoever likes it.”

The libertarian leader pointed out that his latest tour “has shown” that he is “in another league” and that this “irritates” opponents. “It shows the insignificance of silver politicians, how stupid they are, how little reach they have,” he lashed out at “the caste.” “Where I go I generate an earthquake, envy? “They would love to be where I am,” he continued. When asked about his recent trip to Spain, he said that the talk with Vox “was impressive” and “very exciting”: “People started shouting freedom and that filled me with pride and satisfaction because we are going for the right fight.”

“Every time I go out I put Argentina at the center of the scene, but in a privileged place, that is why the most important businessmen want to talk to me,” he considered. In that sense, he highlighted that he met twice with Elon Musk, whom he defined as the "most important businessman on the planet." “What I am doing is taking Argentina to the world, because businessmen have already realized how disastrous the global elite is and those who have to do with the 2030 Agenda, with these well-mannered socialists who deep down "They end up destroying everything," he declared.

- “Sánchez is such a coward that he needed to go out and hit me through women.”

The Argentine president redoubled his criticism against his Spanish counterpart in the midst of the diplomatic dispute. This time he described Pedro Sánchez as a “coward” and pointed out that he “works aligned with Kirchnerism to try to sabotage our government.” “He cries interference in the campaign, but he openly campaigned for (Sergio) Massa; "They called me everything, delirious, crazy, selling organs, children... don't let them cry interference," he pointed out against the Government of Spain.

“The coward Sánchez got under the women's skirts and ordered me to attack the women of the space. He needed to go out and hit me with women, a thing of fierce cowardice. During the speech I said 'it's not something that you have a woman involved in causes of corruption that makes you dirty', where did I mention her? “She incriminates herself,” she continued.

Javier Milei, president of Argentina, during his speech at the Vox political convention "Europa Viva 24" that was held this Sunday at the Vistalegre Palace, in Madrid
- “I am not going to apologize from any point of view.”

Milei reaffirmed that he will not apologize to Sánchez. “How am I going to apologize, if I was the one attacked?” “In addition, the order of magnitude of the attacks by Sánchez and all his people were done in such a crude and bad way by posting it on the networks that there is talk throughout the world about the cases of corruption of women and that he is involved in that for influence peddling,” he said. “Who is the totalitarian when he puts a personal problem into dynamiting the relationship between two countries to favor a movement that tries to advance with coup intentions?” she asked herself.

- “Half of the dining rooms are ghosts.”

The president highlighted the role of the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello , in “containing the most vulnerable” in the midst of the crisis, but also for having “uncovered so many cases of corruption.” “One of the things that Pettovello resolved very quickly was how the corruption mechanism worked; We removed the mechanism of extorting people, we enabled complaint lines and began to put the streets in order; “We remove the mechanism of extortion and robbery from the most vulnerable,” she said in relation to the confrontation with the picketing organizations and the cuts in the area of Human Capital. In this context, she referred to the “scandal” of the canteens: the Government points out that more than half of those registered do not exist. “Half of the dining rooms are ghosts. The ones that exist tell you that they receive 500 people and if you go you realize that 50 come in,” Milei summarized.

- “Belliboni is a criminal”.

The president targeted the Polo Obrero leader, Eduardo Belliboni, in the midst of complaints against the leaders of the organizations accused of extorting beneficiaries of social plans. “Belliboni is a criminal. I do not endorse theft in any way, but I think that stealing bread from the mouths of the most vulnerable seems much more cruel to me,” he said.

Javier Milei confirmed that there will be no May Pact on Saturday
- There were weeks of deflation in food.

In a message addressed to the middle class, he pointed out that the Government has not only given “containment to the most vulnerable segments, because we double the AUH, the food card,” but has also launched subsidies so that families can pay for schools: “ We put in place a mechanism so that middle-class people would not have to change schools because that is very traumatizing.”

“All of that is working. When you start looking at the real salary, but instead of looking at the price index you look at food, salaries are a little above inflation, in others they are tied, but in the dynamics they are growing more than inflation; but, on the other hand, you see that in food the difference is monumental. There were weeks of deflation in food,” he defended his economic policy and remarked: “We are correcting the depressed prices left by Kirchnerism.”

- “I was always convinced of shock.”

The president defended his government's economic policy and stated that the objective was always “to carry out a very quick shock program” because “we were on the brink of what would have been the worst crisis in history.” “I was always convinced of the shock, if you look at the empirical evidence, all gradualisms ended badly. To do gradualism you have to have financing and Argentina did not have it,” he justified.

- “Let Baradel do what he wants.”

Asked about the national teaching strike called for next Thursday with Roberto Baradel at the head, Milei said: “Do you think I'm not going to answer Baradel? Let him do what he wants.”

- “I look at Twitter all the time because it's faster than the media.”

Milei was consulted about his connection with journalism. He noted that he “strongly values” journalistic activity, although he warned that “some journalists make mistakes.” “They have criticized us and thanks to that we incorporated and corrected it. It is also not true that they will not make mistakes and it is the essence of human beings to make mistakes, when they provide good information we are the first to value it” and “the good thing is that when they see the error, they correct it quickly,” he added. In that sense, he defended his constant influence on social networks: “That's why I'm looking at Twitter all the time because it's faster than the media.”

Javier Milei (REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian/File Photo)

- “There is going to be a surprise.”

Milei announced that next Wednesday, when her new book is presented at Luna Park, “there will be a surprise.” Without further details, she clarified: “There is no money from the State, I finance my things.”

- “We had the best trains in the world and they were English.”

After last week's train crash and the conflicts recorded on various lines in recent days, the president was consulted about the potential privatization of the railway network. In that sense, he responded that “there were two very large investment funds” that “enter into very long-term businesses” and that “there is a strong interest in developing the railway sector in Argentina.”

- “Cristina is falling into inconsequentiality herself.”

Asked about Cristina Kirchner's latest appearances in which she pointed out that the surplus achieved by the Government in recent months "is false," Milei lowered the price of her statements. “She is falling into insignificance herself. Her last appearance was in a small room... she is already the past, before everyone was paying attention to what she said and today the last speech passed without pain or glory.

- “I don't see Karina looking forward to it.”

Faced with the latest movements that his sister, the Legal and Technical Secretary, has been making, the president pointed out that what she is doing is to “accompany” him. “She doesn't show intentions, she wants us to have our own instrument, but you see her perform and you are surprised,” she highlighted. However, he said that he “does not see her wanting” to compete electorally.

- “Macri told me that I have to sleep.”

Milei highlighted the bond he has with the former president. “I get along great. Today he wrote to me 'you have to sleep'; 'I was trying,' I put it,” she said of the brief exchange he recently had. She also revealed that Macri told him that he must control the ego: "It's something that I talk to my rabbi about: the problem comes from three places, lust, greed and ego, and you know that you have to have that aligned."

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