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Real Estate News The avenue that became the new star of the northern area - La Nacion Propiedades



Properties: The avenue that became the new star of the northern area​

December 6, 2023

With its own identity, the Maipú corridor is emerging as an option in Vicente López, Olivos and La Lucila for the medium segment; What are the new residential proposals like and their prices?

By Victoria Aranda


Maipú Avenue in the sections of Vicente López, Olivos and La Lucila is a boom of new constructions

“It's the location, stupid.” This reformulation of Bill Clinton's old phrase - which alluded to the economy as the secret of his political success - applies perfectly to understand why the Maipú Avenue corridor is presented as a true star of the northern zone, with a notable transformation with the naked eye of the main artery.

Maximiliano D'Aria, owner of the homonymous real estate company, indicates the exact date on which this transformation began. “In the last 10 years, we have seen an incredible growth of innovative and high-end projects on Maipú Avenue,” he says, highlighting the characteristics of the offer.

According to the broker, the public began to appreciate it as a quick communication route to the Capital - it was born as a continuation of the Cabildo in Puente Saavedra -, as well as to value it for its proximity to the riverside and recreation area, reasons that tip the balance. in favor of this choice. “All this, at more attractive prices than those that can be found on Avenida del Libertador,” he highlights.


This building is located in Olivos on Maipú Avenue, in front of the Presidential Fifth, it is a construction that was stopped in 1974 and is now being reactivated

Comparisons and concrete numbers​

According to the broker, today, from General Paz to Paraná Street, there is the largest number of projects in execution in the entire area. How advantageous are the securities? In the case of towers with amenities – one of the new and characteristic products of this renaissance – they range from US$2,200/m² to US$2,900/m².

The price factor is, in fact, not a minor detail. “Even in streets perpendicular to the avenue, it can be below US$2,000/m2 ,” says D'Aria, noting that the m² in a similar building on Libertador Avenue starts at US$3,700/m².

In this sense, the broker highlights that on Maipú Avenue there is an attractive price range for investors , always comparing with what happens a few blocks away. “For this it is important to highlight that the opportunity is given for the early investor; specifically for what is known as a land and/or well investor,” he points out.


There are opportunities for the early investor; specifically for what is known as a ground and/or well inverter

When it comes to examples, D'Aria cites a project in the making at 900 of the avenue in question, with a value that will start at US$1900/m² for two- and three-room typologies. “Buyers perceive this purchasing opportunity, since they know that if they do not act now, they run the risk that values will change again when the economy recovers,” they point out.

From the management of DIC Propiedades, Javier Igarzábal provides more numbers, pointing out that in the Maipú corridor, brand new one-bedroom apartments are available for US$95,000; two rooms for US$130,000 and three for US$160,000. “These prices go down a lot if you invest from the well,” he emphasizes.


Maipú Avenue in its first 30 blocks allows you to be very close to CABA

According to him, these are locations that allow you to be in CABA in 15 minutes. “At the door of your house you have the Metrobus,” illustrates who is currently marketing projects - both under construction and already completed - of the Fénix Group on the avenue and in its vicinity, such as J'Adore III, “a tower with French design.”

Igarzabal also has in its portfolio options with a more modern imprint such as Cittá or Krystal, all characterized by the latest generation design combined with quality services and features. The same in the case of Bamboo, at 4100 Maipú Avenue, in the La Lucila area, bordering Olivos and Martínez.


Bamboo Project at 4100 Maipú Avenue

“In the case of used ones there are prices with super-affordable proposals; Depending on the characteristics of the units, there are very well located alternatives for up to US$1300/m²; values unthinkable a few years ago,” highlights Igarzábal, emphasizing the opportunity.

Neighbors and clients​

The Libertador corridor was historically considered more premium due to the clear views of the river, good access and the green environment that surrounds it. Today I would say that the new developments on Maipú incorporate many of these benefits with the possibility of obtaining more affordable prices because the cost of the land is lower," explains Alan Flexer, Entrepreneurship Manager at Inmobiliaria Narvaez, sharing, at the same time, the secret of the business.

The firm is marketing Main Tower, with “floor-to-ceiling windows that offer wonderful views of the Río de la Plata and the city” and many amenities, with 103 m² three-room apartments that start at US$215,000, and four rooms, 143 m², from US$350,000.


On Maipú Avenue at 1500, new constructions are now part of the landscape where there was nothing before

In agreement with the other sources, Flexer also highlights the “strategic location” of the corridor, the Metrobus that connects Vicente Lopez and Olivos and the accesses , adding among the advantages the proximity to different shopping centers such as Vicente Lopez, La Lucila and Martínez.

Likewise, they indicate that Narvaez has numerous renowned and traditional schools in the northern area, and a good offer in terms of health , provided by private clinics, public hospitals and outpatient clinics. “The buyer of Main Tower is a resident of the area who wants to improve his quality of life,” they describe, in relation to the client.

“Know all the benefits that the neighborhood offers, but also look for security, design and views,” they add in the real estate agency, also profiling another buyer: “We also receive many interested parties who come from CABA and are looking to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and value green spaces and connectivity.”


The J'Adore project with French style

Block by block​

Lucas Solimano Dal Pos, owner of the homonymous real estate agency, confirms that the client who is looking for the Maipú corridor from Vicente López to La Lucila and passing through Olivos is the resident of the area. And, when referring to the offer, he highlights quality as an attribute of the area. In particular, he refers to Nest Towers, the project that he sells at 600 avenue and whose project, he emphasizes, belongs to RDR Arquitectos, a firm active in Spain , Switzerland and Argentina that has different initiatives in the area.

Likewise, he points out, it is the dimensions of the project site, 3,500 m², which connects the avenue and Las Heras Street, which allow everything from a semi-Olympic swimming pool to gardens with pergolas, passing through the now almost obligatory coworking space, among other amenities and services. According to the interviewee, the values start at US$1,850/m² for the apartments on the lowest floors, up to US$2,300/m² on the highest floors, with views of the river.

The square meter costs a little more towards the Martínez side, an area that is more developed both in terms of premises and buildings,” says Solimano Dal Pos, consulted about the differences within the same corridor, and revealing that in those blocks in private averages about US$2,200/m².


Buildings under construction in front of the Olivos presidential residence.

The truth is that with its almost five kilometers long, Maipú functions as the backbone of south-north traffic in the east of the municipality of Vicente López, next to Avenida del Libertador and Panamericana. As stated, it crosses the towns of Vicente López, Olivos and La Lucila, in addition to Florida.

It ends in another artery already mentioned, Paraná Street, to be continued by Santa Fe Avenue, in San Isidro. It is precisely there, in this precise part of the map of the northern zone, where large trees of the peltophorum dubium variety predominate and where, also, today the real estate offer flourishes.
