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Real Estate News The field remains stable - Reporte Inmobiliario



The field remains stable - Reporte Inmobiliario



May 16, 2024


Argentine Chamber of Rural Real Estate reported that the activity of the real estate market remained good in April, with an increase in inquiries and calls.
The “Rural real estate market activity index” (InCAIR*) is a monthly index that reflects the “activity” of the market, taking 100 points as a maximum reference base, corresponding to the peak of maximum historical activity. It does not reflect prices/values, only market activity. It began to be measured in November 2013. (126 months of validity).

InCAIR for April 2024 reflected 42.05 points. This value is slightly lower than that of March (45.55) but maintains a similar dynamic, with an increase in consultations and calls. “The increase in operating costs and consequent drop in income forces extreme caution, which is reflected in stability in the values of agricultural and livestock rentals,” CAIR states.
The latest report highlights that the market continues to be in demand, especially in very good quality agricultural areas with an increasingly scarce supply.


The InCAIR Index is mainly made up of:
-Results of the monthly activity survey carried out among partners throughout the country;
-Number of advertisements for fields for sale or rent in the main national print media;
-Number of advertisers on the CAIR WEBSITE;
-Rural operations carried out in the analyzed period;
-Searches and queries carried out by investors on the CAIR website;
-Number of commercial advertisements in the main squares in the interior of the country.

*On October 29, 2010, the most prestigious rural real estate agencies with the longest experience in our country met to sign the CAIR Founding Commitment Act. Shortly after, this union that was born strong, set August 23, 2011, to celebrate the Constitution Act of the Argentine Chamber of Rural Real Estate Companies.
