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The emotional farewell to the last postal employee in Gualjaina


Well-known member
Very sad to read about the last postal employee in this town. Crazy almost 3,000 employees of Correo Argentino have been fired. The mail service is already horrible. Hard to imagine how it will be with 3,000 less employees. Many companies have the same thing happening.

This guy sounds like one of the ones that actually had a job. But Milei's administration has found thousands of noquis that don't really work and do nothing. I'm sure many good people got caught up in the layoffs but it's important to note many never reported or did very little work.
Very sad to hear about a long-time employee losing their job or forced retirement. I don't know too much about all of this Argentina politics. Just reading the news every day about all the fraud and scams they are uncovering is an eye opener. It makes me wonder if there wasn't fraud in every fabric of society there.

My novia's family says many of these government worker's don't do anything. I don't read too much about the outcry from all of these people losing their jobs so I wonder if that is the truth. I don't know how Milei is prioritizing the terminations. It will be interesting to see if all these terminations have a negative effect on services. I know they help with the bottom line but wonder how the companies will do.
I would assume that Milei wants to see many of these companies privatized eventually. Some of the headcounts at some of these companies is crazy. I don't know how services will be but friends tell me that the post office system there never worked well before. I imagine with 3,000 less employees probably going to get much worse.
This guy sounds like one of the ones that actually had a job. But Milei's administration has found thousands of noquis that don't really work and do nothing. I'm sure many good people got caught up in the layoffs but it's important to note many never reported or did very little work.
But lots of good people like this guy are getting terminated. Not sure what their plan is. I doubt it can be that many noquis!
The very scary thing is this is just start. Milei want to fire from now until he finish his term 70,000 more State employees! That crazy!