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Politics The gas crisis: a government in a state of panic and Milei's diplomatic debt with Lula Da Silva - Infobae

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The gas crisis: a government in a state of panic and Milei's diplomatic debt with Lula Da Silva - Infobae​



May 29, 2024

Foreign Minister Mondino spoke last night with Foreign Minister Vieira and Ambassador Bitelli to unblock the unloading of the liquefied gas vessel contracted with Petrobras. Far from “recovering” the misdeeds of the libertarian president during the campaign, the PT bureaucracy collaborated to avoid an energy collapse in Argentina

By Facundo Chaves

The image of the regasification ship of the company Excelerate Energy in the port of Escobar that waited for the unloading of the Petrobras ship (Photo Reuters)

The gas crisis in Argentina showed in all its dimension how the lack of foresight, distraction or inexperience of second and third line officials in the Energy area left Javier Milei's government facing the certain danger of collapse due to poorly prepared papers. It was the end of a string of mistakes, which were combined with a preview of the winter season. A series of errors that forced ministers from Argentina and Brazil to intervene so that the lack of supply was resolved quickly and without major scandal.

As Infobae learned from qualified sources who intervened in the crisis, on Tuesday night the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Diana Mondino, had to call Mauro Vieira, the chancellor of Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva, to ask for help in order to unblock the procedures. so that the liquefied gas ship hired on an emergency basis to inject into the system would effectively discharge the fluid. It was the last call from a government that was in panic due to the consequences that the lack of input was already having.

Diana Mondino's management with Chancellor Vieira expedited the procedures to unblock the discharge of liquefied gas from Petrobras

Mondino, who in the midst of Milei's bitter criticism of Lula during the campaign due to his leftist origins, tried at all times to preserve the personal and diplomatic link, and had been in permanent dialogue with the ambassador of that country in Buenos Aires, Julio Glinternick Bitelli, to speed up as much as possible the solution to the requirements presented by the oil company controlled by the Brazilian government, but managed by professional executives.

Specifically, what was questioned was the letter of credit presented by Energy officials to cover the payment of 22 million dollars. With the Argentine financial background, the executives prioritized guaranteeing payment for liquefied gas, regardless of the obvious emergencies that their counterpart had. According to the information that emerged from the sources involved in the negotiation, Foreign Minister Vieira contacted Alexandre Silveira, the Minister of Mines and Energy of Brazil, in the middle of the night.

The Argentine government had entered a virtual state of panic, faced with the consequences if the system did not have gas in the morning. Just last night, the distributors sent official letters on letterhead to their large customers to inform them of the total cut in supply, while CNG stations multiplied with their hoses crossed.

According to what Infobae was able to find out , Foreign Minister Diana Mondino received a communication from her Brazilian counterpart, Mauro Vieira, at 7:20 this morning, to confirm that the situation had been unblocked, following a specific request made by the company Petrobras to the Argentine government to unload the ship with LNG. “They worked in solidarity and there is a lot of gratitude for everything they did to solve this,” the source admitted.

Difficult relationship. Lula and Milei, left and right. Brazil and Argentina
Far from “accepting” the disqualifications that Milei raised during the electoral campaign for ideological reasons, the Brazilian bureaucracy showed a commitment to its main partner in Mercosur, and in extremis extended a hand to the libertarian president. It was a key help at a time when the Argentine president is in the United States holding meetings with entrepreneurs and global technology leaders, such as the CEOs of Apple, Facebook, Google, OpenIA and Worldcoin.

The Argentine president had already shown intentions to heal these affronts. He sent two letters to Lula to invite him to the country, without receiving a response. With Brazilian style, the astute leader of the PT in a public event said that he had received a letter, but he had not had time to see it. Beyond this hand in a moment of absolute dependence, the answer has not yet arrived.