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Politics The Government assures that 38 organizations received six billion pesos and that there are soup kitchens that “do not exist” - Infobae

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The Government assures that 38 organizations received six billion pesos and that there are soup kitchens that “do not exist” - Infobae​



May 23, 2024

The Ministry of Human Capital, headed by Sandra Pettovello, provided to the court the lists of subsidies that the majority of the Peronist picketers received for “food policies.” They ask to investigate the officials who did not control

By Andres Klipphan

The Government advances in the complaint against ghost eateries

The Government of Javier Milei expanded its complaint against the “ghost eaters.” In court he presented the list of subsidies that 38 social organizations received from the Food Policies program . More than six billion pesos went to these entities throughout Alberto Fernández's administration . The most beneficiaries were the social movements that were part of Unión por la Patria. The data is not surprising, the vast majority of the organizations are of Peronist extraction and are grouped in the Popular Economy Workers Union (UTEP). Fernández also decided to administer the former Ministry of Social Development with leaders such as Emilio Pérsico and Daniel Menéndez , leaders of the Evita Movement and Barrios de Pie. They were on both sides of the counter.

They are followed by civil entities and left-wing picketing movements, such as the Polo Obrero led by Eduardo Belliboni. On the map of popular organizations there are no radical or PRO social movements.

The Exel forms include organizations that manage soup kitchens that Capital Humano indicated as “not existing . ” The piquetero leaders affirm that this is false: “ The Government lies . "He wants to destroy us."

The task that judicial investigators have will not be easy. The traceability of the funds received by social organizations such as the MTE and the CTE referenced in Juan Grabois , former Presidential candidate for Unión por la Patria, must follow; the Evita Movement, Barrios de Pie, the Polo Obrero and, among others, the Classist and Combative Current (CCC) led by former deputy Juan Carlos Alderete .

The ranking of the most benefited

Before the prosecutor Ramiro Gonzáles , the legal undersecretary of the Ministry of Human Capital, Leila Gianni , presented a series of forms that reveal each of those turns made from the Food Policies program of the former Social Development portfolio that aim to “ guarantee the security and food sovereignty of the entire Argentine population, with special attention to the sectors in situations of greatest economic and social vulnerability.”

Laura Valeria Alonso , a leader of La Cámpora, was in charge of the Social Inclusion Secretariat. The Food Security and Sovereignty Policies and the National Registry of Community Dining Rooms and Picnic Areas (RENACOM) depended on it .

Alonso maintains that every penny for food that left his area is justified and audited. And that the food that depended on it was acquired through international agreements such as the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), which has a “strict control and audit system.”

La Libertad Avanza officials have asked the prosecutor's office to investigate the officials who did not control the destination of those funds because, remember, an audit revealed that almost half of the dining rooms surveyed "do not exist."

Daniel Arroyo, Juan Zavaleta and Victoria Tolosa Paz, the ministers of the former Social Development portfolio

Daniel Arroyo , Juan Zabaleta and Victoria Tolosa Paz were responsible for the former Ministry of Social Development, current Secretary of Children, Adolescence and Family. Human Capital insists that part of the food was used to “extort” people to attend the marches, to “do politics” or that it was “sold” in local squares and fairs, as reported in the file that instructs the prosecutor Gerardo Pollicita .

Two entities enrolled in the Movement of Excluded Workers (MTE) and the Confederation of Workers of the Popular Economy (CTEP) -predecessor of the UTEP- were the ones that received the most subsidies from the "Food Program".

The Federation of Recycling Cooperatives Limited was benefited with $909,673,504 . The Civil Association “El Amanecer de los Cartoneros” received transfers for $762,076,969 .

In the judicial presentation that Capital Humano's lawyer made before federal prosecutor González, it is stated in the articles of incorporation that "they can act as a dining room/snack bar or mention food assistance."

Among the 1,201 “ghost eateries” reported by the Pettovello portfolio, 17 belonged to these two entities.

Juan Grabois, Emilio Pérsico Juan Grabois, the main social leaders benefiting from subsidies for their organizations
Before the same prosecutor's office, Maximiliano Sosa and Sergio Sánchez , representatives of the Federación de Cooperativas de Reciclado Limitada and the Civil Association el Amanecer de los Cartoneros, presented a list of canteens and picnic areas “in a state of emergency” that they manage.

As this media already reported, these two entities received a total of 2.4 billion pesos during Fernández's administration. This figure includes the food assistance that they had to provide.

The Evita Limited Federation of Work Cooperatives , directly linked to the Evita Movement, led by Emilio Pérsico, received subsidies from the food program for $208,098,504 . That federation is also reported for having registered “non-existent” dining rooms.

In the ratification of the complaint that the legal secretary of Capital Humano made to the prosecutor's office, she stated that in the Frente de Todos Government there was “ a systematic plan to commit acts of corruption against the Argentine people .”

Regarding the 1,201 supposed non-existent canteens and that social organizations continued to receive food for them, official Gianni said: “These canteens, which were in the National Registry of Canteens and Picnic Areas (RENACOM) were represented by social organizations, these being the ones that received dry food or money , as the case may be. Once money or food was received, there was no control by the national State. Regarding whether the soup kitchens that these organizations claimed to represent actually received the food, as provided in this case," said the legal undersecretary and requested to investigate the Government officials for " noncompliance with the duties of a public official" and "fraud on the Public administration ".

As highlighted in the document accessed by this media: The legislation requires that the officials who authorized the release of these essential supplies must have “traceability” , that is, to which canteens they were destined, who was responsible for the establishments. and how many people attended. According to the Human Capital audit, in 92% of cases that did not happen .

Canteens declared as managed by the Polo Obrero Civil Association , led by the left-wing leader Eduardo Belliboni, also appear on the Human Capital forms managed by canteens that no longer exist or never did. A fact that the leader denies.

During the Fernández administration, the Polo Obrero received $49,009,772.

Twelve “non-existent” dining rooms and picnic areas belong to the Federation of Work Cooperatives “René Salamanca-CCC LTDA” and El Fortín de Encarnación . Both organizations belong to the Classist and Combative Current (CCC).

Fortín de Encarnación received subsidies from the food program for $171,838,484.

Sandra Pettovello, left, denounced social organizations for cases of corruption
If we take the subsidies that the two entities that depend on the CCC received for all programs - including food - the value exceeds one billion pesos .

The Caminos de Tiza Civil Association also appears to have non-existent dining rooms. He belongs to the Barrios de Pie organization coordinated by Daniel Menéndez, current official of the Buenos Aires governor Axel Kicillof. It received subsidies from the “Food Policies” program for $57.540720 .

An almost unknown organization, Judith Presente Centro Comunitario Civil Association, benefited from food subsidies for an amount higher than the previous ones, $104,217,976. The community center belongs to Tupac Amaru whose national representative is the Jujuy leader convicted of acts of corruption Milagro Sala .

Despite the fierce defense that social organizations make of their activity and accuse La Libertad Avanza of “mounting a media campaign against popular organizations that fight daily against the hunger that is growing in our country,” Human Capital officials assured before justice that: “It can be observed once again, how these social organizations, raising the flag of social justice, profited from the hunger of the most vulnerable sectors .” And they describe that: “Many of these organizations were recently created cooperatives, without any history, and received authorization through the National Institute of Associativism and Social Economy (INAES)” which was headed by another Evita leader, Alexandre Roig .