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Politics The deputies accused of being “traitors” responded to Milei: “This setback is the responsibility of their incompetence and lack of dialogue.”- Infobae


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The deputies accused of being “traitors” responded to Milei: “This setback is the responsibility of their incompetence and lack of dialogue.”- Infobae



February 07, 2024

Nicolás Massot assured that the dissemination of the list of legislators who rejected the omnibus law is a “methodology that recalls the darkest times in contemporary history.” Meanwhile, the radical Martín Tetaz stated: “It gives the impression that the Government never wanted the law to come out”

The deputies Nicolás Massot and Margarita Stolbizer. Both were classified as "traitors" by the Government (Gustavo Gavotti)

Criminals ”, “ traitors ” and “ enemies of Argentina ”. From Israel, President Javier Milei vented his anger against the national deputies who voted against some articles of the omnibus law in the particular discussion, something that forced the ruling party to send the project to commission to restart its parliamentary treatment. On social networks, he even shared lists and photos of each of them.

That anger was exposed during a talk he had in Jerusalem with a group of businessmen: “It is a quite interesting day to talk about Argentina because yesterday in the session of the Chamber of Deputies the political caste, as we call that group of criminals who "They want a worse Argentina because they are not willing to give up their privileges, they began to dismantle our law," he noted.

Faced with this situation, the legislators appointed by the Government replicated the accusations. “Mr. President, we voted in favor of the emergencies and delegated powers that your government requested of us. The list that it disseminates, with a methodology that recalls the darkest times in contemporary history, is a section on the elimination of trusts that finance infrastructure works and that the authorities of the Chamber and the Executive always knew that we were not going to accompany ", stated Nicolás Massot , from We Make the Federal Coalition.

“This parliamentary setback is the sole responsibility of their incompetence, lack of dialogue and lack of desire to build consensus. The opportunity was lost to sanction a law that had very valuable points for Argentina and that we supported from the first moment despite our criticism as a responsible and democratic opposition,” he concluded.

Martín Tetaz analyzed what happened in Congress with the Omnibus Law

The radical Martín Tetaz , in dialogue with La Red , said: “ It gives the impression that the Government never wanted the law to come out . One saw it throughout the discussion, with the Government trying to break everything and the constructivist blocks trying to contribute.”

“The law completely died. There were a lot of people who built the consensus to approve the opinion in committee and to get the general vote in favor that began to appear on blacklists from official government accounts last night. An unusual thing, you have to go to Chávez's Venezuela to find something like that. That is the Venezuela of Cháves, the idea that there is a people and an anti-people,” he lamented.

From the Civic Coalition, Maximiliano Ferraro assured that “with the 'escraches' and 'pressures' through social networks they bring to light the true objective, to create a new story. They do not seek consensus, they seek to install a new story. For some, the enemy was the media, today it is 'caste'. The search for an internal enemy is the oldest of practices to concentrate power.”

Meanwhile, for representative Paula Oliveto Lago , Milei “went too far with superpowers.” “I always knew that she doesn't want the law to come out; "She doesn't want solutions, she wants people to blame," she told El Destape . And she expanded: “I am a traitor to whom? Do not ask us to surrender our convictions because we are not going to do it. “Milei's rages that make them attack us later confirm that we don't have to give her superpowers.”

Member of the Córdoba Federal Block, Natalia de la Sota said: “I am deeply concerned by the president's tweet naming the deputies who supported him and those who he considers betrayed him.” “The governors wanted to talk, but there were no valid interlocutors. This was almost refounding Argentina and its consensus, it was irrational to vote for it by mixing all the issues,” she concluded in an interview with Futurock .

From left to right: Karina Milei, Carolina Píparo and Javier Milei REUTERS

In turn, the block of national deputies of the UCR issued a statement in which it highlights the need to rebuild “dialogues and consensus.” “We cannot repeat the mistakes of the past and fall into extremes and facilities. It is essential to respect the institutions, the division of powers and their normal functioning. The accusations and the division between friends and enemies are not the way to find the agreements that are fundamental today, especially if they are not published by official government media,” he noted.
“I'm not worried about being on this list, I'm worried because that list is made by a government that expresses a non-democratic model. The law has no chance, it was very bad from the beginning,” she expressed in La Red , on her side, Margarita Stolbizer (GEN).

Finally, Carolina Píparo also spoke out , who is part of that list of “traitor” deputies despite having been the La Libertad Avanza candidate for the governor of Buenos Aires in the last elections.

“The Buenos Aires Libre bloc voted in favor of all emergencies and all delegated powers requested by the executive branch. The only negative vote was for a subsection, subsection H of article 4 (made up of eight subsections). Specifically, we voted against a modification proposed by another bloc on trusts,” he replied on social media. And he expanded: “We wish the government temperance to bring peace of mind to the Argentines who have had such a hard time for so long.”