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Politics The Government announced that it will stop subsidizing 1,637 groups in the AMBA - Infobae

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The Government announced that it will stop subsidizing 1,637 groups in the AMBA - Infobae​



March 15, 2024

Presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni announced it this morning and assured that this will mean savings of $6.2 billion per month. He also announced that they will focus on controlling the journey of each unit to make another eventual spending adjustment.

By Eduardo Menegazzi

The Ministry of Transportation carried out a study of the automotive system and decided to stop subsidizing 1,637 groups in the AMBA because it detected serious irregularities.

“The State has distributed subsidies for 18,300 groups , but it was never controlled if this amount was the one that passed through the AMBA. “Clearly a non-existent offer was being subsidized ,” said Manuel Adorni when announcing the news, during the press conference that he offers daily at the Casa Rosada.

“This dismantles a faucet of waste and inefficiency that was very expensive for all of us: we will save $6.2 billion pesos per month ,” said the presidential spokesperson, who also announced that soon an attempt will be made to “ determine the actual journey that each unit takes.” to make the transportation service more efficient.”

From the Secretariat, headed by Franco Mogetta from Cordoba and which depends on the Ministry of Economy after the dissolution of the Infrastructure portfolio, they avoided giving details to Infobae about which lines these units belong to . Meanwhile, in the sector's chambers, the announcement caused obvious discomfort . In the next few hours, through social networks, there will be a statement in which they will express their position.

(Maximiliano Luna)

According to Transportation, “a survey and analysis of each bus unit that it subsidizes in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires is being carried out, by implementing a measure that links the SUBE validator that each unit carries with the patent or domain of the bus.”

They assure that "in this way, a more precise inspection is possible in relation to the route taken by each unit, being more efficient in the recognition of costs."

At the Casa Rosada they reported that since 2018 there has been no control of the number of buses that circulate in the AMBA and that since that year the distribution of subsidies has been contemplated with a mobile fleet of 18,300 buses. That is why between the 5 chambers - AAETA, CEAP, CETUBA, CTPBA and CEUTUPBA - and national officials have been discussing the amount owed by the State for the last two months.

The employers insist that the payment for January and February be regularized, which represents 70% of the operators' income, allowing them to pay labor obligations, such as a fixed sum of $250,000 that the drivers should receive this Friday.