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Politics The conflict between Milei and the governors fully involves Justice and confronts players with their own votes - Infobae


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The conflict between Milei and the governors fully involves Justice and confronts players with their own votes - Infobae



February 28, 2024

The dispute could reach the Court, which in general expresses discomfort at the lack of political solutions. And it adds tensions to the relationship with Congress. Furthermore, it breaks or complicates the strategy against “caste”. These are “rivals” who also expose legitimacy of origin

By eduardo Aulicino

Ignacio Torres, speaking before the Legislature of Chubut. He also aligned the entire provincial front

The conflict between Javier Milei and the governors - which precipitated Chubut and colored almost the entire map of the country in a few hours - has just exposed a repeated symptom of inability to reach agreements and an unexpected turn for the President. As on other occasions, the escalation ended up involving Justice , which from its highest echelon usually expresses displeasure when issues of maximum tension cannot be resolved at the political table . And for the first time, the dispute placed the President in front of players who also have their own capital and can go into battle with the shield of endorsement expressed by the popular vote .

In other words: the official logic that claims exclusive representation of the social will is unsustainable in the face of those who also expose indisputable legitimacy of origin , which is not an absolute concept but neither is it formal. It is something that can be observed in the extensive succession of gubernatorial elections , which included the majority of the provinces, and also if you will in the surveys, taken with the care of the case, both at the local and national level .

Ignacio Torres ' claim for the pruning in sending funds to Chubut opened several fronts and wrote down a judicial chapter, which still has many lines left . The ruling of the federal court in Rawson, which ordered that this cut of some 13,000 million pesos be reversed, at least allowed the provincial head to find a way to dismantle the warning, risky and at least for the debate , to stop supplies of oil and gas. In any case, the fight is not over either on the political or judicial level . The Government anticipates that it will rehearse the path to the Supreme Court and everyone is waiting for the presidential gesture on Friday , before the Legislative Assembly and at peak television viewing time.

Before reaching this provisional end, the dispute noted several powerful facts. Almost simultaneously, two stood out: the speed with which the governors' support for Chubut was deployed - with different nuances and calculations - and the reaction in repeated terms from the Government , in black and white and returning to the "caste" qualification. for any expression of differentiation or criticism. The two elements would be combining as a striking signal in political terms .

The governor of the province of Chubut, Ignacio Torres (Franco Fafasuli)

Until now, and after the successful campaign experience , Milei confronted or sought to build “enemies” that could be assimilated without much difficulty to that “caste” label. After the fall of the Omnibus Law, she put the focus on the renewed crack in Congress: a rat's nest and a center for the corrupt , were some of the disqualifications. She took advantage of and worked on an image that combines questioning of legislators who arrive hanging on lists , accusations of virtual legislative paralysis in long periods, and criticism of budgets, from the number of employees to personal expenses .

It is not the only front open and considered easy to contrast. This is exposed by the tension with the union leaders , with a terrible general image, with the drag of managing expensive devices and the continuity for years - decades, in some cases - at the head of their union structures. And there are more, these days . The Road Case is being aired again with Cristina Fernández de Kirchner in the center and a possible corruption system armed for the payment of insurance for loans granted by the ANSES appears in view at this time .

In addition to showing itself, naturally, as a counterfigure to that policy , the ruling party maintains that Congress and the provincial leaders should unequivocally support its projects, because they were voted for by 56% of the electorate in the runoff . It is a partial and forced vision of the entire electoral process and the functioning of the institutional system. The case of the governors, as a new addition, places the President in a dispute that could mirror a similar interpretation of the power assigned by the vote .

The elections in the provinces exposed two significant elements. The first: the disengagement of the majority of the elections with respect to the national shifts of the PASO and the first round. It happened in 18 of the 22 districts that renewed authorities and the provincial leaders consider that they won on their own . The second: the change of political color in a third of the provinces (Santa Fe, Entre Ríos, Chaco, San Luis, San Juan, Santa Cruz, Neuquén and Chubut) was notable .

Postcard of the governors who maintain the JxC brand. They came out in support of Torres

Of course, there are nuances and dark cases of use of the state apparatus and clientelism - Formosa and Santiago del Estero are the provinces that add complaints in each electoral turn - but that was not the generalized mark of 2023 . It is also clear, when reviewing the results of the presidential runoff, that there are electoral strips shared by governors and the President.

The other element that is usually disseminated from the official circuit, to maintain consistent social endorsement, are surveys. The presidential image numbers fluctuate around 50 percentage points , according to the surveys released. Some reserve consultants reduce these figures a little , if "good" and "very good" evaluations are added, without other additions.

The issue would be more delicate, and to take into account, according to a consulting firm that works for clients in the public and private sectors. Its survey this month indicates that none of the political figures exceeds a 50% positive image , including the best positioned in the Government: Patricia Bullrich, Victoria Villarruel and Milei. And they all have numbers in red , that is, more negative evaluation than positive.

It is clear that it is no small feat to maintain considerable levels of support in this economic and social context, according to the polls that circulate. And in the same way, with the appropriate care, the records of the governors could be noted. The latest survey by the consulting firm CB, district by district, indicates that three local leaders have a positive image above 60% , fifteen are between 50 and 60 points , and the remaining six range between 45 and 50 . Other works present minor data , although in general with a margin of approval.

The president of Argentina, Javier Milei

The polls, as always, offer different readings and misgivings . There is an objective data - that of the polls -, a reasonable consideration - the wear and tear in times of serious crisis - and a political map that is not at all static . It is also evident the uncertainty and discomfort in the so-called "dialogue" fringe of the opposition and the commitment to the grinding of the President by the hard opposition, especially with a Kirchnerist brand.

In that context and with all these factors at play, the support garnered by Torres was notable, who started with a kind of Patagonian block of leaders, continued with the endorsement of all the governors who maintain the JxC seal and was adding provincial heads from another sign, from non-aligned Peronism and provincial forces to Peronism/Kirchnerism .

This indicates something that transcends Chubut's claim : it is the expression of general discontent due to lack of negotiation and agreements. The argument of a debt owed by the province to the national State that should be collected now , without further procedure, falls apart in the face of global and local experience: debts are usually renegotiated. These are, in any case, political decisions . The aforementioned ruling by a federal court alleviated the situation and opened a space for the governors of the South to demand dialogue and negotiation .

It is better than the counterpoint that once again appeared between provinces and central power . This is a conflict that added fuel to the fight with Congress , exposed a bad relationship with provincial leaders and could generate tension with Justice . It is now up to the national government to move.