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Real Estate Sales The 6 Buenos Aires neighborhoods with opportunities because the apartments have dropped in price - La Nacion Propiedades


The 6 Buenos Aires neighborhoods with opportunities because the apartments have dropped in price - La Nacion Propiedades


September 04, 2024

Property prices are rising, but there are 6 neighborhoods that have remained on the sidelines of the rise recorded in August


Six neighborhoods in the City did not increase in price in the last month and even had decreases Hernan Zenteno - THE NATION

In a market that is gradually showing signs of improvement, property prices continue to rise and in August 85% of the neighborhoods in CABA registered an increase in the monthly listing price . This was indicated in the latest Zonaprop report, although it also indicated that six neighborhoods were left out of this increase.

In fact, the sale price of properties rose 0.6% in August compared to July and has accumulated a 5.7% increase so far this year . The average price is US$2,301 per m², 7% above the minimum recorded in June 2023, although it is still 17.8% below the maximum reached in March 2019.


The average price per m2 in the city rises 0.6% in August Zonaprop

In this sense, the neighborhoods that did not register an increase in price were Retiro (it remained the same), San Telmo (it fell by 0.72%), Villa Pueyrredón (it fell by 0.35%), Parque Avellaneda (it fell by 1.25%), Villa Riachuelo (it fell by 0.46%), Boedo (it fell by 0.51%) and La Boca (it fell by 0.07%).

If this upward curve is analyzed in comparison with other periods, it can be seen that, towards the end of 2022, 20% of the neighborhoods registered monthly price increases. Since then, this indicator has been growing and, in fact, in 2024 it remained above 60%. In the last month, 85% of the neighborhoods registered a monthly price increase, similar to August 2017.

It is important to note that the apartments in the pit are those that have had the greatest increase so far this year. Building today costs 2.5 times what it cost in October 2020 – the minimum in the series – and 9.3% above the 2012-2023 average, according to the latest Zonaprop survey.


85% of neighborhoods recorded a monthly price increase, similar to August 2017.Hernan Zenteno - THE NATION

Which are the most expensive and cheapest neighborhoods?

The neighborhoods that had the highest sales prices in the city of Buenos Aires are Puerto Madero (US$5,938/m²), Palermo (US$3,194/m²) and Belgrano (US$2,992/m²). On the other hand, those that had the lowest prices on the market are Villa Riachuelo (US$1,426/m²), Nueva Pompeya (US$1,390/m²) and Lugano (US$995/m²).

As for profitability, the rent/price ratio is slightly up and stands at 4.29% per year. Therefore, it takes 23.3 years to recover the investment, 25.9% more than what was required a year ago.


Puerto Madero, Palermo and Belgrano were the neighborhoods with the most expensive prices in August


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