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Politics The Government announced that it will cede control of Aerolíneas Argentinas if union extortions continue - Infobae

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The Government announced that it will cede control of Aerolíneas Argentinas if union extortions continue - Infobae​



September 19, 2024

The presidential spokesman reported that talks have begun with several Latin American companies to take over the flag carrier in case the strikes continue. “We are going to bury the union pickets and the privileges of the aeronautical caste, we are going to go all the way,” said spokesman Manuel Adorni.

Video: Adorni revealed that talks have begun to hand over the operations of Aerolíneas Argentinas

Presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni said that the government has started talks with “several” Latin American companies to cede the operations of Aerolíneas Argentinas “in case the unions' extortions continue.” He was referring to the strikes carried out by the Pilots' union last week and to the forceful measures promoted by other unions in the sector.

During a press conference in which he did not accept questions, Adorni did not specify how this operation would be carried out . For now, a privatization of Aerolíneas Argentinas requires a law from Congress. In the original draft of the Ley Bases, Aerolíneas Argentinas was included in the list of state companies that could be privatized, but it ended up being left off the list at the request of the opposition.

We want to inform you that due to the persistent strikes called by the union led by Biró and company that affected nearly 40 thousand passengers, the national government has started conversations with several private Latin American companies so that they can finally take over the operation of Aerolíneas Argentinas in case, of course, the extortions that Argentines are suffering with this type of measures continue ,” said Adorni.

He continued: “ For those who don't know or for those who haven't worked in the private sector, if you strike and complicate the operation of a company, you're fired; the intention is that this fate befalls those who make life difficult for thousands and thousands of Argentines with this measure .”

Government meeting on the sale of Aerolíneas Argentinas

The government's announcement coincides with a strike by ATE ground staff that for the moment does not affect flights. A meeting of the pilots' union, led by Pablo Biró, a union member linked to La Cámpora and at odds with the national government, is scheduled for this afternoon.

Adorni compared the aeronautical protests to the pickets. He said that Milei came to power with the idea of ending the street blockades that impede free movement and he achieved it even though nobody believed it possible. “ Now we are going to bury the union pickets and the privileges of the aeronautical caste, we are going to go all out ,” he insisted.

The presidential spokesman again outlined the benefits that Aerolíneas Argentinas pilots have: business class travel for them and their families (cost of $20 billion a year), salaries of up to $10 million , taxis available ($1 billion a month), flight times below the region and the industry in general and -among others- discounts on tickets of up to 90% for retirees .

Regarding the first of the privileges mentioned, the spokesperson explained that if the pilot wishes to travel in business class and there is no ticket available, the company is obliged to remove someone who has paid for the ticket from that flight.

Regarding their salaries and working hours, he added: “They earn between three and twenty million pesos per month, they have a taxi available to go to and from their homes and that travel time is also counted as working time.”

He also said that some flights only fly three times a month and that pilots are paid separately for any rescheduling.

He concluded by saying: “Once retired, pilots receive a 90% bonus on their tickets for life when they wish to travel, they receive a bonus in dollars and have guaranteed hours of pay far above the industry, even if they do not fly.”

Pablo Biro

The offensive against the unions follows the complaint filed yesterday by the Ministry of Security against Biró for the crimes of extortion and threats. “Biró, who celebrated the closure of the El Palomar airport, will have to take a precaution before carrying out another strike because this could be considered a wildcat strike,” warned Adorni.

The official also said that so far no Aerolíneas employee has accepted the voluntary retirement proposal, which in his opinion means that they are satisfied with the working conditions offered by the national airline.

In President Milei's Argentina, law and order prevail, and those who do not respect that will of course suffer the consequences, and I repeat: we are going to go all out with the aeronautical pickets, this has to be made very clear, it is a decision of the President and the entire national cabinet ,” he summed up.