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Politics The cabinet meeting was suspended and the Government focuses on avoiding rejection of the DNU - Infobae

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The cabinet meeting was suspended and the Government focuses on avoiding rejection of the DNU - Infobae​



March 14, 2024

All the attention of President Milei and his ministers is focused on the session that will be held today in the Senate to debate the DNU that deregulates the economy

Milei this morning, upon arriving at the Casa Rosada minutes after 08:30
The Cabinet meeting scheduled for today - it takes place every Tuesday and Thursday - was finally suspended for "agenda reasons", as Infobae learned from official sources.

The news was known in the midst of the enormous expectation that there is for the session that will be held today in the Senate - from 11 in the morning - to discuss DNU 70/23 that deregulates the economy.

In this context, President Javier Milei and all the political ministers in his cabinet are focused on the parliamentary debate. Since last night and in the early hours of today there have been frantic calls to the governors to avoid the rejection of the decree of necessity and urgency.

The meeting of Javier Milei - who arrived this morning at the Casa Rosada at 8:34 - with his ministers usually has the presence of Victoria Villarruel , but in the last hours the head of the Upper House was the target of internal criticism for promoting the debate which, in the event of defeat, would have a high political cost for the libertarian administration.

“The Office of the President expresses its concern about the unilateral decision of some sectors of the political class that intend to advance with their own agenda without consultation , in order to hinder negotiations and dialogue between the different sectors of the political leadership,” says the text published by the national government, in a message that many read as a direct reproach to the vice president.


Victoria Villarruel will preside over the session in the Senate from 11 a.m. which, among other topics, will debate the validity of DNU 70. (Senate Press)

"The National Government hopes that the Legislative Branch does not allow itself to be captivated by the siren song of those who intend to 'score' short-term victories to the detriment of the future of the 45 million Argentines," stated in the document that was known about the late Wednesday night, once the call to the Senate session was confirmed.

In this context, it is evident that the focus of the cabinet meeting was not going to be on the escalation of violence suffered by Rosario or on the effects of the storm that hits the AMBA , but on the parliamentary debate that could put at risk part of the plans of the ruling party and could mark a turning point in the internal situation that today seems to divide waters between Milei and Villarruel.

Villarruel had participated at the beginning of the current administration in many of the Cabinet meetings that were held in the Eva Perón room. Then those participations became more and more sporadic. The last time he attended a meeting of this type was on Thursday, March 7, the day before the meeting with the governors. On that occasion Milei did not lead the match.

Argentina's President Javier Milei and Vice President Victoria Villarruel attend the opening session of the 142nd legislative term, at the National Congress, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 1, 2024. REUTERS/Agustin Marcarian

The differences between Milei and Villarruel have been increasing in recent days, especially due to the decision of the head of the Senate to delay the signing of the resolution that annulled the increase in legislators' allowances by 30%. He took 4 days longer than the president of Deputies, Martín Menem, to join that signal that Milei wanted to deliver to society about the “effort” that politics makes in the midst of the economic crisis.

The incorporation of the discussion of the DNU in today's session, which the opposition had long been demanding to discuss in the venue, mainly the members of Unidad Ciudadana and the National and Popular Front, surprised the National Executive Branch , which intended to postpone the debate.

With less than 100 days of management among the main officials and advisors of the Government, they were convinced that the DNU did not have to be treated until the ruling party had guaranteed the 37 affirmative votes that it needs to ratify it, a number that today would be far from achieving. . Peronism has 33 senators. The position of the UCR, which has 13 seats, could be decisive in deciding approval or rejection.

The agenda included in DNU 70/2023 also includes the withdrawal and entry of documents -ambassadors, judicial-, international agreements and authorization for the president to be absent from the country during this year.

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