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Politics The Book Fair questioned Javier Milei's visit and said that it will not be able to guarantee his safety: “There is no money” - Infobae

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The Book Fair questioned Javier Milei's visit and said that it will not be able to guarantee his safety: “There is no money” - Infobae​



April 26, 2024

Alejandro Vaccaro, president of the Book Foundation, in charge of the organization, gave a harsh speech in which he questioned the head of state and his management: “His measures are attacks on the heart of culture.”

Alejandro Vaccaro, the president of the El Libro Foundation, targeted Javier Milei
The inauguration of the 2024 Book Fair left a strong counterpoint between the president of the Book Foundation , Alejandro Vaccaro , the entity in charge of organizing the popular event, and the president of the Nation, Javier Milei . During his speech at the opening ceremony, Vaccaro harshly questioned the head of state, whom he reproached for the fact that his management did not make contributions to the creation of the fair, and even so he would have claimed to participate.

After despising our fair, he does not blush and asks to participate in this space , whose presence is scheduled for next Sunday, May 12 on the central court of La Rural,” Vaccaro introduced, while his audience whistled at the President. He then explained that Milei's presence would imply an economic effort that the organization is not in a position to face. “Mr. President, I tell you with a hand on my heart, there is no money ,” he said ironically, using a catchphrase from the libertarian leader. That expression sparked applause in the room.

“Your participation in the Fair implies a series of extraordinary expenditures that the Book Foundation cannot afford,” Vaccaro remarked.

“Attending the Fair this year represents an act of rebellion and resistance. “As never before, this active cultural space will be the central axis around which the repudiation of all cultural forces against the devastating policies proposed by this government will revolve,” Vaccaro deepened his criticism.

The convening event will have its 48th edition from this Thursday, April 25 to Monday, May 13, the day on which it will close. The place will be, as is tradition, at the facilities of the Rural Society, in the Palermo neighborhood, in the City of Buenos Aires.

Every year, the Book Foundation, responsible for the organization, has a contribution from the State, at its different levels. This year, however, within the framework of the adjustment that Javier Milei's presidency has been making in all areas of the State, that contribution was altered. Vaccaro himself told it this way: “The memory of our fair does not record that the national government was absent, if not a stand, at this event. The excuse that the participation of the State implied an expenditure of 300 million pesos is a blatant lie.”

"After an arduous negotiation, in which we agreed to all their requirements, Banco Nación decided to withdraw, after many years, its sponsorship of the Fair, revealing that the order came from above," added the president of the Foundation of the Book, without hiding his discomfort.

President Javier Milei with the vice president, Victoria Villarruel, during their participation in the Book Fair in 2023 (Photo: Franco Fafasuli)

The open confrontation towards the head of state is the corollary of a dispute exposed even before the strong speech at the opening of the Fair. Days ago, Vaccaro had expressed his surprise at the Milei president's intention to attend the fair to present a book. “A government that is reviling all cultural expressions, that tried to close the National Fund for the Arts and the Theater Institute, that is dismantling the INCAA, that attacked the Law for the Defense of Book Activity, that announced its refusal to buy millions of books that were scheduled...”, he listed, and then described it as “the most hostile government to culture that I remember.”

Milei has written numerous books and his presence at the Fair has history. However, his new role as first national leader and his policy of cutting funds in all state departments, what he himself proudly calls “the chainsaw,” has been generating multiple conflicts, both due to the way in which the new management executes the adjustment as per the sectors you choose to adjust.

The president plans to present a book that he claims to have ended on long plane trips on Sunday, May 12, at 4:30 p.m. on the Pista Central de la Rural.