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Politics The Catholic Church warned about the shock of the Government's adjustment and a climate of very high social fracture - Infobae

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The Catholic Church warned about the shock of the Government's adjustment and a climate of very high social fracture - Infobae​



March 20, 2024

The National Commission of Justice and Peace, which is part of the Episcopal Conference, issued a harsh statement about the economic and political situation

Agustín Catamano, 48, is homeless and sleeps in front of an institution of the Catholic Church in Buenos Aires (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

The Catholic Church warned about the economic and social situation in the country. The National Commission of Justice and Peace (CNJP), one of the organizations of the Argentine Episcopal Conference (CEA), issued a harsh statement in which it assured that the impact of the adjustment implemented by the Government affects “ the subsistence of thousands of people from all over the world.” ages and conditions ”, and warned about a “ climate of very high social fracture ”.

This ecclesiastical body, made up mostly of lay people, summarized the set of negative economic figures for the population, which includes the increase in unemployment , the fall in registered salaries in the public (25%) and private (19.3%) sectors, retirements . “The loss of jobs is a painful fact,” stated the text about the construction sector, in which “60,000 direct jobs” have already been destroyed, or total suspensions in automotive plants.

In commerce, SME retail sales plummeted 28.5% annually in January and there was also a decline in the “SME Industrial Production Index, which registered an average drop of 30% year-on-year in January,” the text noted. They also pointed out against a recent measure by the Government in relation to the closure of Family Farming organizations , which “is currently defunded, in a state of alert and abandoned by public organizations.”

“Added to this delicate production situation is the general decline in consumption and the systematic deterioration of purchasing power . Without a doubt, persistent inflation and price and rate increases have created a devastating combination for the daily lives of Argentines. The registered average real salary lost 21.3% of its purchasing capacity between November 2023 and January of this year, continuing its fall to the present,” indicated the CEA body.

We are even more concerned that the adjustment shock has fallen on the 'retirement and contributory pensions ' account (in real values: -38.1% year-on-year) which, due to its magnitude, explains a third of the cut, registering a very serious decrease of retirement income and health and disability benefits,” the statement stated.

“The permanent cuts in areas of public policy management are creating problems that put the most basic rights at risk in access to education or health , but they extend even to primary needs such as food itself. The situation in the soup kitchens is pressing due to the increase in people attending and the lack of food provision,” she pointed out.

The Episcopal Conference warned of the "climate of very high social fracture"
Politically, the CNJP recognized that there is “ support for the current management by low-income sectors , or even directly affected by inflation and recession” along with the “express support from sectors with greater resources, led by the chambers of large companies.” Furthermore, this sector of the Church warned about the “ climate of very high social fracture , polarization with repeated expressions of “joy” on social networks in the face of dramatic situations of layoffs, with social aggressiveness that is found on mobile devices and computers. an unparalleled expansion space.”

The Commission is composed of believers and professionals such as Miryan Andújar, Veronica Chicon, Pablo Comeglio, Juan Luis Diaz, Norberto Liwski, Rita Meza, Pablo Narvaja, Nicolás Palma and Ayelén Tomasini . From 2021, Martha Arriola , Presbyter Hernan Martin, Laura Ranella, Mariana Roel, Juan Jose Sanchez, Alfonso Santiago, Matthew Schale, Jose Urtubey, William Valera and Alberto Vicenzi were incorporated .

The last time that the Catholic Church held a formal dialogue with the Government was a few weeks ago , when President Javier Milei received a delegation from the Episcopal Conference headed by Monsignor Oscar Ojea . That delegation had already conveyed to the Government its "special concern" regarding the "containment" of the "vulnerable sectors that suffer, mainly, from the lack of food and medicine."

"The situation in the soup kitchens is urgent due to the increase in people attending and the lack of food provision," the statement said.

The CNJP statement​

The National Justice and Peace Commission receives worrying reports daily from various sectors of the economic, political and social activities of our country, which reveal the multiplication of situations that affect the subsistence of thousands of people of all ages and conditions.

