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Politics The Government decided to resign articles of the Omnibus Law in search of opposition votes to approve it - Infobae


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The Government decided to resign articles of the Omnibus Law in search of opposition votes to approve it - Infobae


January 11, 2024

Formal negotiation and concrete changes are lacking, but the ruling party was forced to leave important points of the project behind. In Congress they ask for interlocutors validated by Milei.

By Joaquín Múgica Díaz

The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, took from Congress the rejection of the electoral reform (Photos: Maximiliano Luna)

Reality is killing the story. On the second day of the treatment of the Omnibus Law in the Chamber of Deputies, the national government had to leave the electoral reform that it wanted to carry out on the road . The entire opposition marked its dissidence with the project that contains the elimination of the PASO, the implementation of the Single Ballot and the change in the voting system.

Germán Martínez (UP), Silvia Lospennato (PRO), Soledad Carrizo (UCR) and Margarita Stolbizer (We Make the Federal Coalition) expressed, under the watchful eye of the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, that they did not share the reform or the moment in which you want to discuss, taking into account that they are extraordinary sessions. It was a massive rejection that had no prior coordination.
The national official, who is part of Javier Milei's political table, was exposed during his participation in the General Legislation commission. He arrived at Annex C to explain the foundations of the political reform, received questioning from most of the legislators and began arguing loudly with the deputy of Unión por la Patria Leandro Santoro.

“What happened with Francos exposes the lack of links between the Casa Rosada and Congress. Clearly he did not know that he was going to encounter this scenario. “No one warned him that what he was coming to present did not have any type of endorsement,” reasoned a Peronist legislator. A PRO representative had the same view, who also considered that the rejection of the electoral changes is a clear signal for the Government to assume that it has to negotiate several sensitive articles of the law.

Wednesday was another day full of intersections and chicanes between the ruling party and the opposition

“If they negotiate well and seek consensus, they can pass an acceptable law, with the support of Congress, and which will help them launch a stabilization plan.< /span> If they don't do it like this, they will hit their heads against the wall. Let's hope they realize it. We have already given clear signs that we want to accompany,” said an influential PRO legislator. The block led by Cristian Ritondo has been showing signs that it is necessary for an interlocutor to appear to allow progress in the changes.

In the We Make Federal Coalition bloc, which contains 23 deputies and will play a key role in the approval of the law, they ask to discuss the number of companies that the Government wants to privatize, the terms of the money laundering proposed by the project and the deadlines for the delegation of powers. A position similar to that of the UCR bloc, the other important space to obtain the necessary votes. In both terminals they complain about the absence of proper names that have the fine line of what the Government is willing to negotiate.

Regarding electoral reforms, the ruling party did not do well in the Senate either, where the implementation of the Single Paper Ballot was discussed. The office that endorses the project approved in the Deputies does not have, for now, the 37 votes necessary for a special majority and the session does not yet have a date. It was not a good day for the ruling party, which suffered from a lack of weight in both chambers of Congress.

On Tuesday the Secretary of Energy, Eduardo Rodríguez Chirillo, confirmed that the Government, after several suggestions, is willing to modify the deadlines of the public emergency that appears in article 3 of the law and that extends the declaration in economic, financial, fiscal, pension, security, defense, tariff, energy, health, administrative and social matters until December 31, 2025.

José Luis Espert had strong disagreements with deputies from Unión por la Patria, especially with former chancellor Santiago Cafiero

The delegation of powers, as it is, does not pass the filter of the opposition blocs, which is why the ruling party sees the need to reform or eliminate that point. The same thing happened with article 331, which prohibited the meeting of more than three people and which had received criticism from across the political spectrum. Yesterday afternoon, at the beginning of his presentation, the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, dismissed him to prevent the controversy from escalating.

“It led to confusion and we decided to remove it instead of modifying it,” explained the official in a day full of warnings, hidden threats and cross-questions between the ruling party and the opposition. Bullrich defended the changes in his matter but was insistent on the need for the law to be approved in order to generate a strong change in the rules of the game in Argentina.

The Government has already left behind the first draft of the articles linked to the limits of fishing activity in the Argentine Sea, the unloading in Argentine ports, the generation of local employment, the maintenance of the Exclusive Zone and the competition for fishing quotas with foreign companies. Changes that were made due to pressure from the Patagonian governors, led by the president of Chubut, Ignacio Torres. Every day articles fall by the wayside or editorial changes are agreed upon. The opposition pushes the Government from behind due to the lack of clarity about the limits of the official political decision.

“This is the time when you must have pragmatism and start making changes. There is missing someone with a pen in hand”, explained one of the legislators from Miguel Pichetto's bloc. In the dialogue opposition they warn that hours are passing and there are no important names with a mandate to negotiate the modifications.

In some blocks they believe that next week the Government will open the game as a result of the changes it accepted. Pressure and opposition dissidence marked the path that the ruling party resisted since the law was sent to Congress. The idea of not modifying the law that was repeatedly raised by the President and his spokesperson is part of the past. Negotiation or nothing. The Government seems to be understanding this by force.

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