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Politics The general strike of the CGT seems inevitable, but the dilemma is what the Government and the unions will do the next day - Infobae


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The general strike of the CGT seems inevitable, but the dilemma is what the Government and the unions will do the next day - Infobae


January 03, 2024

The Cegetista strategy aims to challenge the DNU before the courts, although there are dialogue channels that are not advancing precisely because they declared a strike. The moderate gesture of Hugo Moyano. Union silence due to changes for social works.

By Ricaro Carpena

Carlos Acuña, Pablo Moyano and Héctor Daer, after the CGT's decision to carry out the strike on January 24

No leader of the CGT imagines the possibility of lifting the strike 12 hours with mobilization to Congress that was decided last week, although there are inorganic channels of dialogue that are established with the Government (and that they do not register progress). The problem for the union movement is that it claims not to find “reliable interlocutors” in the ruling party and that, furthermore, the message it secretly receives is very clear: the CGT“If the strike continues, the President will not receive.
That is why in both sectors there was a certainty that the first general strike against Javier Milei is inevitable. At this point in the conflict, the dilemma is what will happen the day after the strike. The Casa Rosada cannot relax an inch without its position be interpreted as an unconditional surrender. Neither does the CGT, but risks much more: what will it do if the President does not give in? General strikes of 24 hours, 48 hours or for an indefinite period? “If we continue like this, we are going to end up in a hostage situation so that they can give us a bullet,” joked a leader of the dialogue sector.

As they did not measure the times and are burning stages 20 days after Milei took office, the Cegetista leaders were left in a trap. The president still has a very good image in society while the union members are in the worst places in that ranking and To make matters worse, they are burdened with having tolerated 4 years of inflation, poverty and low salaries in the government of Alberto Fernández without a single protest. The doubt will always remain: if they had been so relentless against the former president, could the economic and social crisis left by the Frente de Todos have been avoided?
Javier Milei, faced with the challenge of how to face his relationship with unionism (Photo Europa Press)
At the beginning of December, a union leader like Facundo Moyano wondered with what authority the CGT leaders are protesting "if many were < /span>, with the aim placed in the Cegetista leadership. La Nación he said in an interview withYou failed,”. “Politics is measured by results: there is 150 of inflation and 50 of poverty. part of the failure”during all this time or they were silent.
The CGT debuted its inflexible condition in the face of a DNU that it described as unconstitutional, although its leaders had been negotiating with Guillermo Francos, Minister of the Interior , a modest and almost harmless labor reform for the survival of union power. But since it was not what was finally reflected in the text of the decree (because of Federico Sturzenegger, they complain ), war broke out. The decree puts in check the solidarity quotas, that additional collection resource of the unions that became widespread in the nineties to compensate for the loss of contributions caused by disaffiliation: Article 73 obliges unions to receive payment from solidarity clauses “only if there is explicit consent from the employee authorizing the same”.

The adjustment in the State and the sale of public companies, curiously, did not aggravate the warlike climate with the CGT. Its deputy secretary, Andrés Rodríguez, is the leader of UPCN, the union that brings together most of the national public administration, but until now he has chosen the path of dialogue to reverse some measures, such as the cancellation of the contracts of the 7,000 state employees who began working in 2023, and clarify other libertarian proposals, such as the so-called Labor Reconversion Fund, which is included in the to rearrange personnel without functions.Omnibus Law.

Andrés Rodríguez, leader of the CGT and leader of UPCN

UPCN's prudent attitude of UPCN contrasts with that adopted by its sectoral adversary ATE , of combative affiliation: its owner, Rodolfo Aguiar, has just announced a new “day national struggle” against the Government for January 15, with modality to be defined in each province. The crack, as was demonstrated, also reached unionism even during the Milei government.

