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Politics The Government advances with the Omnibus Law, but the opposition ratified the warnings and commits its support to modifications - Infobae


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The Government advances with the Omnibus Law, but the opposition ratified the warnings and commits its support to modifications - Infobae


January 10, 2024

The most pro-dialogue sectors demand that negotiations be made effective to modify the project and limit support in the area. Claims to the Casa Rosada and the presidential spokesperson.

By Joaquín Múgica Díaz

The deputies of La Libertad Avanza who were at the forefront of the debate throughout the day (Franco Fafasuli)

If the Government had any doubts that to approve the omnibus law it would be necessary to seek consensus and make modifications, they ended them yesterday to pay off. During the first day of debate in the General Legislation commission of the Chamber of Deputies, the different sectors of the opposition marked the field and made it clear that to accompany the project, they will have to make changes. Otherwise, there will be no law.

There were nearly nine hours of debate, in Annex C, where there were a hundred deputies. There the ruling party, which had Gabriel Bornoroni from Córdoba as the moderator of an afternoon full of tension, chicanery and reproaches, was forced to take note of the demands of the dialogue opposition, key to being able to make the project move forward and be approved.

“Until now they were just informal contacts. A law with all the articles that it has, needs us to sit down to negotiate seriously“, said a UCR legislator in the corridors of the annex of Deputies, where yesterday the Government gave a minimal sign of flexibility when the Secretary of Energy, Eduardo Rodríguez Chirillo, expressed that they were going to accept suggestions to reduce the time of the emergency.

Another opposition legislator more inclined to support the project was surprised by the Government's unrestricted defense and the lack of political gestures to seek an agreement. “If they continue like this they will go with a minority opinion to the premises. " , he said. There is annoyance and disbelief.

The deputies of the left were in the most combative bloc of legislators (Franco Fafasuli)

What is most strange in that sector of the political arc is that there are no interlocutors with decision-making power to bring the negotiation down to earth and advance the most conflictive points of the extensive document, which are the main barrier to obtaining votes and approving the law. At the moment there is no agreement or political consensus beyond the tandem that makes up the PRO and La Libertad Avanza blocs. Although that duo does not work in an oiled way either.

The president of the radical bloc, Rodrigo de Loredo, was the first to raise his voice to make it clear that if the ruling party does not negotiate , they will hardly be able to move the law forward. And he did so by warning that the will of radicalism is to accompany the reform project and provide a governance framework to Javier Milei.

“Do you want these legislative tools to be approved for the Government's progress? We ask ourselves this because at times we are bewildered. When the presidential spokesperson assigns us responsibility for the increase in the exchange rate gap, when our attitude is quick and collaborative, it disconcerts us,” stated the Córdoban deputy.

The message was for Manuel Adorni, who during yesterday morning blamed Congress for the increase in the dollar. He assured that the movement of the currency “can be a free sample” of what can happen if the law is not approved. In the Lower House they felt it as a threat and an unsubstantiated accusation. One more that adds to Milei's brand of “coimeros”. Contradictory signals with the management objective.


The first day of the treatment of the omnibus law was marked by criticism from Peronism of the content of the text and requests from the dialogue opposition (Franco Fafasuli)
The ruling party is showing a certain clumsiness in handling itself in this instance where it needs to gather support to give support to the omnibus law. From different sectors of the opposition, even the closest ones like the PRO, they assure that the lack of interlocutors is delaying the agreements and that no one is willing to no matter how willing they are to accompany you.“sign a blank check”.

“The Government is saying that the 37 PRO deputies are going to vote on the law as it is and that is not the case. There are no interlocutors with the Casa Rosada or specific conversations with representatives of the ruling party to generate changes in the law”, explained a deputy from the bloc led by Cristian Ritondo and who is the main ally of La Libertad Avanza.

This situation exposes the current weakness of the ruling party in being able to build parliamentary alliances. Adorni insisted again yesterday with an idea that the President has downloaded from his office at Balcarce 50: “The content of the law is not negotiated, which does not mean that we are not open to dialogue and that we do not accept suggestions.” The argument is suffering wear and tear in leaps and bounds due to permanent use and the clash with parliamentary reality.

In the dialogue opposition they begin to believe that there is a mixture of political inexperience and stubbornness of the President, which is delaying the negotiation and is counterproductive with the official desire to speed up the debate and have the law approved before the end of the vote. month. “It is not clear what they want to do”, repeated last night an experienced deputy who is part of the bloc led by Miguel Pichetto.

The president of the block of deputies of Unión por la Patria, Germán Martínez (Franco Fafasuli)

Another of the deputies who told the Government that they will not endorse the project as it is was Maximiliano Ferraro, from the Civic Coalition. “The myth of the presidential mandate is that the popular will represented in the President is what must prevail when sanctioning the perceived norms and that no power of the State can take precedence over that. What is that looking for? It leaves or intends to leave the National Congress in a subordinate or decorative place“, he complained.

Ferraro pointed out one of the arguments that is most repeated in the libertarian ranks: the legitimacy of society's support to carry out the measures. The problem with this argument is that for a correlation to be generated in Parliament, a majority must be built to support it with votes. That, in the words of an important government official, turn the reforms into concrete and visible facts. None of that is happening.

During this Wednesday the ministers Guillermo Francos (Interior) and Patricia Bullrich (Security), two of the officials with the most high profile of the national government. Peronism will continue today, just as it did all day yesterday, demanding the presence of the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, and the Minister of Economy , Luis “Toto” Caputo, who from the Government have already anticipated that they will not go to Congress.

It will be another important day so that the ruling party can give clearer signals about the construction of a negotiating table in Parliament. A new stage outside of the concessions that were already made to some governors of Together for Change who claimed for articles linked to fishing. Another opportunity to open the game and try to secure the votes needed to approve the omnibus law.

The delegation of powers from the Legislative Branch to the Executive is one of the most controversial articles and resisted by the opposition. For the moment, the Government has not given concrete signs of wanting to negotiate it although, in hushed tones, some legislators talk about the possibility of reducing the amount of time of the delegation. There is a lack of a guiding axis, an order and a new dynamic to seek adhesions. Otherwise the bill will run the risk of being shipwrecked.