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Politics The Gas Crisis


Active member
Now it turns out that Alberto has no memory and is blaming Milei for the gas crisis. Here's a reminder of who really destroyed the hydrocarbons industry: Nestor, Cristina, and you. Do those names sound familiar?

Here is the evidence

This article is very good to explain part of the problem. Austerity measures by Milei is part of the problem.

If the funds had been provided on time, the plants would have been completed, and Vaca Muerta’s transportation capability would have doubled. The Tratayén compressor plant could start operating in mid-June, which would add 5 million cubic meters per day. This would mean saving up to US$350 million per year through the replacement of liquid fuels and LNG imports.

Meanwhile, the Salliqueló plant will not be ready until September. The delay is mainly due to the fact that Enarsa stopped paying the companies in charge of the works during the first months of government. It owes US$30 million to construction company Sacde and 10 million to Contreras, which forced both companies to work below capacity. If Enarsa had paid on time, both projects would be done by now

The government’s debt is US$40 million, but the decision not to pay now forces it to pay US$500 million. If the pipeline had been operating at full capacity, imports would have been needed, but for less than half that amount.