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Politics The Government agreed on key changes with the opposition and is getting closer to having the votes to approve the omnibus law -Infobae


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The Government agreed on key changes with the opposition and is getting closer to having the votes to approve the omnibus law -Infobae


January 18, 2024

The ruling party took the recommendations of the PRO, the UCR and HCF regarding the formula for retirement mobility, privatizations and withholdings from regional economies, among other issues. They will work over the weekend on the final wording of each article. The session would be next Thursday

By Federico Millenaar

The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos

After several days of negotiations on possible reforms to the Omnibus Law, the Government was close to reaching an agreement.sent top officials to the Chamber of Deputies to bring closer positions with the dialogue opposition and was close to reaching an agreement.

The first to enter the office of the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem, were the head of the PRO block, Cristian Ritondo, and the former Governor of Buenos Aires, María Eugenia Vidal. The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, and the Government's main strategist, Santiago Caputo, were in charge of informing the modifications that Javier Milei was willing to accept.

From the PRO they indicated that the ruling party is taking “many suggestions” and that nearly 100 articles have already been modified. However, they stressed that there are still some points that still need to be discussed.
“I am sure that we are on track so that next week the law we are debating will have half a sanction,” he said Ritondo after the meeting. The agreement with the PRO reaches 95%, as explained to this medium.

Deputies of the UCR and We Make the Federal Coalition

After this first meeting with the PRO, the Government representatives received Rodrigo de Loredo, head of the the UCR. Then the representatives of the block We make the Federal Coalition, led by Miguel Ángel Pichetto, entered.

Rodrigo de Loredo
explained that Francos and Caputo arrived with a draft with a “thick line” stippling of all the changes that the Government accepted.

Among the points that generated the most differences, the libertarians would have proposed eliminating the current retirement mobility formula to replace it with one update based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of the previous month. That is, if the law is approved in February, salaries will be updated by the January CPI, and so on.

As for the withholdings, they would remain at 0 those that affect the regional economies and left open the negotiation on the tax on industrial exports.

The chapter that includes the electoral reform, which for example proposes adopting a single-member constituency system and updating the number of national deputies, /span>. However, it has not yet been defined what will happen to the Simultaneous and Mandatory Open Primaries (PASO), which could still be eliminated as the libertarians intend.will be outlawed. However, it has not yet been defined what will happen with the Simultaneous and Mandatory Open Primaries (PASO), which could still be eliminated as the libertarians intend.

Martín Menem and Guillermo Francos with the Bases Law

On the other hand, the Government agreed to shorten the list of emergencies and reduce the delegated powers requested by the Executive Branch to a period of one year to be able to skip Congress.

Regarding privatizations, the libertarians asked to maintain the list that includes 40 state companies that could be sold. They would only remove, at the request of the opposition, YPF. In addition, the final wording would include a clause that obliges the Executive to send to Congress the specifications for privatization. This would allow the opposition to have the power to stop the process in a particular case.

Although the articles were not worked on in detail, they indicated to Infobae that substantial changes were made in the chapters of Culture, Environment, Education, Health, Security and Justice. “We have to look at the final text,” they said from radicalism.

Meanwhile, the chapter related to the exploitation of hydrocarbons also suffered “drastic” changes < /span>of oil provinces.governors following the proposals of the

Finally, the article that included the ratification of the mega DNU within the Omnibus law will be eliminated , so that the decree is debated in the bicameral Legislative Procedure commission.

At the end of their meeting, Miguel Ángel Pichetto and the rest of the representatives of We Make a Coalition Federal agreed that the Government began to show good predisposition to accept the opposition proposals and indicated that everything is heading towards reach an opinion at the beginning of next week to meet this Thursday.

In general terms, the claims of this space coincided with the proposals of radicalism. They only showed marked differences regarding privatizations: HCF announced that it does not agree with the privatization of six companies (among which stand out YPF, ARSAT, Nucleoeléctrica, Banco Nación and YMAD) and proposes a partial privatization scheme while retaining state control.

Like the radicals, they announced that they are waiting for the final draft of the text, which will arrive between Sunday and Monday, but they were optimistic. Everything is aimed at the Omnibus Law being discussed next Thursday.