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Politics The Government announced that the day will be discounted for state employees who join the strike on May 9 - Infobae

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The Government announced that the day will be discounted for state employees who join the strike on May 9 - Infobae​



May 08, 2024

In advance of the force measure, the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, communicated the official decision and considered that "tomorrow those who want to continue making Argentina a path of servitude will stop."

Adorni announced that the Government will deduct the day from state employees who join the May 9 strike
Within hours of the general strike promoted by the CGT for this May 9, the national government announced that the day will be deducted from state workers who adhere to the measure of force. In any case, he clarified that the discount will only be applied to those who do not attend due to unemployment and not to those who cannot reach their workplaces due to the lack of public transportation.

“It is a strike that has no apparent reason. We remember that line 134 is still open to report extortion. State employees who stop work will have their wages for the day deducted. "Whoever does not go to work and does not carry out his activity does not get paid," warned presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni this morning at the Casa Rosada.

The official also recalled that, as in other demonstrations, "the organizations that participate in the march must face the expenses that this causes."

In this context, the spokesperson reviewed a series of data to highlight the harmful impact of the strike promoted by the CGT: “6,593,000 people tomorrow will not have the essential transportation service available to go to their jobs; 4 million will not be able to travel by bus in the AMBA; 1.5 million will not be able to do it inside; and there are 93 thousand people who will see 703 flights canceled.”

Then, Adorni listed a series of comparative data to reinforce the official critical view of the measure of force: “Since December 10, our Government had two general strikes, two of buses, two of teachers, one of trains, one of aeronautical workers. and more than 100 marches and attempted pickets. While in four years, the government of Alberto Fernández, which ended with 211% inflation, 50% poor and 130 thousand deaths (from COVID-19) under the motto 'The State takes care of you', had 0 strikes."

To round off the issue, the presidential spokesperson went even further back: “Since 1983 (with the return of democracy), 64% of the 44 force measures called by the CGT were against non-Peronist governments, almost two out of every three measures “They were against non-Peronist governments.”

There will be no public transport this Thursday due to the general strike called by the CGT. Photo: EFE/Juan Ignacio Roncoroni
Tomorrow those who want to continue making Argentina a path of servitude will stop , the fundamentalists of backwardness who carry the burden on the backs of the workers. To those who plan to extort Argentines to return to power, this administration informs them that they will only earn the contempt of all those who want and need to go to work tomorrow. Those Argentines whom the Government is going to represent and feel proud that every day they trust in the direction that is being taken.

The general strike promoted by the CGT and both CTA , to which different unions joined, will begin at midnight this Thursday. It is for this reason that buses, trains and subways will undergo modifications in the provision of their services since the force measure begins in protest of the Bases Law, promoted by the administration of President Javier Milei .

In their claim, the unions will emphasize the debate over the Bases Law and the fiscal package . The intention of Javier Milei's administration is to achieve full approval of the laws, prior to May 25. This is the scheduled date for the signing of the “ May Pact ”, announced by the President during the opening of the ordinary sessions.

Recently, from the X account (former Twitter) of the Central Workers of Argentina (CTA) they shared a message on their account ratifying their position of adhering to this Thursday's strike. “For a decent wage and employment with labor rights,” the publication indicates. Likewise, its general secretary, Hugo Yasky, also spoke out on the matter, calling for the measure: “National Strike this Thursday!”