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Politics The debate on the omnibus law continues, live: the ruling party took a measure to control the time of exhibitors - Infobae


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The debate on the omnibus law continues, live: the ruling party took a measure to control the time of exhibitors - Infobae


January 15, 2024

After the presentation of officials, this Monday and Tuesday representatives of sectors of civil society, covered by the provisions of the standard, will participate.

13:46hs TODAY
Tension grows over the Omnibus Law: the block of deputies led by Pichetto asked Milei to stop confronting Congress
From the parliamentary alliance We Make the Federal Coalition issued a statement in which they expressed their concern about the aggressive attitude of the Head of State

The president of Argentina, Javier Milei (EFE/ Juan Ignacio Roncoroni)

This Monday, from thethe parliamentary bloc We Make the Federal Coalition they targeted the president of the Nation, Javier Milei, after his repeated statements in reference to the fact that“the damage suffered by the population depends” on the support (or not) give the legislators of the National Congress to the reforms promoted by his government.

13:04 hs TODAY
Strong support from entrepreneurs to the ruling party in the plenary session

Rodolfo Llanos, president of the Union of Entrepreneurs

In the framework of the plenary session of commissions in Deputies, the president of the Union of Entrepreneurs, Rodolfo Llanos, in his presentation “react” to “put Argentina on the back foot.” foot.”and asked the legislators, in a heated manner, to pointed out against the ruling party
You are part of a leadership of our country that took half of the poor to Argentina. Salaried workers earn less “half of what is needed to support a family,” the leader of the group began with his story, in a clear message for the opposition.

And he added: “It is time to put our country on its feet, you are our representatives, you are in this House so that the Argentines can afford a room to sleep in. They are here to guarantee all Argentinians who work, that they can afford a plate of food.”

“Outside, half of Argentines are below the poverty line and you know it. They have passed laws that led this country to absolute poverty. I beg you, think again. It's time to jump-start this nation. You have the opportunity, we gave you the vote, whether you like it or not, to represent us and put the country on its feet,” he said. a>
Already in a raised tone of voice, the SME representative pointed directly against the performance of the legislators. “I don't come to look for friends here, I don't care if they like it or not. I come to give a voice to all those who are rummaging through the trash to eat, while you are eating croissants. Gentlemen, react, this is the time for Argentina to start. Let us Argentines have a future, I don't care who you represent, you all represent me,” said Llanos. But he could not continue with his story, since they cut off his microphone due to his level of shouting.

It was the representative Carla Carrizo, who interrupted him and asked the president on duty to put order, while from . Union of Entrepreneurs applauded the speech of the president of thethe sector of the La Libertad Avanza bloc

11:59 hsTODAY
Oscar Zago: “We are not about to negotiate anything”


Oscar Zago, head of the La Libertad Avanza bloc of deputies
The head of the La Libertad Avanza bloc of deputies, Oscar Zago, made reference this Monday to the debate that is taking place in the National Congress, on the omnibus law presented by President Javier Milei.
“If everything goes well, between today and tomorrow it will conclude, and we can start working on the opinion”, assured the National legislator, in communication with El Destape Radio.
In that sense, he added: “Today they are asking different organizations, NGOs, chambers to conclude the entire round that has been done and start working with all the different blocks to to be able to make and carry out the opinion”
And he concluded: “The President already said it, we are not here to negotiate anything.”

Myriam Bregman questioned opposition deputies for “wanting to help the Government and harm the population”

Myriam Bregman, national deputy of the Left Front

This Monday, within the framework of the plenary session of commissions in Deputies, the legislator of the Left Front, Myriam Bregman, questioned those deputies of the opposition for “wanting to help the Government and harm the population”, given the treatment in committee of the 'Bases' law sent by the Executive Branch . According to the legislator, “it affects all sectors of society except the richest.”
The ruling party is not flexible nor does it negotiate anything, we have to see if they can put all the points of the law, if they they give the votes or not. That is why it is so important what sectors of the opposition do that say they are dialogueists, that they do not want to harm the Government, but why did they vote for them? "To help the Government and harm the population?" Bregman questioned in statements to the press in front of Congress.
The left-wing representative insisted on “stop extorting the population” and pointed out that the 'Bases' law that has been discussed in a plenary session of commissions since last week “harms to all sectors of society except the richest”.
“The omnibus law of Javier Milei and (Luis) Caputo harms all sectors of society except the richest who have the most concentrated economic power,” emphasized the former presidential candidate.

10:40 hsTODAY
Strong measure to control exhibitors' time

Gabriel Bornoroni announced the new measure
This Monday, in the plenary of the General Legislation, Budget and Constitutional Affairs commissions, and in the speech of the national deputy Gabriel Bornoroni , it was clarified that each exhibitor will have five minutes to develop their idea, so they will be notified when their time is about to end and if it exceeds, the audio will be cut off automatically.

“The methodology that we have agreed upon is five minutes for each speaker. After four minutes we are going to let you know, because you have five minutes to present and you can also leave any suggestions you have via email or through the Secretariat,” explained the national legislator.

And he ruled: “After seven minutes the system cuts off the sound. After four minutes a warning is given, after five they should end, and after seven the sound is cut off. ”

10:14 hs TODAY
A new day of the plenary session of commissions in Deputies began

The Plenary of the General Legislation, Budget and Constitutional Affairs commissions began
This Monday, the plenary session of the General Legislation, Budget and Constitutional Affairs commissions will become a forum for members of companies, civil associations, NGOs, and workers of privatized companies or companies subject to privatization, form a choral universe to feed other voices into the debate, beyond those strictly political and parliamentary.
It is worth mentioning that each guest will have a space of five minutes to make their observations, in a scheme that will alternate in-person and virtual presentations, taking into account that some of the representatives whose participation is planned are from the interior of the country and will only express their points of view from a distance.

09:13 hsTODAY
With Milei in Davos, the Government seeks the opinion for the Omnibus Law with a discussion that will mark the thermometer with the opposition
The national president relies on his vice, Victoria Villarruel, and the head of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem, to promote the package of projects, in the final stretch of the debate.

By Federico Galligani

President Javier Milei will travel to Davos (Luciano Gonz¨¢lez Torres / Xinhua News / ContactoPhoto
The president Javier Milei will make his first official trip as Argentine president this week, to participate in the Davos World Economic Forum, and leaves in Buenos Aires the discussion for the Omnibus Law, which enters its final stage before its eventual vote in Congress.

08:38 hsTODAY
Business chambers, non-profit organizations and sectors affected by the Omnibus Law will present before Deputies
It will be an informative talk by various civil society actors who will present their opinions regarding the mega reform proposed by the Government of Javier Milei.

By Matias Russo Coroman

This Monday the debate resumes in Congress (NA Photo: MARCELO CAPECE)

Representatives of different sectors of civil society -benefited and affected by what the Government proposes through the Law of Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines- they will present this Monday in the Chamber of Deputies within the framework of the resumption of the plenary session of commissions that analyzes the project.