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Politics The conflict worsens in Misiones: teachers demonstrate in front of the governor's house after being repressed in the Legislature - Infobae

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The conflict worsens in Misiones: teachers demonstrate in front of the governor's house after being repressed in the Legislature - Infobae​



May 23, 2024

A group of education workers continues with their demand for salary improvements after the incidents that occurred at the demonstration where police officers used pepper spray to dissuade the protest

By Juan A. Bracco

The protesters were able, after some struggles, to overcome the first resistance (@MatiConurbasic) (@heliotropos_)
(Posadas, special envoy) - The social crisis in Misiones worsens. The Legislature had to meet behind closed doors and with an imposing police operation that began on Wednesday. The mobilization of teachers and other sectors demanding a 100% salary increase was harshly repressed by the police , after overcoming the quadruple fence placed at the access. On this occasion, the troops who also ask for an increase in their salaries did not participate in the protest. The Infobae photographer was hit by tear gas.

It was a very intense 25 minutes. The massive march arrived at the House of Representatives at 6:30 p.m. and went straight to try to surpass the first line of the fence. They achieved it after ten minutes of struggle, under the eyes of the security forces deployed behind.

The conflict worsens in Misiones: teachers were repressed during a demonstration outside the Legislature

The breaking of the first fence in the central area distracted the police and the protesters were able to enter from the side a few minutes later. The advance guard of the protest was face to face with a front line of the uniformed men. Behind them the infantry troops with shields were preparing .

The protesters were able, after some struggles, to overcome the first resistance. Then the Special Operations Corps (COE) acted. First he withstood the onslaught. And then he recovered positions by throwing gas . As a consequence, Blas Martínez, Infobae photographer, was affected . The deterrent action ran towards the street to the group that had overcome the fence.

Afterwards everything was as it was at the beginning: the teachers and other groups of workers outside, the police at the entrance. And the legislators inside. Several teachers scolded the police officers who were at a side fence. They reproached them for the lack of solidarity they had received in the camp at the Command. Health workers were also seen along with the different teaching groups. The teachers are affiliated with some guilds, but the majority are self-organized.

About 20 people had to be injured by the incidents (Blas Martínez)

The protest took place when night had already fallen over Posadas, under an overcast sky that dropped an intense sky. Every so often, when a teacher approached the COE positions, the police used gas again. “ I am 63 years old. I am a retired teacher. They threw gas in my eyes . “This is the first time this has happened in many years,” Olga told Infobae when the worst had passed.

The 107 (rapid response) units located at the scene treated about 20 people . Most of them with eye problems from the irritating gas that the police threw. One of them had to be referred to a hospital due to intense itching.

The massive march reached the House of Representatives at 6:30 p.m. (Blas Martínez)

There were also two cases of high blood pressure and one person who suffered a nervous breakdown. When they were taken out, the protesters threw some sticks and objects at the police shock group . One of the nurses told Infobae that, to overcome the effect of the gas, physiological solution was applied to those affected.

Around 8 p.m., the demonstration voted to break up and march to the house of Governor Hugo Passalacqua . They covered the almost 20 blocks on foot, with a truck in front from where the March of San Lorenzo played over and over again. The tension continued with the actions of the Infantry, as they also fired pepper spray to push back the teachers who were demanding salary improvements.