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Politics The CGT considers the dialogue with the Government broken, ratifies the May 9 strike and rejects the labor chapter of the Bases Law - Infobae

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The CGT considers the dialogue with the Government broken, ratifies the May 9 strike and rejects the labor chapter of the Bases Law - Infobae​



April 24, 2024

After knowing the draft of the “labor modernization”, the Cegetista leadership moves towards mobilization and a 24-hour strike. The only contact planned will be when the Salary Council deliberates

By Ricardo Carpena

The leaders of the CGT Héctor Daer, Pablo Moyano, Jorge Sola and Rodolfo Daer, among others, led the column that participated in the university march

With its participation in the Federal University March this Tuesday, the CGT launched the new stage of its plan to fight against the government of Javier Milei, which will have its strong points in May: the 1st, a mobilization to the Monument to Work , on Paseo Colón and Independencia, and on the 9th, a 24-hour general strike. If there was any possibility of postponing the strike, it was ruled out after Infobae 's revelation about the labor chapter of the Bases Law promoted by the Government in Congress: “The strike is immovable and will be forceful. The labor modernization draft is the same as the DNU that we rejected and Justice suspended,” said a Cegetista chief.

Although official sources assured that for the drafting of the new labor articles "the project of the radical deputies was taken into account, others that were presented by the PRO and even some extenuating circumstances regarding the DNU that could form the CGT", in the labor center They indicated that they did not know anything about the Executive Branch's draft and that the dialogue has been interrupted since the meeting they held two weeks ago at the Casa Rosada.

The Government had committed to the CGT to reach a consensus on the “labor modernization” that it promotes through a law, but this Monday, without any consultation with the union members, it sent to the Chamber of Deputies the latest draft of a “labor modernization” proposal within of the Bases Law project that Congress will deal with and which is similar to DNU 70 stopped by Justice.

The Government and the CGT met for the first time two weeks ago, but the dialogue is interrupted and with no prospect of resuming

In this way, the Casa Rosada gave up taking the labor reform project of the UCR deputies as a basis to seek its legislative sanction. If there are no substantial changes during the committee's treatment, the new text will worsen the relationship with the CGT: it includes the restrictive regulation of the right to strike in activities that are considered essential services; the penalization of workers' assemblies that end up becoming covert measures of force; It puts in check the ultra-activity of collective agreements, a principle that requires them to remain in force until a new one is negotiated, and considers participation in blockades or takeovers of establishments as “serious labor injury,” among other points.

The draft, on the other hand, has some differences with respect to the decree signed by Javier Milei: for example, it reduces the trial period of workers from 8 to 6 months and limits more strictly than in the DNU the solidarity fees, the more effective for the financing of unions through compulsory discounts of a sum agreed in the agreements.

In addition, it alleviates the penalties against those who block a company: the DNU said that this action will be repressed with 3 to 6 years in prison and the draft, with 6 months to 3 years in prison. The same appears , however, in another article on the subject: “It constitutes serious labor injury, as an objective cause for termination of the employment contract, participation in blockades or seizures of establishments.”

Martín Menem receives the draft Bases Law from Minister Guillermo Francos

The labor chapter of the Base Law, as in the DNU and other projects of the dialogue opposition, maintains the authorization for employers and union members to agree in collective bargaining on a different compensation system , based on the Labor Termination Fund of the UOCRA.

The latest draft of the Base Law sent by the Executive Branch to the Chamber of Deputies will be discussed this Wednesday and Thursday in a plenary session of committees, along with the tax reform project, with the idea that they be approved before the signing of the May Pact, on the 25th of next month.

The Labor Legislation Commission of Deputies plans to receive this Wednesday, at 9, representatives of associations, unions and business entities and specialists to provide their opinion on the bills on reform of labor legislation with parliamentary status.

In the list of speakers, where no union member appears, are Gastón Utrera, director of the Institute of Political Economy of the Siglo 21 University; Martin Juárez Ferrer, director of the Institute of Private Law of the Siglo 21 University; Natalio Grinman, president of the Argentine Chamber of Commerce (CAC); Juan Méndez, head of the Anti-Blockade Business Movement (MEAB); Esteban Carcavallo, from the Chamber of Public Limited Companies; Jorge Samouelian, from the Argentine-Armenian Chamber for Industry and Economic Federation of the Province of Buenos Aires (FEBA); Matías Cremonte, president of the Latin American Association of Labor Lawyers, and the representatives of the Labor Law Institute of the Aldana Fabiche Bar Associations (Quilmes), Mario Bernardo Galeazzi (Moreno-General Rodríguez), Analía García (La Matanza), Sergio Arce (Morón), Mariana Paulino Castro (Lomas de Zamora), Juan Formaro (San Isidro) and José Daniel Ruiz (Entre Ríos).

The Chamber of Deputies will begin this Wednesday the committee's treatment of the Bases Law, with the labor chapter included
Will the Government be willing to modify the draft when the Base Law is discussed in committee? In the opposition closest to the ruling party they believe that there will be no time for changes: "In theory there can be no modifications - they highlighted - because we are going to debate in committee from Wednesday with the idea of meeting on April 29, which is the objective they want. arrive, or May 2 at the latest.”

The libertarian decision not to agree on “labor modernization” will further exacerbate the conflict between the Casa Rosada and unionism. In this scenario, the mobilization of May 1 and the general strike of May 9 are reaffirmed , and these protests are complemented by the assemblies promoted for Monday the 6th by the Argentine Confederation of Transport Workers (CATT), which will paralyze 8 to 11 trains, cargo and waste collection trucks, planes, subways and ships.

The only instance of dialogue planned between both parties will be the new meeting of the Salary Council , which was called for April 30 by the Secretary of Labor, Julio Cordero, to discuss with the CGT and the business community the increase in the minimum wage, which is of $202,800. The last meeting, last February, ended without an agreement and with union accusations that officials “boycotted” the deliberations to impose the increase unilaterally. In the midst of the growing tension, nothing indicates that they can now agree on a figure, and even less so 24 hours before the CGT completes its protest mobilization against the Government in front of the Monument to Work.