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Politics The Government carried out the cancellation of more than 27 thousand social plans: among the beneficiaries were deceased people - Infobae


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The Government carried out the cancellation of more than 27 thousand social plans: among the beneficiaries were deceased people - Infobae


January 29, 2024

The resolution of the Ministry of Human Capital was published in the Official Gazette, which was taken after verifying the data and compliance with the requirements of all the holders of Empower Work and Empower Employment. The total amount exceeds 2,000 million pesos

The Polo Obrero and social movements demonstrate in Plaza de Mayo (File image)

The national government finally carried out the cancellation of more than 27,000 social plans that had been announced on January 20. Those involved are beneficiaries of the Empower Work and Empower Employment programs that registered incompatibilities with the requirements imposed to receive assistance.

After verifying the data and compliance with the requirements of all holders, “ 27,208 Enhance Work plans and 12 Enhance Employment plans were detected with incompatibilities for which payment was immediately suspended, thus avoiding the incorrect disbursement of 2,000 million pesos of the national state ,” stated the body headed by Sandra Pettovello.
Among the incompatibilities detected - according to official sources - were found, after the crossing of information between Anses and the National Tax and Social Identification System (SINTyS), cases of people who received “retirement or pension benefits, unemployment benefits, monotributistas category C or higher, self-employed workers, deceased or owners of a car less than 10 years old.”

The announcement of the current withdrawal of the 27,220 beneficiaries is added to the announcement made by the Government of another much larger group of people who receive the Empower Work even though they traveled abroad on yachts, private planes, airlines and cars, among other means. of transportation and at the same time they collected the social plan. So far, this last drop has not been made effective , but the announcement is imminent.

Manuel Adorni said that the cancellation of 160 thousand social plans of beneficiaries who traveled abroad is already underway

The government of Javier Milei was, since Monday, January 8, authorized to make a delayed decision that has been carried over from the previous administration: the preventive suspension of the almost 160 thousand social plans intended for beneficiaries of extreme social vulnerability but that are charged by people who traveled abroad. That cut involved about 12 billion pesos per month .

Therefore, on Tuesday the 16th, the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, assured that the data is being finalized and that " at any time the deregistration will become effective ." The case began with the investigation carried out by prosecutor Guillermo Marijuan . “This assistance plan is not compatible and consequently cannot be received by those individuals who are financially able to travel outside the country. It is understood that those who traveled, at least on a recurring basis and through expensive means of transportation such as airplanes and cruise ships, would not require any state containment,” the prosecutor added.

After cross-checking the database of the then Ministry of Social Development and Migration, it was confirmed that beneficiaries of this social plan left the country: 817 people who traveled on cruise ships, 29,076 by plane, 83,974 on boats, 199,977 on buses, 349,835 individually by car, and the remaining 149,227 with means of transportation that were not specified. By air, 20,832 plan beneficiaries traveled from the Ezeiza International Airport, 6,595 from the Jorge Newbery Airport and the remaining 1,649 from other national airports.

The prosecutor of the Social Security unit, Guillermo Marijuan (NA/Mariano Sánchez)
All that detailed research that was released more than two months ago and that involves 1 in 10 subsidies, had until now had no results.

The names of the beneficiaries were in databases that were kept on magnetic media by both federal court No. 11, temporarily in charge of Marcelo Martínez De Giorgi , and the Fiscal Unit for the Investigation of Crimes related to Social Security. Marijuan, and the National Tax and Social Identification System (SINTyS). They are the result of the intertwining of the beneficiaries of the Enhance Work with Migrations .
dead people getting benefits...lovely. reminds me of a story an old cop told me in Arizona about a guy keeping his naturally-deceased mother frozen in a chest freezer for 10 years to get the monthly paychecks. he killed himself eventually, and when they were investigating his suicide, they found something that wasn't quite the animal/hunting meat they thought it was. dude would have never gotten caught, probably.