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Politics The Buenos Aires Legislature approved the inflation increase of the ABL, the real estate tax and patents - Infobae

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The Buenos Aires Legislature approved the inflation increase of the ABL, the real estate tax and patents - Infobae​



May 16, 2024

In addition, legislators voted in favor of increasing the budget of the City of Buenos Aires by 75% compared to the original item presented in 2023.

Jorge Macri managed to get the projects of the Buenos Aires ruling party approved with the help of La Libertad Avanza

The Buenos Aires Legislature approved this Thursday the inflation increases of the ABL, the real estate tax and the patents . With the support of the deputies of La Libertad Avanza, Jorge Macri also achieved an increase in the budget of the City of Buenos Aires by 75% compared to the original item presented in 2023 .

When she spoke, legislator Graciela Ocaña said that the need to update the Buenos Aires budget and the rate increase “is a consequence of the government plan of (Alberto) Fernández and (Sergio) Massa, which led Argentina to an enormous crisis to finance the electoral campaign” of the former Minister of Economy.

The legislators of Unión por la Patria had already anticipated that they would vote against the increase in the ABL based on inflation and even, during the debate in committee, they asked for a comprehensive reform of the tax.

“We have a head of government who is in Narnia, because he is in charge of a project that does not have a single countercyclical measure. The City of Buenos Aires abandons SMEs, businesses and the entire productive sector in the face of an unprecedented drop in economic activity,” accused Kirchnerist deputy Claudia Neira when justifying her negative vote on the measure.

Juan Manuel Valdés expressed himself in the same sense, who assured that Jorge Macri and Javier Milei are “partners of this great rate.”

On the other hand, it was approved to exempt the 600 retirement and pension centers that operate in the city from paying real estate tax and the ABL rate .

On the other hand, those who have paid the ABL at the beginning of the year with the single annual fee will not suffer any update, because they have already paid the entire tax.

Regarding the most important vote of the day, at least for Macri, the ruling party achieved its objective in terms of a significant increase in the budget with a positive result of 38 affirmative votes and 20 negative ones . The PRO was accompanied in that vote by the blocks of the Radical Civic Union - Evolution (UCR-Ev), Public Confidence (CP), United Republicans (RU), Republican Front (FR) and Vamos por Más (VxM).

For their part, the Workers' Left Front (FIT) and Union for the Homeland (UxP) opposed it.

In this way, what was ultimately approved was a modification to the 2024 budget for 4.5 billion pesos .

For the ruling party, the increase was only “giving reality” to a budget that was outdated due to the escalation of inflation in recent months. They also assured that the main resources will be allocated to education, health and security .