The more moderate Cegetista leadership is betting that the relationship with the Government will improve with the arrival of Armando Guibert to the Chief of Staff. He is a well-known figure for unionism: as Undersecretary of Reform and Modernization, he was one of the managers of the cuts to the State during the government of .< /span>Guillermo Ferraro, and the Minister of Infrastructure,Nicolás Posse, while on some specific issues there are bridges built with the Chief of Staff , Omar Yasín. There are also open channels of dialogue between the CGT and the Secretary of Labor, Carlos Menem.
In the 57-page presentation to challenge the DNU before the Court, the CGT goes to great lengths to detail the harm to workers of a labor reform that is “authoritarian in its form and regressive in its contents,” but, curiously, does not dedicate a single line to questioning the strong reform in the social work system, which opens the game to prepaid companies and allows each affiliate to decide to which health entity all of your contributions will go.

At first glance, the decree will hit unions through the impact that the inclusion of medical companies will have on social works private, but the CGT has not yet complained. “The changes are not so bad for us; They particularly affect the rubber stamps that triangulate the contributions with the prepaid ones,” said a health expert who advises union leaders.

Hugo Moyano signed a salary agreement in line with the Government's guidelines (Photo Télam)

Hugo Moyano signed a salary agreement in line with the Government's guidelines (Photo Télam)

The labor union attacks the Government, although the Ministry of Economy established a policy salary without defined limits for joint negotiation and with a promoted automatic update trigger clause. Almost a guideline worthy of a Peronist government. To such an extent that one of the unions that respected it is Truckers, led by the unwavering Hugo Moyano, who signed a 12.5% increase in January and 21 % in February (and without a trigger clause), figures that are not enough to compensate for the inflationary gap and that mark a gesture of moderation.

Some already foresee a uneven start to the school year: teachers continue with salaries “below the poverty line”, as they denounce the union leaders of the sector, and the Government has not yet summoned them to start talking about the issue. The initiative, for now, is that of a radical governor: Maximiliano Pullaro, of Santa Fe, who called the teachers' joint meeting for this Thursday.

And while it insists on judicial means to stop Javier Milei's DNU, the CGT explores a secret negotiation with the Government to cushion the negative impact of the labor reform. The presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, said that there remains “an open channel of dialogue”< a i=9> with the labor union, but pointed out that “what is not negotiated is a free Argentina, wanting to end poverty and destitution” . The Cegetista co-owner Carlos Acuña (service stations) denied it by emphasizing that “for now there was no ” dialogue with the Casa Rosada and predicted that the January 24 strike “will be much more forceful” than the cegetista act in Courts.

Armando Cavalieri and the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello

Armando Cavalieri and the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello

“I wouldn't be surprised at all a million workers on the streets defending rights accordingly,” added Acuña, the main representative of the union sector led by Luis Barrionuevo (gastronomic), former partner of Milei in that fleeting political alliance they had.

Now, Barrionuevo is the axis of versions: the Government is saying that it could adhere to the new compensation system that includes the DNU. “That's not even talked about”, they said near the leader of Gastronomics . This scheme, similar in format to the UOCRA Labor Termination Fund, has already had the support of Armando Cavalieri , leader of the powerful Trade Union, who is preparing to implement it in his collective agreement and will sign it in a hearing led by the President.

The CGT protest in Plaza Lavalle, last week, to accompany the judicial presentation against the DNU (Photo Télam/DPA)

The CGT protest in Plaza Lavalle, last week, to accompany the judicial presentation against the DNU (Photo Télam/DPA)

The Government agreed with Cavalieri on a “tailored” resolution so that he can collect the solidarity fee as always and now wants the rest of the leadership lines up to ask for the same thing. “There will not be a general resolution except at the request of each one”, warned an official. The union “cash” is at stake. The business leader said his union could go bankrupt. Will it be imitated by other colleagues?

The CGT advanced fully with a fighting plan behind which no exit door is seen. But some leaders have already resorted to a different solution. In reality, the same solution of dialogue and tolerance that the CGT during 48 months of a Peronist government that, as its leaders complained, treated it with indifference and subjected it to < a i=11>worse economic indices.