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Politics The food crisis that ended with the expulsion of Pablo de la Torre: suspicions and the urgency to distribute milk about to expire - Infobae

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The food crisis that ended with the expulsion of Pablo de la Torre: suspicions and the urgency to distribute milk about to expire - Infobae​



May 31, 2024

The official was fired from his position after it was discovered that a good part of the products purchased in the previous administration were close to their expiration date. The Government's position on social assistance

By Federico Galligani

The Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello

“You have to be precise with the words, it is not 5 thousand tons of food, it is products, of which more than 80% is yerba mate . "Talking about food is not the same as talking about an infusion," protested an important official who usually visits the Ministry of the Interior, shortly after federal judge Sebastián Casanello ordered the Ministry of Human Capital to develop a plan in 72 hours to distribute those goods that were stored in warehouses in the provinces of Buenos Aires and Tucumán.

The crisis that was unleashed by the complaint initiated by the social leader Juan Grabois ended on Thursday with the expulsion from the Government of the until then Secretary of Children and Family, Pablo De la Torre , one of the main members of the portfolio led by Sandra Pettovello .

Through a statement, the area reported that it was detected that a good part of the merchandise stored since the previous management was about to expire, which is why "the corresponding administrative investigations will be carried out."

Meanwhile, it was anticipated that “a protocol will be put in place for the immediate delivery of soon-to-expire food through the Argentine Army to guarantee fast and efficient logistics.”

Pablo de la Torre was removed from office

Although the statement did not directly mention De la Torre, it was warned that “an audit” will be carried out to find out what happened and it was recognized that there was “poor performance in their tasks” by the of those responsible for this task.

“It was an honor to have been part of the National Government during these months. I will continue working for our country from wherever I am. I ask God to enlighten President Milei in the enormous task that is to move this country forward,” was the conciliatory response of the outgoing official.

From the beginning, the current administration reneged on the 2,751,653 kilos of products that are stored in the Buenos Aires town of Villa Martelli and the other 2,269,078 kilos that are in the Tucumán city of Tafi Viejo.

For example, one of the presidential advisors wondered “what kind of nutritional values a package of weed can have,” so he considered it “very unfortunate” that Alberto Fernández's government has allocated the budget to acquiring large quantities of that infusion, instead of food.


Pablo de la Torre's message after his departure from the Ministry of Human Capital
Beyond this specific complaint, the vision that the libertarian administration has regarding social assistance is significantly different from that of the administrations that preceded them: “When we listen to Carolina Stanley , for example, highlight that Macri was the president who invested the most in aid, in reality we find it regrettable,” he noted.

Milei's Cabinet is based on the premise that, in reality, "it is work and what one can earn with the sweat of one's brow" that must be encouraged, which is why any assistance program "is a tragedy of which we should not be proud of.”

It is for these reasons, among others, that the Ministry of Human Capital delayed the delivery of the stored products, an issue that they did not consider a priority, as they largely involved weed, and even appealed Judge Casanello's order .

In fact, next Wednesday the authorities of that portfolio will present before Chamber II of the Buenos Aires Federal Court of Appeals, made up of judges Martín Irurzun , Eduardo Farah and Roberto Boico , the arguments for which they made that decision.

For now, although De la Torre was removed from his position, Pettovello does not plan to modify the course of his management, which focuses on moving towards a direct assistance scheme - such as that delivered through the Alimentar Card - and try to avoid intermediaries in the process, as well as report existing irregularities.

This week, the Ministry presented new documentation in the Ramiro González prosecutor's office that would demonstrate that not only are there canteens that “do not exist,” but that in the renditions put forward by the leader of the Polo Obrero, Eduardo Belliboni , and other leaders, “it appears that "They received dry food that was listed as destined for the soup kitchens that served the most vulnerable, but it did not exist when the inspection was carried out."

Regarding the food stored in the warehouses in the provinces of Buenos Aires and Tucumán, nearly a thousand tons of powdered milk that has an expiration date in the month of July will be urgently distributed by Army trucks.