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Politics The CGT threatens a strike for the minimum, vital and mobile wage - Infobae


The CGT threatens a strike for the minimum, vital and mobile wage - Infobae



February 19, 2024

“The president speaks with ignorance of the law,” said the Secretary of Press and Communication of the CGT, Jorge Sola.

The CGT does not rule out a general force measure if the resolution of the minimum, vital and mobile wage does not advance (Franco Fafasuli)

The Secretary of Press and Communication of the CGT, Jorge Sola, anticipated that the union center will analyze forceful measures in the face of the Government's lack of definition regarding the new minimum, vital and mobile wage. The leader took aim directly at President Javier Milei , who last week assured that he will not intervene in the issue, and anticipated that this position could end with a general strike in the sector .

The President speaks with ignorance of the law that governs the minimum, vital and mobile wage, because it is an obligation on the part of the Government, through the Secretary of State. He has to give a ruling when two-thirds of the votes in the Salary Council are not reached,” said Sola, in communication with Futuröck .

Last Thursday, unions and companies did not agree on an increase in the minimum, vital and mobile wage , as a new labor remuneration floor. Given this, the Ministry of Labor had anticipated that it would determine it by decree. However, Milei ruled out the possibility of it in a radio interview.

“The Salary Council works with an equal portion of employers and worker representatives . The amount is discussed, normally we are the ones who request it, and when it is said yes or no, it is put to a vote. There you have to have two thirds, that is, you have to have the support of some businessmen, so that they support the motion, in this case from the CGT. It did not happen, and when it does not happen , the Ministry of Labor is obliged to award, in this case, to impose an amount for the minimum, vital and mobile wage ,” explained the Secretary of Press and Communication of the CGT. The union central, for example, demanded an increase from $156,000 to $288,600 .

The CGT carried out a general strike and mobilization on January 24 (Source)

The President assured that “ we don't like setting minimum prices , it is an issue that workers must address with their employers.” “ I do not believe that a politician can determine a decree by hand ,” he stressed.

Given these statements, Sola emphasized that the conflict between the parties will continue to grow, which could lead to forceful measures from different sectors, ending later in a general strike. “Likewise, the measure of force is not tied to this, the conflict is growing every time and is being carried out by activities , which will surely end in a general one. For example, this week there is a call for a strike by train drivers, in the middle of the week. This is going to start happening in many places ,” assured the CGT leader.

And he detailed: “In January alone, in construction, and direct and formal jobs, 55 thousand jobs were destroyed. Added to the fact that the joint ventures are under discussion and many times it is not enough to pay the salary, plus the skyrocketing prices, and the energy increases in February, March and April, indeed, there will be forceful measures by sectors and surely general ones. ”.

Jorge Sola, Secretary of Press and Communication of the CGT

The Government's position on the minimum wage​

In his usual press conference, this Monday the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, was consulted about the expiration of the deadline, this Tuesday, for the national government to decide on the conflict over the vital and mobile minimum wage. “Surely tomorrow we will have news, given the times,” was the response of the presidential spokesperson, without providing further details about the possible intervention, by decree, of the Ministry of Labor.

Likewise, Adorni made reference to the joint agreements between teachers and state workers . “Surely this week there will actually be meetings between the parties to finish unblocking this conflict . Always remembering that the salaries of the educational system are the responsibility of the provinces.”

And he added: “ We understand that there are joint ventures that are already being discussed at the provincial level, and that is what corresponds .”