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Politics The Casa Rosada clarified that, finally, it will summon the governors in stages - Infobae


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The Casa Rosada clarified that, finally, it will summon the governors in stages - Infobae​



March 05, 2024

The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, anticipated this after the Executive reported on Monday that this Friday everyone would attend the meeting at Balcarce 50. The reasons and when would be

Guillermo Francos spoke about the call to the governors
After the call made by Javier Milei at the opening of ordinary sessions in Congress for the signing of a May 25 Pact, the members of the Cabinet seek to advance in meetings with the governors to share the content of the 10 points announced by the President. Although the meeting was expected to take place this Friday , Minister Guillermo Francos clarified that they will be held in different groups and on different dates to, later, bring together all the leaders who will actually sign the agreement.

Francos gave a television interview to the LN+ channel in which he reported that two governors ( Marcelo Orrego and Alfredo Cornejo ) are at an “important mining exhibition in Canada” and added: “There are others who are not there and others who do not want to come, for what I have heard . ” Specifically, as reported by the Minister of the Interior, they will bring together provincial leaders by region and at different stages between Friday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to "then bring them all together."
"We are going to propose a path towards May 25 and give content to that agreement of 10 basic principles to change the Argentine economy and simultaneously we will talk about the pending issues of February, which are bases and a fiscal agreement to resolve the issues that The provinces have resources that have been taken away from them in the previous government to the tax sharing system that President Milei wants to reinstate, such as the Income Tax,” he added.

Governor Axel Kicillof spoke before the Buenos Aires legislative assembly, with strong criticism of President Javier Milei
In that sense, Francos highlighted that the Government wants to start “a different path to agree,” which is why they will also have meetings with the block presidents of the different Chambers.
He also took the opportunity to refer to Axel Kicillof , who used the opening ceremony of the ordinary sessions in the Buenos Aires Legislature to respond to Milei's invitation: “Our response is very clear, count on us for work meetings, for meetings aimed at solving problems , even to debate. But if it's about meetings for photos and marketing... just start if we don't arrive."

“The canchereada is out of place, no one has invited him yet
,” Francos ironically added: “It was a general idea, if he puts himself in that position it is difficult to invite him. If there is no constructive spirit, it is difficult,” he concluded.

As Infobae was able to reconstruct , indeed no formal invitation has yet reached Kicillof. Those around the Buenos Aires governor protest because, as they detail, “of all the claims they made, none were answered” and they denounce that the appropriate funds were not transferred either.

The Minister of Economy Luis Caputo, the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, and the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, coordinated the invitation to the governors to begin the path towards the May Pact
As this media reported , Balcarce 50 warns that all the details of the new battery of measures “are under evaluation” and they will wait to hear from the leaders to make any decision. The tax chapter, for example, could be included in the next package of laws, or treated separately. Although they warn that they could add axes that were not in the original project, such as labor and/or penal and/or pension reform, they do not rule out strictly treating the 300 articles that were left in the modified version in January.

The tactic of “listening” a priori is a reversal compared to the strategy that the libertarians had adopted in the first stage of the administration, when they privileged firmness and confrontation in the face of federal power. “Those were the first rounds. We were measuring ourselves. Today we believe that on both sides we already know that we all have firepower and we need each other,” an official assessed.

Beyond those points on which - they believe - there is agreement, uncertainty prevails in the provinces regarding the Government's proposal, after the President laid the foundations, in broad strokes, of his intentions for the ordinary sessions. Some distrustful dialogue leaders will not stop raising the claim for the restitution of the funds that Economía cut from them in retaliation for the lack of support for their founding project. In the Casa Rosada they say that they will listen to any claim, but they warn, a priori , that they are not willing to deviate from the fiscal goals.