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Economy The country's main businessmen are meeting with Javier Milei - Infobae

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The country's main businessmen are meeting with Javier Milei - Infobae​



March 2022

The meeting was agreed for this afternoon at the Casa Rosada. They are the representatives of the G6, which brings together commerce, construction, banking, industry, the Buenos Aires stock market and Rural. The topics on the agenda

Gustavo Weiss, Daniel Funes de Rioja, Mario Grinman, Adelmo Gabbi, Nicolás Pino, along with Milei, Karina Milei, and Marcos Pereda, president of Cicyp and vice of the SRA, at a meeting of that Council, last year, in full Presidential campaign

This noon, President Javier Milei receives the businessmen of the so-called Group of 6 at Casa Rosada. These are the representatives of the business chambers that bring together a good part of the local economy.

Thus, representatives of the Argentine Industrial Union, chaired by Daniel Funes de Rioja, participate ; of the Argentine Chamber of Construction, headed by Gustavo Weiss ; from the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange, whose owner is Adelmo Gabbi : from the Argentine Rural Society, chaired by Nicolás Pino ; the Chamber of Commerce, with Mario Grinman , and the Association of Argentine Banks (Adeba), whose president is Javier Bolzico.
As this media learned, all of them confirmed their presence at the meeting, which in principle is only between the president and the heads of the business chambers. The meeting takes place in the midst of the discussion of important issues for the business sector, such as the future of the DNU, the May Pact, food imports, the impact of inflation and the general evolution of the macroeconomy.

There are other tougher topics that will surely be mentioned as part of the agenda that businessmen will raise. For example, the strong criticism of the UIA and the importation of food, which “seriously affects the competitiveness” of local producers and represents unequal treatment, according to a statement from the entity last week; and Camarco's anger regarding the position and criticism of the President himself and the Government in general towards the Construction sector and the sharp decline in public works.

Adelmo Gabbi, from the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange; Mario Grinman, president of the Chamber of Commerce; and Gustavo Weiss, head of the Argentine Chamber of Construction (Adrián Escandar)

“It is always interesting to meet with the President to learn his first-hand vision of the central issues for our activity, to discuss and give him support,” summarized the president of one of the entities, who assured that they do not bring a formal document to the meeting. with claims or positions on some issues, and it will be on an open agenda.

“Beyond the fact that we may agree with this or that measure, or with some policies, as representatives of important sectors of the country, these meetings are very necessary. We will see what he thinks about some issues,” he added without giving further details.

However, the meeting had preparation. Yesterday, after the lunch of the Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production (Cicyp), which is made up of the heads of the G6 and other businessmen, a group of businessmen went to the Stock Exchange to outline positions for the meeting with Milei.

Daniel Funes de Rioja (UIA) and Marcos Pereda Born (Cicyp and SRA) (Adrián Escandar)

At Cicyp, the businessmen listened to the Minister of Economy Luis Caputo , who was emphatic when assuring that “We are not going to deviate from this course, stability is here to stay . ”

“I want to inject them, in some way, with the optimism that stability will continue. It will continue because we are going to follow that same course (...) Now it is fashionable to question governability. When they cannot question what is happening in the economy, it became fashionable to question governance. (...) Today we are already in March, does anyone believe that the president is 20 days away from leaving? His popularity rose, if there were elections now he would win comfortably in the first round,” Caputo said.

“Once the fiscal surplus has been achieved, what comes next? The lowering of taxes. That's not far away, it could start happening next year. What does it depend on? It is up to you and we can convince you (...) I would like you to be more heroes than ever, because from the Government side there is an opportunity for there to be honest people with a vocation for public office who are willing to do what is necessary. what to do,” said the minister.

Pereda Born with Minister Luis Caputo, yesterday at the Cicyp lunch

Before leaving the Hilton hotel, where the traditional lunch was held this time, the president of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange, Adelmo Gabbi , said that “once stabilization arrives, people and companies will stop thinking in the dollar and will think again how to invest. "It already happened with Isabelita and it already happened with Menem."

In his speech, the host of the meeting and president of Cicyp, Marcos Pereda (also vice president of the SRA), gave broad support to the libertarian economic policy, warning about a very critical social situation that could lead the country towards a “ disintegration". There is a different climate ,” he highlighted.

Below, in dialogue with Infobae , he returned to some of his words in the opening speech in which he asked for the approval of the omnibus law, the continuity of the mega DNU and the May Pact called by the ruling party to the governors as a means to pave the way for a takeoff of the economy. If these three things did not prosper, the investments would be truncated? this medium asked him. “You have to create the conditions for investment , that's what's important,” he responded.