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Politics The Government decided to eliminate the Potenciar Trabajo and will take control of the social plans away from the picketers - Infobae


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The Government decided to eliminate the Potenciar Trabajo and will take control of the social plans away from the picketers - Infobae



February 28, 2024

The measure was defined through a decree signed by President Javier Milei. What will happen to the beneficiaries of the current program

The Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello

The Government decided to eliminate the Potenciar Trabajo program and create two other new plans to continue with the assistance provided, but remove intermediaries from the process, such as social movements and municipalities, which currently demand an investment of about 34 million dollars per year. anus .

The measure was confirmed through a decree published in the Official Gazette and bearing the signatures of the president, Javier Milei , and the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello , although the details will be known in a Resolution that will be in the following days .

In effect, through Decree 198/2024 , the Executive Branch determined: “The LABOR INCLUSION PROGRAM - created by article 1 of Decree No. 565/23 - is replaced by the RETURN TO WORK PROGRAM, which will operate in the area of the SECRETARIAT OF LABOR, EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL SECURITY of the MINISTRY OF HUMAN CAPITAL, and will have the purpose of developing and consolidating a level of socio-labor competencies for its beneficiaries that allows them to achieve a level of real initial employability and improve their opportunities for job insertion through of their participation in job training activities, training practices in work environments and assistance in the development of individual or associative productive ventures.”

And he announced: “The SOCIAL SUPPORT PROGRAM will be created within the scope of the NATIONAL SECRETARIAT OF CHILDREN, ADOLESCENCE AND FAMILY of the MINISTRY OF HUMAN CAPITAL, which will have the purpose of promoting social inclusion and improving the living conditions of households with greater degree of exclusion and social vulnerability, aiming to strengthen their family nucleus and the community where they live.”

In turn, it was clarified that the Empower Work “will remain in force until the Human Capital portfolio “completes the transfer and distribution of all its holders to the Return to Work Program or the Social Accompaniment Program.”

As Infobae learned , the national authorities decided to end the Empower Work, considering that it was “poorly designed” and that during the time it was in force it did not meet the objectives for which it was created.

In fact, according to a survey carried out by the portfolio led by Petovello, of the approximately 1.4 million people who are registered in this program, only 1.3% end up getting a job , so the majority of exits of beneficiaries are due to their incompatibilities with assistance (travel abroad or a registered salary, for example), or retirement or death.

In this sense, the new officials considered that there are already other initiatives in the State that are more effective, so, after a few months of analysis, they decided to eliminate the Empower Work and replace it with two new plans.

“Return to Work” will depend on the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security, headed by Omar Yasin , while the other, called “Social Accompaniment” , will be assistance managed by the Ministry of Children and Family, which is in the hands by Pablo de la Torre .

The Secretary of Labor, Omar Yasin (Maximiliano Luna)

In this regard, official sources specified to this medium that the intention is to segment the current beneficiaries of Empower Work into two categories, those who have a greater probability of obtaining a job in the short term and those who find themselves in a more complicated situation.

The first group consists of around one million people who meet certain basic age and training requirements, who will be transferred to the “Back to Work” program, with some improvements compared to their situation at the moment.

Firstly, for those who receive this aid from the State, it will no longer be incompatible to have a blank salary , but rather they will be able to earn up to three minimum salaries and continue receiving assistance, in principle, for up to two years.

This decision was made because the Ministry believes that the restrictions that exist discourage the beneficiary from entering the labor market, opting in many cases to reject a position in the private sector so as not to lose the plan.

Additionally, once they enter the new program, they will no longer be required to perform specific tasks , such as painting or sweeping in public spaces, but will only be required to complete different training courses. As anticipated, this administration plans to focus on training.

In this regard, the national authorities emphasize that, in this way, the Government will dispense with the so-called management units , which are different types of organizations that are responsible for controlling that the beneficiaries of the plans comply with the compensation.

The Government seeks to remove social organizations and other entities from the delivery of plans
These entities, which number about 400 and can range from NGOs to social movements and municipalities , demand an investment of about 34 million dollars a year to verify the presence of people who receive state assistance in their assigned tasks.

Although there will continue to be some face-to-face training, in principle the Human Capital portfolio intends that the record of those who attend will be kept by the officials of the areas in which they will be developed. For example, if a beneficiary takes an electrician course at the Ministry of Defense, the sector's own employees will certify the work.

To the remaining 400,000 people from Empower Work who will not be referred to this new program, the Secretariat of Children and Family will provide them with monthly aid until they are hired, whether in the public or private sphere. In this case, the incompatibility of collecting a salary and the plan at the same time is maintained.

For the Government, this assistance is only temporary and for those individuals who are in a more vulnerable situation, either because they are older or because they have fewer possibilities of entering the formal market.

This segment includes those over 50 years of age, mothers with more than four children, and older adults who face challenges related to health, loneliness, and financial security.

This group, in addition to the monetary issue, will also access food aid "to ensure adequate nutrition", which will also be attempted directly and without intermediaries in the process, to try to reduce the expenses required by the measure. .

The Ministry allocates about 1.5 billion pesos to finance cards to buy food or go to feeders, and another 40 billion to purchase dry food to distribute among vulnerable families. While this budget will remain as is, the goal is for assistance to be delivered directly to those in need.

My friend told me that these social organizations were getting the funds and then forcing some people to go to protest against the government or they wouldn't give them the payments. This seems like a good move. It sounds like the money is still there but the government will dole it out to the people directly.