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Politics The DNU reopened fissures between Milei and Villarruel: the demand for cooperation and “the unilateral decision” that the Government accused - Infobae

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The DNU reopened fissures between Milei and Villarruel: the demand for cooperation and “the unilateral decision” that the Government accused - Infobae​



March 14, 2024

The Vice President kept the presidential decree with the economic reforms on the agenda of matters to be discussed this Thursday, despite the fact that in the Casa Rosada they sought to postpone the debate

By Federico Galligni

Victoria Villarruel (Senate Press)

Until the last hour of Wednesday, Vice President Victoria Villarruel had decided to keep unchanged the agenda that she signed for the session called for this Thursday and which includes the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) with the economic reforms established by Javier Milei few days after having assumed leadership of the Casa Rosada, which reopened the fissures between the two.

The incorporation of this issue, which the opposition had long been demanding to discuss on the premises, mainly the members of Unidad Ciudadana and the National and Popular Front, surprised the National Executive Branch , which intended to postpone the debate.

“I found out when it was called, I didn't know anything,” an official close to Milei admitted to Infobae , who is upset with the decision that was made, also, before the new version of the Omnibus Law was delivered to the governors. , as anticipated by this medium.

In the Government, the main officials and advisors were convinced that the DNU did not have to be discussed until the ruling party had guaranteed the 37 affirmative votes it needed to ratify it, a number that today would be far from achieving.

Milei had already questioned Villarruel's decision to authorize a salary increase for senators (AP)

The scenario for La Libertad Avanza worsened recently, due to an unexpected and tragic event, which was the death of the wife of the provisional president of the Senate, Bartolomé Abdala , who for this reason could be absent during the meeting.

Throughout Wednesday, there were some attempts to look for alternatives to stop the vote on the Decree , either by postponing the session or removing this issue from the agenda, but there was no agreement.

Finally, as confirmed to this medium by different sources, the meeting at the venue remained firm and Villarruel did not plan to modify the points that were going to be discussed there, despite the complaints expressed by the Government.

The Vice President considers that she already managed to stop the discussion of the Decree for quite some time , but that both the opposition and the allies of the ruling party in the room demanded that she stop delaying the matter and forced her to include it in this Thursday's session.

Bartolomé Abdala could be absent from this Thursday's session for personal reasons
Likewise, in the bloc they assure that there was a lack of cooperation on the part of the national authorities when it came to seeking the necessary consensus in the Upper House: "Since mid-January we have been dealing with this, they do not want to discuss it until they have the votes , but they did not help to get them ,” they point out.

In this sense, some representatives of the ruling party remember that last week, for example, no official, “neither first nor second line ,” attended the bicameral commission of Congress to defend the DNU.

In this context, the Office of the President issued a statement in which it harshly criticized “the unilateral decision of some sectors of the political class that intend to advance with their own and unconsulted agenda,” prior to the joint signing of the May Pact and of the treatment of the new Omnibus Law.

"The National Government hopes that the Legislative Branch does not allow itself to be captivated by the siren song of those who seek to 'score' short-term victories to the detriment of the future of the 45 million Argentines," the organization noted.

Although the text is not directed against anyone in particular, Milei did take care to thank “those legislators who, committed to the interests of the Homeland and the path of change, do not lend themselves to the perverse game of those who have deliberately decided to hinder the development of the Nation.”

“The potential rejection of the DNU, which is currently close to a definition by the Supreme Court of Justice, would entail a serious setback in the rights and needs of the Argentine people, implying, for example, the return of the Rental Law, the return to the rigid system of union social works, the maintenance of the corrupt model of Automotive Registries, and the cancellation of the open skies policy, among others,” the President's Office warned.


The statement from the Office of the President
This situation marked a new friction between Milei and Villarruel , after just a few days ago the head of the Senate had lowly regretted the way in which the national president criticized the salary increase that she and Martín Menem , her counterpart in the Chamber of Deputies, authorized for legislators.

On that occasion, the economist's running mate reproached him for having only signed a salary increase similar to the one granted in the Executive Branch for civil servants. However, the head of state was not convinced by this argument and ordered the cancellation of all increases.

Although some tensions have arisen between them since they assumed their respective positions, the two maintain a fluid conversation. With less than three months of management under their belt, none of them want the relationship to be harmed.