The loss of jobs is a painful fact. The construction business chambers declared a State of Emergency throughout the country, warning about the immediate future of 1,400 companies and 200,000 jobs, due to the paralysis of public works by the national government and the contraction of general economic activity. To date, some 60,000 direct jobs have already been lost in the sector.

In commerce, SME retail sales fell 28.5% annually in January, registering the largest decline in Pharmacies (-45.8%), followed by Food and Beverages (-37.1%). In turn, the SME industrial production index registered an average drop of 30% year-on-year in January. The automotive sector was paralyzed, with total suspensions of automotive plants, such as Pacheco's VW, and more than 20,000 layoffs in auto parts SMEs. For its part, Family Farming is currently defunded, in a state of alert and abandoned by public organizations, which have withdrawn means of transportation to tour the production areas, announcing the dismissal of the personnel who assist in the agricultural and livestock production to hundreds of families throughout the country and the closure of their dependencies.

Added to this delicate production situation are the generalized decline in consumption and the systematic deterioration of purchasing power. Without a doubt, persistent inflation and price and rate increases have created a devastating combination for the daily lives of Argentines. The registered average real salary lost 21.3% of its purchasing capacity between November 2023 and January of this year, continuing its fall to the present. Although there was already an inflationary situation, the 100% devaluation in December implied a significant increase in prices, with a recession also extraordinary in its speed and depth.

We note with concern and sensitivity the persistent fall in salaries in the public (25%) and private (19.3%) sectors. But we are even more concerned that the adjustment shock has fallen on the “Contributory Retirements and Pensions” account (a real values: -38.1% year-on-year) which, due to its magnitude, explains a third of the cut, registering a very serious decrease in income from retirement and health and disability benefits.

The permanent cuts in areas of public policy management are creating problems that put the most basic rights at risk in access to education or health, but extend even to primary needs such as food itself. The situation in the soup kitchens is urgent due to the increase in people attending and the lack of food provision.

Regarding the general social climate, support for the current management is reflected by low-income sectors, or even directly affected by inflation and recession, in addition to the express support of sectors with greater resources, led by the chambers of large companies, while there is a climate of very high social fracture, polarization with repeated expressions of “joy” on social networks in the face of dramatic situations of layoffs, with a social aggressiveness that finds a space for expansion in mobile devices and computers without equal.

An enormous degree of social insensitivity appears on the part of the authorities in the adjustment measures, although the culture of hatred and extreme individualism generated is of more serious concern.

The picture of job destruction and frozen and difficult-to-access benefits generates a climate of tension with popular movements and unions due to waves of layoffs in both the public and private sectors. While the tax benefits in favor of large companies remain untouched, the reduction of the deficit is exhibited through adjustments for workers and retirees

As we warned last January, the institutional quality is worrying. DNU 70/2023, called “Bases for the reconstruction of the Argentine Economy”, with modifications in more than 70 areas, regulated by laws dictated by the National Congress and the Constitution, is fully in force, being the support for a countless measures that have directly impacted families, particularly those with lower incomes. We believe that the appropriate methodology for the implementation of modifications and reforms – in many cases acceptable – involves specific treatment in the corresponding area through laws that are sent to the Argentine parliament.

On March 1, the PEN announced the call to the governors for a “May Pact”, with an established agenda and its processing is subordinated to the prior sanction of certain regulations by Congress. We understand that every path of dialogue is constructive but always implies consensus and healthy deliberation among its protagonists, among whom must be all political, union, economic and social actors.

We reiterate that it is urgent to return to politics its character as one of the “most precious forms of charity, because it seeks the common good.” Political action must promote the care of life, human dignity, decent work for all people and the elimination of hunger and exclusion. There is no true freedom without fraternity, social justice and peace.

We express our concern while reiterating our unconditional service for the development of the essential dialogues that allow the construction of the agreements necessary for the development of an inclusive, prosperous and peaceful Argentina