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Politics The 10 most notable phrases from Javier Milei's speech at the Libertad Foundation - Infobae

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The 10 most notable phrases from Javier Milei's speech at the Libertad Foundation - Infobae​



April 25, 2024

Before an auditorium full of current and former officials, economists and different actors from politics, culture and entertainment, the president defended his economic program and launched harsh criticism towards the opposition and economic consultants.

Milei on financial balance at Fundación Libertad

Javier Milei closed the Libertad Foundation dinner last night . Before an auditorium full of officials, former officials, economists and different actors from politics, culture and entertainment, the president defended the adjustment he is carrying out, assured that the economy will grow and launched harsh criticism - and ridicule - towards the opposition and economic analysts.

The head of state spoke for around 50 minutes. “Hello everyone,” he introduced himself using his voice and proceeded to thank the organization and point out that he felt “honored” by the presence of former president Mauricio Macri and the president of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou. He also highlighted the participation of his Security Minister: “Genia Patricia (Bullrich).”

Below are the 10 most notable phrases from Javier Milei's speech:

1 - “They use noble causes to try to destabilize a government because they know they are going to lose and they will not come back.”

In the final stretch of his participation, the president highlighted the economic numbers that he listed on national television this week. In this framework, he pointed out that "the fall in the country's risk predicts that the economy will rebound in the future" and pointed out against the opposition for joining the university demonstration: "That is why they are so nervous and use noble causes to try to destabilize a government. “They know they are going to lose and they don't come back again.”

2 - “The economy is going to rise like a diver's fart.”

On several occasions during his participation he resorted to humor in the midst of his analysis of the economy. In a fragment, he announced that “when the year ends we will have returned 15 points of GDP in savings to the private sector. Do you want to know how the economy is going to grow? "It's going to rise like a diver's fart."

3 - “The Central Bank is a matter of time, I'm going to get it.”

This Wednesday he once again raised his plan to eliminate the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic. “I believed that having a Central Bank that did things well was possible, I believed that we could until December 28, 2017 when they took it away and that is what caused the return of Kirchnerism,” he expressed.

4 - “There are several Messis in the team.”

Milei harangued his officials and, drawing a parallel with football, stated that "Messi scores the goals and we have to start scoring goals." He then highlighted: “I feel that there are several Messis in the team, Toto (Luis Caputo) is Messi, Patricia is Messi, Guillermo (Francos) is Messi, Diana (Mondino) is Messi, each one is a Messi in his position.” .

Javier Milei on the Bases Law
5 - “The Soviet who is in the province.”

This is how the president defined the Buenos Aires governor, Axel Kicillof. When addressing the issue of inflation, he criticized the referent of Kirchnerism by treating him as “that boy, who is in the province, the Soviet, says that it is an exaggeration” and questioned him because “they don't even know the calculation of what the inflation is like.” inflation that is exponential.”

6 - “There is no historical record in the history of humanity of an adjustment of such caliber in three months.”

This is how he celebrated the first measures applied since he was in charge of the administration: “The sanitation of the BCRA meant that from having a quasi-fiscal deficit of 10 points of GDP, today it is at 4 and on its way to 3. When the next inflation rate comes, another one more point we are going to add. "There is no historical record in the history of humanity of an adjustment of such caliber in three months."

7 - “To say that politicians are monkeys with knives is to insult monkeys.”

Milei spoke in harsh terms not only about the leadership, but also about economic analysts; although he did not name any of them by name. “When some professional economists, out of ignorance or resentment, say 'there is no stabilization plan,' and how does the inflation rate go down? What is magic? No. We leave the amount of money constant.”

“What do you want, a five-year plan? I am not a communist, I am a libertarian liberal, that has to be determined by businessmen, not a bureaucrat. As much as it may be to politicians, they are not God, they are worse than the average human being. Saying that they are monkeys with knives is insulting the monkeys. So, I say, how am I going to be pricing? "I'm liberal, that is, let's say, it gives me hives."

Milei criticized the government of Alberto Fernández
8 - “Our heads are burned with socialism in blood.”

He said this in reference to the complaint received for promoting the flight of dollars. “When I say that the one who ran away with money is a hero, an idiot comes and he makes a judgment on me. It's great, that is, the stream accusing the honest, it couldn't be clearer. That is why it is no coincidence that we have 100 years of decadence, if we have a burnt head of socialism in our blood.”

9 - “You have to get involved, otherwise the orcs are going to rule.”

“They understand it perfectly, we don't seem to realize it: power is a zero-sum game, if we have it, they don't have it. They understand it. “They can have López's bags and they will continue to deny it,” he said, pointing to Kirchnerism.

10 - “For the first time we are hitting public spending hard and evenly.”

“For the first time we are hitting public spending hard and evenly, we are fulfilling Rothbart's dream. A real drop of 35% in public spending, that is getting the State out of the way. The true fiscal pressure is the size of the State, if we cut it like that, I am giving them back crazy freedom. More than applause we should be rejoicing.”