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Politics The conflict extends in Misiones with a new day of protests by police and teachers - Infobae

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The conflict extends in Misiones with a new day of protests by police and teachers - Infobae​



May 22, 2024

The camp in front of the Radioelectric Command headquarters continues waiting for a new call for dialogue. At the same time, another group of teachers was formed who also demand salary improvements

By Juan A. Bracco

The conflict spreads in Misiones (Photos: Blas Martínez)

The protest of the missionary police intensifies . Although with fewer people (at first glance) than yesterday, the main focus is still active. This morning there were several sirens that agitated the protesters. And a group of plainclothes agents once again set fire to decks at the intersection of Uruguay and Trincheras avenues .

The police camp has taken over three blocks of the street in front of the Radio Command . And it has also spilled onto the side streets. There are tents, gazebos and awnings improvised with reeds, sticks, ropes and silobag material.

On the street or sidewalk, the police sit in circles in beach chairs next to the stoves to share mate, eat some bills or biscuits and talk. The main issue is salary increases . The position is one: they want a 100% increase in salaries that brings the minimum pocket of an initial agent to $830 thousand .

The spokespersons for the protest, Ramón Amarilla and Germán Palavecino , had not arrived during the early hours of the morning. They are expected around noon. Everyone is eagerly awaiting the news they could bring.

Police officers complain to the Radioelectric Command

The missionary government made it clear yesterday that the increase offered is the best they can put on the table. “ There is no money ,” they imply. The Minister of Government, Marcelo Pérez , did not use those words, but he could well have done so. They are a summary of his press conference.

Neither the representation of the uniformed personnel nor the official sources could confirm whether or not there will be a new round of dialogue during the day. Both sectors display their vocation for dialogue. But so far the talks have been fruitless .

The protesters at the police camp greeted the arrival at the protest site of a faction of the Rapid Intervention Group (GIR) with sapucai and honks . This unit is the one that, eventually, would have to act to clear the place and repress. One of the unit's leaders said out loud that they would never act against other police officers . The sapucai and honks returned.

Police mobiles reinforce the traffic block

Meanwhile, the protesters are preparing for an intense day. The pleasant temperatures ended on Tuesday. The forecast calls for summer temperatures of 30° for today. It is something common in the red land. Yesterday, with 22°, the Posadeños resorted to their jackets to go out on the streets.

The stoves leave behind the kettles with hot water for the mate and prepare the elements for the midday meal. Each lunch or dinner becomes a row of popular pots to feed hundreds of police officers and family members who have been in the place for days . The inputs (chicken, beef, vegetables and others) are bought together or donated by area merchants. They are also interested in the conflict being resolved. The sidewalks of their businesses became tenements. Nobody passes. And nobody buys .

There is a lot of smoke in the air from bonfires and decks. The street vendors pass by with chipa or covered homemade bread, while shouting about it.

In the other side​

On Uruguay Avenue, but past Trincheras, is the teaching camp . Yesterday it started with a few gazebos. Today it has almost become a town. Most of them are self-convened.

They have more color than the police protest, but less intensity when it comes to making themselves felt. Plastics teachers prepare posters and interventions. The music people improvise dances. Those in physical education always keep their spirits high . Everyone sings for “the unity of the workers.”

Many of the Education protesters who are in the second camp were yesterday at the cutting of the bridge over the Garupá stream, located about 25 km from here on National Route 12.

In the afternoon they organized a caravan. And they joined the groups that had been there since the morning.

Around 9:30, a group of workers from the Pediatric Hospital passed through the police camp. Photos were taken in front of the Command, a place that is slowly becoming the icon of the protest. They continued on their way to the teaching camp, where they were greeted by a batucada.