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Real Estate Sales The 4 keys to selling a property better and faster - La Nacion Propiedades


The 4 keys to selling a property better and faster - La Nacion Propiedades


June 11, 2024

All the answers to sell a house successfully and in record time

By Candela Contreras


The secrets to selling a property in record timeShutterstock

When thinking about selling a property, the location and characteristics of the property are not enough, there are various factors that must be taken into account to speed up the process and make it less tedious . According to experts in the real estate market, having it in the best conditions is always an investment , not an expense.

There are various factors that intervene in a real estate transaction. One of the important points on which market analysts agree is hiring a real estate agency , “the main benefits for the buyer consist of having a variety of offers at their fingertips , peace of mind and legal security, shorter purchase and negotiation times.

professional in the face of market offers.
Not hiring this service implies the risk of suffering loss of time, money and opportunities. For the selling part, we can list customer filtering, greater product dissemination, professional negotiation and efficient communication as the main ones ,” lists Martín Boquete, director of Toribio Achával.


Deeding a property requires having certain legal knowledgeCrizzyStudio - Shutterstock

1- How to define the publication price?​

One of the keys to take into account is the publication price that potential buyers will find. In this case, the first value with which a property is disseminated is key and can define the direction of the process. Brokers agree that an overprice can end up “burning the property . ” In other words, the lawsuit will identify that the property has been published for a long time.

Soledad Balayan, owner of Maure Inmobiliaria , highlights that properties have their own characteristics that will weigh in the decision of the publication price. However, she explains: “What is advised is to be aware of the actual sales values of the operations that are closed. It is very important to consult with the real estate agency at the time of the appraisal what were the last sales made of similar units.”

An apartment to be recycled is not the same as one ready to move in or an internal one without light than one that has a balcony and stands out for its luminosity, according to the broker's graph . “There are certain attributes that are important and that can make the unit unique or difficult to achieve, that give it a value beyond the current situation. However, if it is one more in the pile of what is being offered, the price should be below the average publication to achieve visits,” she specifies.

On the other hand, from the buyer's point of view, the appraisal by a real estate agency “will reflect possible problems that the property may have , such as: humidity. That is, the repairs that would need to be made are put on the table and that is reflected in the appraisal. Without advice, perhaps whoever visits it will not even realize that there are water leaks or pipes to replace,” adds Diego Cazes, director of LJ Ramos.

Along these lines, he points out that, to sell a property, it is important to coordinate on average visits with 10 potential buyers. “The big problem with properties that come on the market at an overpriced level is that they cannot close a single visit. By not reaching possible interested parties, it is difficult to achieve a counteroffer,” he asserts.

Fabián Achával, owner of the homonymous real estate company, states in the same sense, who maintains that it is not advisable to publish a property at a higher price and consider the percentage of counteroffer. “The most advantageous thing is to publish at a real value to attract visits and not negotiate it. The strategy that works today is to publish at the appropriate price, with almost no negotiation margin and notify the real estate agency that this is the closing value,” he says.

In numbers, in the city of Buenos Aires, there are around 66,000 houses, apartments, PH or land for sale, and the average price is US$2,243 per square meter, according to the real estate portal Zonaprop .


The first price assigned to a property is key and can define the direction of the processHernan Zenteno - LA NACION

2) How to seduce the potential buyer?​

Using good photographs of the property is key when bidding, as well as achieving a good presentation of the property for the time of visits. One of the most used marketing techniques is home staging : which improves the presentation of the property and makes it more attractive by highlighting its strengths, through different tools such as:

  • Depersonalize the environments : remove all those objects that are too personal, and the bathroom and kitchen must be tidy and clean. The potential buyer likes to imagine the house with their own things, so minimalism helps a lot in these cases.
  • Intervene spaces : in a dark environment, for example, you can illuminate the corners with floor lamps; or put pots with flowers in the windows.
  • Remove furniture to highlight spaces and generate good circulation : the overload of large objects does not allow you to see the real dimensions of the property or imagine the potential of each room.

In fact, when this technique is used, the sale of a property is completed in 35 days instead of 130 , according to the survey carried out by Lumina, a Spanish company that offers services and training in home staging. “A primary need when going out to market a property is to clear, neutralize and make the spaces suitable for any audience,” says Sergio Catini, founder and director of Estudio 3R, a multidisciplinary studio that works on image and communication. of real estate projects.


The same space transformed by the home staging techniqueKindness Home Staging MotivationalR

3) How not to find surprises in the papers?​

One of the most recurring conflicts in the purchase and sale of properties is the veracity of the documentation . According to Leonor Achával, director of the Achaval Cornejo real estate agency , the activity is not reduced to uniting buyer with seller but also “ requires that you have knowledge of legal and accounting issues.”

“We real estate agencies are responsible for obtaining a certificate of ownership or inhibition to guarantee the veracity of the person who is selling. Sometimes there are even successions or inheritances during life and it is important to have the analysis and support from the real estate agency to know what they mean,” explains Diego Cazes, general director of the LJ Ramos real estate agency. To this information, Achaval adds that the properties may be in succession or may even be inhibited because they did not pay a bill, for example, from ARBA.

In his opinion, Cazes thinks that the biggest risk for the parties is the documentation that is signed, given that “in Argentina there is a lot of falsification of documentation.” “One believes that the operation does not bring commitments and when the person on the other side does not have good intentions, all the emails that are crossed can close the operation in some way and then result in a lawsuit given that they have legal value. Sometimes these problems happen due to ignorance, such as not having experience in the times it takes to probate a property that is for sale,” he clarifies.


When appraising a property, it is advisable to assign a price that is as realistic as possible to the market.Shutterstock - Shutterstock

4)How to sell an unsaleable property?​

The main problem that sellers will have to face is their expectations. The objective will always be to get the best possible price, but when the property has very marked weaknesses, something will have to give. According to the experts, it could be said that there are three main ways to follow when selling a difficult property: the most obvious is to lower the price . The other traditional alternative is to invest in some reform that allows it to sustain or increase its value . And there is a third option, a little more modern, which is the aforementioned home staging .

Which one is chosen will depend on the seller. But below are some tips that can help you decide on the most convenient one:

  • When house defects cannot be eliminated, it is better to whitewash them rather than hide them. What may be unacceptable to some may be a great option for others. An example of this difference is those small, dark ground floors: these “caves” can be used perfectly to install an office there.
  • Instead of assuming the poor conditions of the property by lowering its value, you can invest in improving those most notable weaknesses or even in slightly more ambitious renovations that make it much more attractive.
  • Who hasn't found themselves, while searching for a property online, with a photo of a bathroom that has the toilet lid raised or a blackened curtain? Or clothes thrown on top of a bed in the image of a room? Or the clothesline in the laundry room? It is as incredible as it is common. Therefore, both when taking photographs and opening the unit to visitors, it is necessary to take great care of the presentation.
  • If you want to go a little further with the issue of the images to be published of the unit, professional photography services specialized in properties are offered, as well as virtual tours, 3D renderings, drone views and virtual models. A tip: do it on good light days.
  • The first impression that the potential buyer has is very important. There are studies that ensure that this impact is that of the first 90 seconds of the tour of the property. That is why it is advisable to pay special attention to the entrance environment and accompany it with a clear message about some of the virtues of unity.

With these recommendations plus good professional advice, it is very likely that any property classified as “unsaleable” will end up finding a new owner .
