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Politics The Government considers that the conflict with Spain does not affect diplomatic negotiations with the European Union - Infobae

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The Government considers that the conflict with Spain does not affect diplomatic negotiations with the European Union - Infobae​



May 21, 2024

The regional bloc is the third investor in Argentina and in Brussels - headquarters of the EU - they are detaching themselves from the tension between Milei and Pedro Sánchez. What are the topics of interest to Europeans. On June 6 and July 1 there will be a meeting in Buenos Aires of the mixed commission

By Robertino Sánchez Flecha

The Government considers that the conflict with Spain does not affect diplomatic negotiations with the European Union

The tension between Javier Milei , president of Argentina, and Pedro Sánchez , head of the government of Spain, continues to escalate . However, the European Union , a regional bloc of which Madrid is part, detaches itself from the conflict and preserves the commercial and diplomatic link with Buenos Aires.

Although Josep Borrell , high representative of Foreign Affairs of the European Union, came out to the Milei crossing and in defense of Spain, the European Union remains on the sidelines and seeks to “ not mix ” a conflict “between two presidents.” In his statement, the EU Chancellor said: “Political freedom, prosperity, social cohesion based on fiscal redistribution and respect in public debate are pillars of the EU.” Furthermore, the diplomat noted that “attacks against relatives of political leaders have no place in our culture : we condemn and reject them, especially when they come from partners.”

Borrell is a Spanish diplomat with socialist roots who became the representative of Brussels' foreign policy. Upon learning of Milei's statements against Begoña Gómez , Pedro Sánchez's wife, and about socialism, the European Union official sought to temper the conflict. “It was an outburst by the Argentine president, but it is an issue between Argentina and Spain. The European Union as a bloc does not condition the link with Buenos Aires,” explained sources from the regional organization in dialogue with Infobae .

Diana Mondino, Foreign Minister of Argentina, at a meeting in Brussels, headquarters of the European Union, in early May
When asked by this media, Amador Sánchez Rico , ambassador of the EU delegation in Argentina, opted for diplomatic caution and avoided making statements. The only statement from an authority of the bloc was that of Borrell. Those who did refer to the issue were some MEPs, such as the Spanish Iratxe García , president of the social democratic coalition of the European Parliament. “ Insulting and spitting hate at our President is a totally unacceptable attack . Crossing the limits by endangering our Democracy deserves a firm and forceful response ,” considered the leader.

The relationship with the European Union​

Meanwhile, the Argentine Government ruled out that the tension with Spain would affect the relationship with the European Union. Diana Mondino , Argentina's Foreign Minister, was in Europe 10 days ago with official meetings in Brussels, headquarters of NATO and the European Union, as well as in Paris, where the OECD resides.

The procedures to enter OECD and NATO involve no less than three years. In the case of joining the defensive alliance, it requires the consensus of all its members. Spain is one of them. And the European Union in general controls this international organization together with the United States. At the San Martín Palace they know that the diplomatic tension with Spain implies a difficulty in these negotiations, although they assess that the crossing between Milei and Sánchez will not bog down the negotiations.

Diana Mondino with Josep Borrell, Foreign Minister of the European Union, in Brussels

Proof of Brussels' interest in maintaining the link with Buenos Aires is that on June 6, preparation will be made for the meeting of the European Union-Argentina Joint Commission . The summit will take place on July 1. Bi-regional topics of interest will be discussed. One of them is the EU Mercosur Agreement, a topic of which Josep Borrel is a “ fanatic ”, as they told this media in the Casa Rosada.

Green hydrogen, lithium, and Argentine gas are some of the topics of interest to Europeans. In addition, the investments of multiple actors and businessmen from EU countries who look with attraction to Argentina. As this media learned, the meeting of the Joint Commission will be held at the San Martín Palace . The presence of senior representatives of the EU, as well as member countries, is expected.

Meanwhile, the conflict with Argentina and Spain persists. The EU has not yet interceded directly and is not considering doing so at the moment. This morning, the Foreign Minister of Spain, Juan Manuel Albares, confirmed that the withdrawal of the Spanish ambassador from Buenos Aires will be “permanent . ” It was after Milei's journalistic statements, in which she assured that she will not apologize to Sánchez. Not only that, but he redoubled the attack.

In the intimacy of the palace, the Government reveals that the Spanish president uses the conflict with the leader of La Libertad Avanza to position his country's parliamentarians days before the European Parliament elections . Liberal and right-wing parties aspire to make an election that will allow them to add political volume in the sovereign body of the European Union.