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Economy The AMBA train fare increase is effective from today: how the fare table is now - Infobae

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The AMBA train fare increase is effective from today: how the fare table is now - Infobae​



September 16, 2024

The last increase was applied four months ago and there have been no updates since then. Now, the increase is 40 percent.

The increase will be 40%

Starting today, Monday, and as announced by the national government at the beginning of this month, the new ticket prices for trains that circulate in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires (AMBA) began to apply , which suffered a 40% increase . In this way, the minimum ticket, for those users who have their SUBE card registered, went from costing $200 to $280.

By resolution 33/2024 of the Ministry of Transportation , dependent on the Ministry of Economy of the Nation , the new amounts for metropolitan passenger railway public transport services of national jurisdiction and those extended services of national jurisdiction were approved.

This increase in train fares is a result of the call for a citizen participation process launched by the Ministry of Transportation, headed by Franco Mogetta , through resolution 29/2024. The last increase had been applied four months ago and has remained unchanged since then . These increases are combined with those suffered by bus tickets in the AMBA, which jumped 37.5% in mid-August, thus adding another blow to users' pockets.

With this increase, the rates were established as follows: the 0 to 12 kilometer section will go from the current $200 to $280 , the 12 to 24 kilometer section from $260 to $360 (an increase of just over 38%) and the section of more than 24 kilometers will reach $450 , from the previous $320.

The minimum ticket price is now $280 on all metropolitan lines. (NA)

These prices are effective as of Monday for the Tren de la Costa, the Mitre Line, the Sarmiento, the General Roca train, the San Martín, Belgrano Sur, Belgrano Norte and General Urquiza lines . The amount is for those who have the standard SUBE card , while the cash fare is set at $900 .

According to information provided by the Ministry of Transport, with this increase, train fares now cover 16% of the “real” cost of the fare, that is, the price without subsidies. Until today, this coverage is 11%, and it was 3% when Javier Milei 's government took office according to calculations by the Ministry led by Franco Mogetta.

In addition, fares for extended jurisdiction trains have increased, meaning those that reach cities that are not part of the AMBA, as is the case of the Belgrano Sur Line for the section that includes González Catán - Navarro and the General Roca Line, on the Cañuelas - Lobos , Cañuelas - Monte and Alejandro Korn - Chascomús routes . In these cases, prices now start at $224 and the most expensive ticket is now $1,120.

The same applies to the Victoria - Capilla del Señor and Villa Ballester - Zárate sections (Mitre Line); and Merlo - Lobos or Merlo - Mercede s (Sarmiento Line).

In its recital, the provision alleges that, through DNU 70/2023, a public emergency was declared in economic, financial, fiscal, administrative, pension, tariff, health and social matters until December 31, 2025.

"It is extremely necessary and urgent to take the necessary measures to restore and normalize the maintenance and safety conditions of the railway system, and it is therefore necessary to ensure the restoration of income for its sustainability," the regulations state.

On the other hand, the social rate also increased. In fact, the Social Rate now has a fifty-five percent (55%) discount, compared to the rate table applicable to users who pay with nominal SUBE. In this way, users subject to the benefit will pay from today $126 for the shortest trip; $162 for trips between 12 and 24 kilometers; and $202.50 for trips of 24 kilometers or more.

Discounts on train travel with the SUBE card will continue to operate in the same way in September, ensuring that users can continue to benefit from this significant saving. The Sube Network program , which offers discounts of 50% and 75% on the ticket price, will continue to be valid for all train lines that circulate in the AMBA.