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Real Estate News The challenges and trends that are advancing by leaps and bounds in the construction industry - La Nacion Propiedades


The challenges and trends that are advancing by leaps and bounds in the construction industry - La Nacion Propiedades


July 04, 2024

Sector specialists met in chapter 9 of LA NACION's Real Estate event to discuss the metamorphosis that the industry is undergoing

By Victoria Vera Ziccardi


Ezequiel Pascual, Director of Engineering Window Solutions at Rehau; Romina Parquet, CEO of CIMC Wetrans in Argentina; Carla Quiroga, journalist at LA NACION; Kevin Saramaga, Operations Director at Patagonia Flooring; and Matías González Orcoyen, General Manager at De StefanoFabian Malavolta

In an economic context characterized by volatility and uncertainty, the real estate market is excited about a change of cycle, while players in the construction sector are looking for a formula to innovate in a sector in which properties with good finishes command better sales values. This was the central topic discussed in one of the panels of Chapter 9 of the Real Estate Summit: Bricks and investment opportunities, at a pivotal moment.

Real Estate Summit - the event that LA NACION has been organizing for nine years-, Matías González Orcoyen, general manager of De Stefano - the company famous for its marble-, Ezequiel Pascual, director of Window Solutions Engineering at Rehau - the German company that produces PVC windows with a plant in the country-, Kevin Saramaga, director of operations at Patagonia Flooring - the brand that became a generic name for flooring- and Romina Parquet, CEO of CIMC Wetrans in Argentina - the modular construction company-.


The protagonists anticipated the new trends in construction

The four representatives stressed the strong expansion process carried out by each of the companies they work for to take advantage of buyers' interest in construction details when deciding what to buy.

González Orcoyen emphasized the role of kitchens. “ Today, it is a space that is more open and plays a central role in the home because one shares it with friends and family. This leads people to look for materials with good design and better properties when designing a kitchen,” said the executive of the family business, a leader in the provision of surfaces - from marble to granite and engineered surfaces - with more than 100 years in the local market and led by the fourth generation.

He also revealed that, in order to meet demand, De Stefano has incorporated a high-tech European production line to manufacture custom products on a large scale. “We can offer developers a bridge between good design, a custom product and a competitive cost ,” he said, and exemplified this with the work they did in the Mercado Libre offices, where, as they worked from the beginning of the project in the development with laser and digital measurement equipment, they were able to make 200 bathrooms with high-value products at a competitive cost. Another example of this comprehensive “all-in-one” work was in Oceana Puerto Madero.


Matias Gonzalez Orcoyen from De Stefano

In agreement with this, Ezequiel Pascual, Director of Engineering Window Solutions at Rehau, stressed that the evolution of the product is key in the construction industry. “Before, a window was something that covered a hole and now it is an element that takes on an important role in a property,” he said.

The reason for this new role, he explained, has to do with aesthetic issues and the sustainability agenda and, specifically, with energy efficiency. In numbers, he said that savings in energy consumption of up to 60 percent can be generated. “Today the end consumer is more informed and knows that these are the spaces in the home where there is the greatest risk of energy loss. The idea with the innovations is that the energy used to heat or cool a room is not lost through the window,” he said and commented that there are now two-tone windows.

He also stressed that the energy efficiency label for windows (as with household appliances) makes it possible to easily check the efficiency of Rehau windows.


Ezequiel Pascual, Director of Engineering Window Solutions at Rehau

Construction with a focus on personal well-being​

And when it comes to trends in the field of construction and design, the concepts of neurointerior design and neuroarchitecture cannot be overlooked . Kevin Saramaga, a specialist in the subject, is the operating director of Patagonia Flooring, the family business that was founded in the midst of the 2001 crisis with an export focus - it sold to 30 countries - and which today focuses on the domestic market. He said that there are more and more neuroscience studies from prestigious institutions such as Harvard University that delve into the subject. “Neurointerior design is about developing environments that are not only visually attractive but also stimulate people's emotional and mental health,” he said. He then stressed that, in a similar way, neuroarchitecture deals with analyzing how built spaces have an impact on the cognitive, emotional and behavioral aspects of people.


Kevin Saramaga, from Patagonia Flooring

“More than a concept or trend, we are talking about a paradigm shift. Living or working spaces can no longer be conceived without taking these aspects into account,” he said, and made the link to the products he works with. “ Natural coverings provide significant value in new real estate developments, both in economic and well-being terms, emphasizing the integration of biophilia and neurointerior design. Biophilia, or the innate connection of humans with nature, has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood and increase productivity. Incorporating natural coverings not only enhances the beauty of spaces, but also promotes a greater sense of well-being among occupants,” he analyzed and emphasized that: “each texture, color and finish is designed to positively influence the brain, creating environments that are as therapeutic as they are functional.”

A new way of building​

Another popular change in the sector is modular construction. “There are buildings for camps, housing, social areas, and even buildings and offices can be made with them ,” said Romina Parquet, CEO of CIMC Wetrans in Argentina, the company that sells containers and housing modules for the construction sector in Argentina. “Our Chinese holding company is the largest manufacturer in the world for containers and housing modules. In the case of containers, we have 19 factories and more than 150 models adaptable to different industries. In the case of modules, we have 5 factories and more than 1,000 module models. We are also dedicated to the development of modular engineering projects for the construction of hotels, universities, community neighborhoods, etc. We have success stories all over the world, we hope to develop the same here,” said the executive, clarifying that when we talk about modular construction, we are no longer talking about the “modular house that one imagines, but rather a large structure.”


Romina Parquet, CEO of CIMC Wetrans in Argentina

He added that Wetrans has been manufacturing containers for 40 years and 20 years ago they began to be considered for modular construction projects. “In the rest of the world, modular construction became famous, but in Argentina it was difficult to reach due to issues related to tax restrictions ,” he said. He added that he sees an important national vein for the construction of social housing.

In summary, the ability to innovate and manage resources optimally has become a key element for companies in the sector. The combination of all the factors mentioned above creates a complex scenario, but one full of opportunities for those who manage to adapt and anticipate new consumer demands.
