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Politics The Government agreed to change the Base Law and the fiscal package and is preparing a summit with the dialogue opposition - Infobae

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The Government agreed to change the Base Law and the fiscal package and is preparing a summit with the dialogue opposition - Infobae​



May 13, 2024

The second of the Chief of Staff, José Rolandi, was with some senators this afternoon and anticipated that progress will be made in modifications to both projects, which will return to Deputies for a second review.

By Mariano Casa

The second of the Head of Cabinet, José Rolandi (Jaime Olivos)

After more than a week of back and forth, the Government took note of the reality check that the dialogueist opposition gave to the Bases Law and the fiscal package and will give a signal to save the projects, which will return to Deputies for a second review. Under these parameters, the second of the Chief of Staff, José Rolandi , will meet in the next few hours with legislators to note, one by one, the changes to the initiatives and agree on a joint support that completely rules out the rejection of full that Kirchnerism proposes, something that was always far away, beyond the tug-of-war of recent days.

Rolandi's promise occurred during the course of the day this Monday, parallel to the continuation of the debate in the plenary session of the General Legislation commissions; Budget and Treasury; and Constitutional Affairs of the upper house, which is moderated by the head of the first, the libertarian Bartolomé Abdala . In fact, the official was in the Senate this afternoon and confirmed the Executive order to block heads , such as the radical Eduardo Vischi (Corrientes) and the official Ezequiel Atauche.

The inevitable honesty of the discussion occurs after abysmal disconnections between the Government and the ruling party itself. For example, a more than precise overview was given to the Executive in advance of the start of the debate in the Senate, thanks to the discreet work of close collaborators of the vice president and head of the Upper House, Victoria Villarruel, today dazzled by the future regarding to the treatment of the issues .

The Casa Rosada ignored that report and exuded unnecessary confidence that exposed its own bishops, as happened since last Tuesday with officials such as the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos . The much-announced signing of opinions without changes, or with partial dissent, clashed with questions from senators like Guadalupe Tagliaferri , who broke the libertarian siege and managed to get recognition that the drafting of an article that would activate a contradiction in the Incentive Regime for Large Investments (RIGI) was “unhappy” .

Senator Guadalupe Tagliaferri (PRO)

“Before starting, they should have gone to each block leader to ask who wants changes and, then, what they are looking to modify. How are you going to agitate for the signing of opinions? If you don't have 37 closed types, you can never do that. They set the limit for themselves. Beyond good intentions, if you have a squalid management from Casa Rosada and you do not give decision-making power to its senators or its authorities, it will always be difficult for them. Let's not forget that they have seven 72″ legislators, said an experienced advisor to Infobae , as reported last weekend in this medium.

The strategy that La Libertad Avanza is trying to deploy now would also include stealth contacts by the Government's premium advisor, Santiago Caputo , with senators considered “oily” to resolve other types of conflicts. Meanwhile, the discussion would continue with more presentations tomorrow and on Wednesday the delayed first management report of the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse , is expected in the upper house, to comply with what the Constitution dictates.

Despite the signs, other legislators from the dialogue opposition have not yet been notified about an eventual meeting with Rolandi and are waiting for the call, and there is still distrust about the move. Meanwhile, provincial officials remain in line with governors for final instructions. Along with the RIGI appears the delicate reinstatement of Profits, which almost all provincial leaders want in the face of fiscal suffocation, but which many of their parliamentary terminals will not vote.

Other items with an opposition magnifying glass focus on the delegated powers of the requested emergencies, the pension area and the deactivation of the moratorium, doubts about legal issues related to money laundering - mischief everywhere - and several suggestions for Personal Assets to consider some nod to the plan local over that of the exterior.