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Politics The arrival of Francos to the Chief of Staff revitalizes the link between the governors and the Casa Rosada - Infobae

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The arrival of Francos to the Chief of Staff revitalizes the link between the governors and the Casa Rosada - Infobae​



May 29, 2024

The leaders celebrated their landing in the place occupied by Nicolás Posse and hope that it will be a channel to solve the management problems that are multiplying in the midst of the economic crisis.

By Joaquín Múgica Díaz

The majority of the governors celebrated the arrival of Francos to the Chief of Staff

The arrival of Guillermo Francos to the Chief of Staff was good news for the governors. Most of them maintain an intermittent relationship with the Government, they hardly speak with Milei and during these first five months of administration, they always found in the now former Minister of the Interior the main interlocutor with the Casa Rosada.

The definition that Francos gave in his first interview as Chief of Staff accurately portrays what the provincial leaders think. “The President chooses me because he realizes that Argentine politics is complicated for him because he does not understand it, because he has differences, for x reasons and I have a greater possibility of dialogue,” he said.

The governors always saw Francos as the Government's main communication channel. It is logical, because his role as Minister of the Interior had that mission. But the strange thing was that there was no type of connection with the Chief of Staff. “Politics is handled by Francos ,” they repeated in Balcarce 50 every time an issue of the leaders touched the physical space of the ministry led by Posse. That's over. Now the ball will always go to Francos.

Milei's determination to empower him is a consistent signal to governors . It is whitewashing that he needs more capacity to manage politics and have the right people to do it. The relationship with the leaders has already been worn out by the extensive negotiation of the Base Law and the withdrawal of funds from the provinces. He is a powder keg that does not explode due to institutional responsibility, but that does not mean that there is no bad mood behind the scenes.

The governors see in Francos one of the few channels of communication with the Government (REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian)

In this context, the arrival of Francos is the certification that the governors will have viable contact with the Government through an official who increased his power within the official scheme. He is just on the side of that iron triangle that Milei spoke of, which she makes up with her sister Karina and the advisor Santiago Caputo.

So far the former Minister of the Interior fixed what the President broke . He was able to rebuild the relationship with governors who had been friendly at the beginning of the administration and who were later accused by the smaller presidential circle as traitors, due to the fall of the Omnibus Law. Francos forged a bond with most of the leaders that gave him the opportunity to show productive political management, everything that Milei did not want or could not do.

One of the fears that the leaders are experiencing is that Francos will not be left out during his administration , as happened during the negotiations for the Omnibus Law. Many governors saw in the minister an official with whom they could seek agreements, but who always had to ask for validation to make decisions. And that he often promised answers that never came.

Guillermo Francos with the governors of the center of the country

“He is a man of dialogue and that is good news. "He is a conciliatory figure ," they indicated in a province in the center of the country. Until now, Francos has been one of the key links to negotiate the delicate articles of the omnibus law and to transfer the Government's objectives in Congress to the provinces.

Dialogue is always a value in politics, but it is even more important when the Government is not characterized by having the capacity to negotiate with the different sectors of politics. And that was what happened to the ruling party in most of the dialogues it had with opposition legislators to be able to sanction a law that has already been in negotiations for four months.

“We hope to be able to enter into the discussion so that there are solutions for the provinces. "We do not lose hope ," they warned in one of the largest districts in the country regarding the arrival of Francos. There is no illusion, but there is peace of mind. There is, above all things, a conviction that the way to generate a good bond with the Casa Rosada is, without a doubt, through Francos. Nobody expects anything from the rest of the ministers. Not even the head of state himself, with whom they have little contact.

There were a handful of governors who publicly expressed their satisfaction with the new chief of staff. “He is a good interlocutor that we had in these first months of management and it is positive that he is going to occupy a place of even greater relevance. We have good dialogue and communication,” said the president of Entre Ríos, Rogelio Frigerio.

"I'm very happy. I have a very good relationship with Guillermo Francos. He has endured and endured everything, and I believe that he is a well-deserved recognition of a man from the Government who, through thick and thin, is accompanying us. He gives us the opportunity to converse, to speak and to be able to resolve many issues,” stated the governor of Salta, Gustavo Sáenz.

Javier Milei empowered Guillermo Francos, the new Chief of Staff (REUTERS/Leandro Bustamante Gomez)

The other viable and decisive communication channel is the one that unites them with Santiago Caputo , the communication strategist, who has more influence every day in political issues, and who has been in charge of shaping the identity of the Government and the President. In addition, to devise the construction of the story that identifies the management and the cultural battle that Javier Milei carries out permanently.

“What has to change are the policies, not the names ,” they stated in one of the Peronist governments most in conflict with Milei. The governors who are part of the hard line of Peronism do not see too many changes with the arrival of Francos because they understand that Milei suffocated the provinces financially, and that he will continue to do so despite the renewal of the cabinet and the empowerment of the former Minister of the Interior .

The governors celebrated the arrival of Francos to the Chief of Staff, but they know that the relationship will go through several moments of tension , because the recession process is advancing throughout the country, economic activity is falling and the Government still does not transfer him. funds to the provinces. It is a delicate combo that puts several leaders on alert, who hope to find in Francos a way to achieve a less conflictive relationship between the provinces and the Nation.