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Real Estate News The Buenos Aires government suspended permits for new construction for six months: Details of the measure - Infobae



The Buenos Aires government suspended permits for new construction for six months: Details of the measure - Infobae



August 9, 2024

Jorge Macri signed a decree that does not authorize the start of new constructions. The measure was carried out while waiting for changes in the Urban Code, a project that has already been sent to the Legislature. Developers, builders and neighborhood groups, against

By Jose Luis Cieri


The works that are already underway, such as this one in the Coghlan neighborhood, will continue. If the Legislature approves the modification to the CUR presented by the Buenos Aires Government, large towers can be built on the avenues.

As Infobae reported yesterday , the Buenos Aires city government has suspended permits for construction and renovation of real estate projects for 180 consecutive days or until the new Urban Development Code (CUR) is approved, whichever comes first. The objective is to avoid indiscriminate construction and the issuance of hasty authorizations while the new regulations are being implemented.

This measure is known days after the Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires, Jorge Macri , presented to the legislature the project for changes to the CUR, the regulations that govern what and where is built in CABA, sanctioned in 2018 (which received some reforms in 2020 and 2022).

The objective of DNU 2/24 is to protect the identity of neighborhoods that mainly contain low-rise urban typologies (Low-Rise Sustainability Units 1 and 2), safeguarding them from speculation during the processing of the proposed modification of the CUR sent by the Executive Branch to the Legislature. The provisions adopted do not affect the continuity of all administrative acts in progress, nor the validity of building permits already granted.

In this way, construction and real estate activities can continue to carry out their projects without any impact, understanding the importance that these activities have for the city .

The government's proposals, through the Urban Development Secretariat headed by Álvaro García Resta, seek a balance in the urban fabric based on the preservation of neighborhoods with low-rise buildings, the revaluation of properties with heritage value and the creation of incentives for developers.

The decree halts the issuance of new urban planning certificates required to begin construction and suspends extensions for projects in Low Altitude Sustainability Units (USAB) 1 and 2. However, procedures already initiated will not be affected, since the measure is not retroactive.


The decree issued by Jorge Macri, the head of the Buenos Aires government

The suspension also includes the suspension of urban planning interpretation consultations and the registration of new projects in the development phase, unless they meet strict criteria, such as a maximum height of 9 meters. These areas, called USAB, are low-rise residential zones, designed to preserve the neighborhood character of the city.

Modifications to the CUR

The criteria that will guide the modifications seek an adjustment to the CUR and will be discussed shortly in the Legislature, where the project was already introduced last week. Among the restrictions of the decree are:

  • Prohibition of initiating a consultation process for new works throughout the city of Buenos Aires.
  • Prohibition of starting a registry of new buildings of up to 4 floors throughout the city of Buenos Aires.
  • Cancellation of ongoing consultation files for constructions of up to 4 floors.


The reform seeks to revitalize neighborhood shopping centers

The procedures for consultations and urban planning certificates, used in land sale negotiation processes, require a lower level of technical file preparation.

The suspension affects those who have already purchased land and are in the process of preparing the file, interrupting their ability to begin the registration and, subsequently, the work.

The new code proposes measures to safeguard neighborhood identity, limit building heights in residential areas and promote urban sustainability. Large developments can only be carried out on avenues with adequate infrastructure, seeking to create more permeable spaces within the blocks. In addition, the reform seeks to revitalize neighborhood shopping centers and encourage development in the southern part of the city, through a system of incentives.


The Argentine Chamber of Construction (CAMARCO) and the Housing Business Association (AEV), among other entities in the sector, expressed their disagreement with the measure taken by the Buenos Aires government.

The institutions pointed out that, until the new Urban Planning Code is approved, the current one should apply. “We want to publicly express that we consider the suspension of the granting of construction permits in some districts of the city, as announced by the city government, to be inappropriate,” they said.


Surroundings of Lezama Park. The aim is to promote the southern area of Buenos Aires through the future CUR

The entities warned that this decision will affect activity and generate uncertainty at a time when it is more important than ever to promote investments and generate employment in the country. They pointed out that positive initiatives in progress are being wasted, such as the money laundering for construction and the appearance of mortgage loans. “They explained their reasons to us, which we understand but do not share. There are mechanisms available to avoid speculation without affecting legal security, and we have proposed them. Until a new code is sanctioned after its due participatory process, the current norm should be in full force,” they stressed, emphasizing their position within the framework of the dialogue they promote.

For their part, neighborhood assemblies made up of more than 20 neighborhoods and grouped in “La Interbarrial Buenos Aires” also showed their rejection of the decree. They pointed out to Infobae the questioning of the measure adopted by the city government. They confirmed that the decree claims to respond to a complaint from neighbors, “but that is not true.” They cited that on September 6, 2023, the Interbarrial Buenos Aires submitted through the GCBA's reception desk a request for the suspension of construction projects that exceed the height of 9 meters for a period of 180 days and the granting of urban certificates, as well as the extension of those already issued, only for some polygons of the neighborhoods in urban and environmental emergency.

The parliamentary debate

The legislative process for the bill could take until the end of the year, requiring at least four months and 31 positive votes from the city's 60 deputies.


Jorge Macri said that the new CUR aims to protect the identity of each neighborhood and ensure that new constructions are aligned with the regulations in the process of being updated.

Jorge Macri explained that the objective is to protect the identity of the city and promote sustainable growth, updating the Urban Planning Code to respect the identity of each neighborhood.

The problems highlighted by residents include the height and morphology of recent buildings, the invasion of the lung of the block that should have an absorbent green surface, the saturation of services due to high population density and the loss of neighborhood heritage and identity.

The Urban Planning Code passed in 2018 established a periodic review and now the discussion process begins in the Legislature. First, the project is assigned to the corresponding committees, such as Urban Planning and Constitutional Affairs. In these committees, meetings of advisors, deputies and information sessions are held. Then, the project is submitted for discussion and voting in a first reading session. If approved, a public hearing is called approximately 15 days later.

The bill is then given a maximum of 60 days between the first reading and the hearing, and no more than 90 days between the hearing and the second reading. Finally, it is discussed and voted on in a second reading session for final approval.


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