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Real Estate News The City has suspended permits for new construction: For how long, the details and the repercussions - La Nacion Propiedades



The City has suspended permits for new construction: For how long, the details and the repercussions - La Nacion Propiedades



August 8, 2024

The head of the Buenos Aires government, Jorge Macri, signed a decree that does not authorize the start of new constructions and renovations of real estate projects while the new Urban Planning Code is under review.


By means of a decree, the government of the city of Buenos Aires suspended new real estate projects

The Buenos Aires City Government has decreed the suspension of permits for construction and renovation of real estate projects for 180 consecutive days or until the new Urban Code is approved , whichever occurs first. The objective is to avoid indiscriminate construction and the issuance of hasty authorizations while the new regulations are being implemented .

This measure comes just days after the city government chief , Jorge Macri, presented to the Legislature the project for changes to the Urban Planning Code (CUR), the regulations that govern what and where is built in CABA, sanctioned in 2018. The Government's proposals seek a "balance" in the urban fabric through the preservation of neighborhoods with low-rise buildings, the revaluation of properties with heritage value , and the creation of "incentives" for developers .

Now, with the new decree signed by the head of the Buenos Aires government, the procedures to request Urban Planning Certificates from Project Stage Registries for extensions or new construction that begin as of today , for properties located in Low-Rise Sustainability Unit 1 (with a maximum height of 9 meters) and Low-Rise Sustainability Unit 2 (with a maximum height of 11.60 meters), are suspended for 180 calendar days or until the law that introduces the changes to the code is passed, whichever occurs first.

A key fact to keep in mind is that the new regulations will not affect authorizations that are already being executed because it is not retroactive .

Consulted by LA NACION , Damián Tabakman, president of the Chamber of Urban Developers (CEDU) said that “we were aware of the signing of this decree and we were able to give our professional opinion to the City government so that the measures to be taken have the least possible impact. In a first version, the suspension was for 180 business days and finally they are continuous and the zones and typologies were limited; but ultimately there is a suspension of our activity that is key to the economy.” And he added that “ the message of suspending permits for new works is not good but we take it as positive that they consulted us, listened to us and attended to our claims to reduce the impact. At this time, when it is necessary to multiply investments in the country, this type of initiatives do not seem to hit the key in terms of timing,” said Tabakman.


The new regulations will not affect authorisations that are already being implemented.

What is the project of the new urban planning code?​

The recent draft of the Urban Planning Code update was submitted to the Buenos Aires Legislature because the one approved in 2018 establishes a review every five years. This new version presented seeks to “promote a city with a more balanced urban development , preventing the construction of buildings that do not respect the building harmony in residential neighborhoods,” says the City. According to the Executive, this initiative responds to “the need for the Code to be reviewed every five years , due to neighborhood concerns, the search for urban balance, the incorporation of the concept of incentive and the protection of heritage.”

The legislative treatment of the project could extend until the end of the year, requiring at least four months and 31 positive votes from the 60 deputies. Jorge Macri explained that the objective is to protect the identity of the city and promote sustainable growth . “We presented a bill to the Legislature to update the Urban Planning Code of Buenos Aires, a commitment that I made during the campaign and that we are fulfilling today. We are guided by a very clear objective: to respect the identity of each neighborhood,” said the head of government.

Among the main problems identified in meetings with residents are the "heights and morphology" of recent constructions , the invasion of the "lung of the block" that should have an absorbent green surface, the saturation of services and infrastructure due to the high population density and the loss of neighborhood heritage and identity .

These are the main points of the new Urban Planning Code being debated in the Legislature:

  • Buildings that do not respect the essence of each block will no longer be allowed to be built in residential areas. Heights are adjusted to prioritize neighborhood scales and safeguard the identity of each neighborhood.
  • Large developments can only be built on avenues that have the appropriate service infrastructure to support them.
  • It promotes urban sustainability and the environmental quality of the built environment and helps counteract the effects of climate change by promoting more permeable constructions that allow air and sunlight to enter. For example, with more surface area in the lungs of the blocks.
  • It encourages the development of neighborhood shopping centers close to residents.
  • And it establishes a boost for the southern area because it structures a system of incentives for the development of constructions in those neighborhoods.

I am all for not allowing historic buildings to be knocked down and massive highrises to go up in their place.
I have not seen old historic buildings being knocked down. Mostly ugly buildings or PHs that are typically replaced by something that looks better. I would agree that historic buildings not going down. But to blanket ban all new activity for some people not wanting to go any higher than existing building doesn't make any sense at all.

Buenos Aires is full of a lot of ugly architecture that definitely should be upgraded. Most of the new buildings I see go up are much better than whatever was there before.
When I was buying my apartment, I was advised it's better to pay more and get something that is almost done vs. getting something at the ground breaking stage. Even though it was more expensive, the odds of something slowing things down are much better. I still might buy into a project that is new but things like this are scary to hear about. Makes no sense.
When I was buying my apartment, I was advised it's better to pay more and get something that is almost done vs. getting something at the ground breaking stage. Even though it was more expensive, the odds of something slowing things down are much better. I still might buy into a project that is new but things like this are scary to hear about. Makes no sense.
Damn, no wonder all of these new constructions are delayed. It's funny. I see some Zonaprop listings that say "Coming in August 2023" and they are still not even done!
Damn, no wonder all of these new constructions are delayed. It's funny. I see some Zonaprop listings that say "Coming in August 2023" and they are still not even done!
Yes it is embarrassing how lazy some of these realtors are. When I was looking I would see some listings that said coming July 2023 and even though it's July 2024 and they are years from finishing they don't even bother to change the photo with that caption. Realtors here are truly horrible!