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Real Estate News The collaborative model and the current state of the real estate market - Ambito Financiero



The collaborative model and the current state of the real estate market - Ambito Financiero



June 24, 2024

The real estate market is increasingly embedded in win-win models of participation, growth and expansion.


Continuous training for work teams is necessary to offer the best possible service, incorporating the latest innovations and technologies to provide personalized and dedicated customer service.

The innovative network synergy model takes the industry to new horizons. This collaborative approach allows all real estate actors to be unified in a joint effort that expands contact networks and multiplies the possibilities of finding the right home for each potential buyer.

This approach strengthens the industry as a whole. By eliminating the competitive paradigm between market teams, transactions are streamlined and the service offered is improved. In addition, it fosters an environment of teamwork and collaboration that is transforming the perception of real estate business in Argentina.

The synergy is reflected in the constant commitment to training and customer service. Continuous training for work teams is necessary to offer the best possible service, incorporating the latest innovations and technologies to provide personalized and dedicated treatment to the client.

The collaborative model is based on the fundamental belief that improving opportunities for different members of the sector leads to overall success. "We share all our properties instead of keeping them in a closed market, as is done in the traditional approach. What really sets us apart is that it is not just about the entrepreneurial teams in our network, but we extend the collaboration to all real estate agencies of the market, which means that we work together for the benefit of all clients," explained the president of RE/MAX Argentina and Uruguay, Sebastián Sosa , within the framework of the 2024 Regional Tour that the brand carried out in the month of May. in five cities in the country, to continue strengthening ties at the national level.


Sebastián Sosa, president of RE/MAX Argentina and Uruguay.
Along these lines, this network synergy model is fueled by all the actions that companies carry out to promote it, generating meetings or meeting points where the different topics to be taken into account are put on the table to contribute to it, promoting the federalism of brands and the participation of all actors. Likewise, and specifically in the real estate industry, networks contribute both to the business itself and to finding quick solutions for end clients. For example, if a family that lives in Buenos Aires wants to move to Mendoza, they only have to communicate between teams to that another agent from that province accompany the client. In this way everyone wins, operations are streamlined, which achieves greater efficiency in transactions and new potential buyers are satisfied with the attention received.

Real estate market news

Regarding the current situation in the sector, there are various factors that impact the functioning of the industry. One of them refers to the possibility that people can access financing to buy their first home. “The appearance of mortgage loans could facilitate access to housing for a broader segment of the population. In the past, we have seen that the availability of these credits had a notable impact on the market, representing a significant percentage of transactions,” Sosa highlighted.

Likewise, and based on the information provided by the offices attached to the RE/MAX Argentina network , a gradual change is perceived in the market compared to last year. The change in attitude is due, among other factors, to new economic expectations that end up generating greater confidence on the part of potential investors and buyers.

On the other hand, and focusing on rentals in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, the increase in the property portfolio is notable, since from January to April 2024 it grew by 9% and this would imply that the income from real estate is constant, allowing prices to adjust through supply and demand: new properties enter and are rented in the same way.

Although the economic, political and social situation directly impacts companies, agents and buyers, collaborative network models allow the market to function continuously and provide greater fluidity between all the actors that make it up. Furthermore, in this industry, the human element is essential and the teams play fundamental roles in offering personalized support so that potential buyers find the property that fits their needs.
