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Politics The City filed a criminal complaint before the Public Prosecutor's Office for the vandalism of the Congress.


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Last Saturday, the Government of the City of Buenos Aires filed a criminal complaint with the purpose of initiating an investigation into the acts of vandalism that occurred in the vicinity of the National Congress after the approval of the Omnibus Law. The intention is to identify those responsible for the damages caused.

The presentation was made by the Ministers of Justice, Gabino Tapia, and of Security, Waldo Wolff, at the request of the Chief of Government, Jorge Macri, before the Public Prosecutor's Office of the City of Buenos Aires.

In the document submitted, the officials urged the prosecutor to initiate the corresponding preparatory criminal investigation and to take all necessary measures to clarify the facts and identify those responsible.

Regarding this legal action, the head of the City Government, Jorge Macri, stated: "We had announced that we would file the complaint and we did so. We will seek compensation for all damages, as we will not allow a few vandals and criminals to damage the integrity of the City".


In his statement, the Minister of Security, Waldo Wolff, said: "We have requested an investigation to clarify the crimes and misdemeanors that occurred on February 2 of this year, with the aim of identifying and punishing those responsible".

According to the complaint, acts of vandalism were carried out on several public property of the City, such as the burning of wooden fences in the public road, as well as the destruction of garbage cans and containers. Sidewalk tiles were broken in order to throw blunt objects at police personnel.

Additionally, vehicular traffic was obstructed, police and other security forces personnel in charge of maintaining public order were assaulted in various ways, and people were prevented from leaving the Congress building. All these actions are easily evidenced in several photographs and recordings that have been disseminated by several media outlets regarding the events that took place.


Therefore, in the presentation it is requested that "as those responsible for the various illegal acts that are the subject of this complaint are identified, the corresponding notification of the facts should be made to them. And, in turn, that their identity be made known to the presenters, in order to be able to initiate the pertinent pecuniary claims due to the various damages to the public treasury of the City caused by their conduct".

"The cleaning, repairing of the urban furniture and tidying up of the area affected by the violent demonstrators, implies a cost for the City of $106,890,000,- We are going to make those vandals and delinquents who destroyed the urban furniture that belongs to all of us pay this cost", the Head of Government specified yesterday.